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RAPTOR! Romulan AT-ST Robot...Finished!

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Romulan RAPTOR Robot!

The Raptor is an All Terrain-Scout Transport Romulan Robot.
The new head for the Raptor is the Front End from the Romulan Warbird. I had this part and 2 Great Engines left over, after I built the X-15 Stingray and the Futuray Models.
Most of the other parts are from a "Built-Up" AT-ST I got from Ebay...


The AT-St was not painted and it was built very well. I re-glued a couple joints and the body section was looking good.


Fortunately, the old head came off easily!


More Coming... B)

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Here is the front end of the AMT Romulan Warbird Spaceship. Looks like a Robot Head to me...


I am using Strong Magnets, from a Crafts Store, to hold the Head on the Body. I ground-out an area to glue the Magnet to. This set up will hold the Head in place and allow me to position it how ever I want.


Here is the Magnet in place.
I have also cut away part of the back of the Head, for a better shape.


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I'm adding 2 Star Wars, X-Wing Engines to the Raptor! I marked 2 holes for the Engines using templates.


I cut down the length of the Engines to fit in far enough...


Here is a Engine Test Fit. I think they will work just fine!


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I cut the Wing Ends from a small jet plane model and added the bomb shapes on the Wing Ends. I glued the Wings in place with Zap-A-Gap, Green Label CA Glue.


I took these Cannons from the Original AT-ST Head. They look like they might work well here...


Oh Yeah, they fit in there Just Right!


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I decided to add a Head Fin to the Raptor.
I stared by tracing the shape of the Head on a Jet Fighter's Tail Fin...


Next I did a rough cut with a Razor Saw.


Then I used a X-Acto Knife and trimmed the Fin to fit the Head. After I got a good fit I sanded the Fins Base Flat and sanded down the edges sharp. I glued the Fin in place with Zap-A-Gap.


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I decided to cut off this part of the Head.


I removed it with a Cut-Off Wheel in a Dremel Tool. Then I sanded it smooth with a Sanding Board and cut out the hole so it was symmetric.


Next I cut a piece of plastic to fill the hole. First I bent the plastic piece to match the curve of the head and then glued it in place...


More Coming... B)

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Ira, your creativity never ceases to amaze me. I think I will eat some sardines with chocolate milk before I go to bed and see If I can dream up some stuff as cool as yours.

I don't know about sardines, but I think the best way to come up with new designs is to spend a lot of time researching Sci Fi & Automotive Subjects, and Build a lot of Models... B)

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