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1955 Renault 4 CV

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I just love when a plan comes together. Over the last couple years, me and painting just do not seem to get along. So I have this bottle of Cobra Colors paint that looks just about perfect for what I want in the bottle, of course, my own darn fault for not spraying a test piece, but on this little car to my eye there is now way too much metallic. I let it set over 24hr and come back, and it does not look too bad, passable for a quick out of the box build, so I go to shoot on some Cobra Colors clear. Now, the clear has lost some of it's pre-mixed thinner over time, so I add a touch more, and immediately I am spraying spider webs. ARGH! Now, I am only shooting around 10-12 PSI. SO I thin it up some more, and get it to where I can spray. Moving along OK, then Spatter. Crud build up in the tip sends a spit. Well, it is clear, and I think it will polish out OK, but this little bugger will be tough to get to all the areas. Here is where I am this morning.


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Hooray for something different! But I must say, I wish you wouldn't go for a quick build, and do all the extra detailing that makes this something extraordinary. From what I can see, though, that's really what you're doing, so I don't think "quick build" applies.

Edited by sjordan2
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Not sure what happened to my other response, but...

This has been a really fun build, and when I mean by quick is not taking me months, but several sessions at the bench spread out over 2-3 weeks. I will likely build this one again, and detail wire the engine etc. This one tho is being built for an Out of Box catagory at the upcoming Desert Scale Classic.

Overall the kit builds up really nice. VERY little flash, and due to good design very few seams that need much attention, but there is a severe one on the upper left/rear fender, but that may be a one off issue. SO, I may build another one of these at some point, and really do it up.





Edited by Modelbuilder Mark
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This is cool. I love unusual subjects like this. Very nice work so far. Is this a Tamiya kit?

Thanks again everyone.

Lee, this is a Heller Kit, the 4 CV "Sport". The reason I point out the Sport, is I know there are two different kits out there, one I see on Ebay for around $20 to $25, The other around $39, but I got this one in a trade without the box, so I am not sure which one I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SO, I may build another one of these at some point, and really do it up.

Check out Andy Southard's Custom Cars of the 1950s photo book - on page 62 there's a shot of a Renault 4CV like this one, black with a full scallop job in red and silver topped off with wide whites, Olds Fiestas and... side pipes??? :huh: Might be something to try with the next one.

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Great build so far! Funny thing is that I was looking at these on eBay this morning. I started out looking for a Dauphine kit, or at least a body, because I have a kit that the body disappeared in my mess many (as in more than 10) years ago. I have no idea where it went. Anyway, I was checking the Heller kits out of these. They were the work horses of that era. Pre war Saigon was full of them tooling around as taxis! I do have that PD version, but I did want to build a Saigon taxi!

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Thanks Charlie and Tom. I had some paint problems with the rims, and really that is all that is left. I have had them in the purple pond, and over cleaner, nothing..so today, trying brake fluid.

Yeah TOm, I have seen these things in all sorts of roles, including police and race cars. Here are a few that I came across


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I agree Mark! I like all kinds of vehicles and have expanded my horizons due to my exposure to different things I see in this hobby and on the boards. I do like the unusual and like to replicate old history.


The Saigon taxis were everywhere like gnats! They were in nearly every photo I found. With Viet Nam having a relationship with France in that era, many of the vehicles there were French. There were also a lot of US cars, back in the day when we exported cars worldwide. I would suspect that the Falcon in this photo was US military since I saw a couple of them across the photos. I just missed the tail end of the war and the draft. I was probably the first year that didn't have to register. But my father was a US Army officer and was in Viet Nam in 1962 in an advisory role prior to the war heating up. He was an avid photographer and took everything on slides. I just got 4 of those Kodak rotary slide carrousels at Good Will for $2 each, so I'm hoping to dig into his old archives.

I think it would be cool to build a Saigon taxi. It would be neat to put it out on a show display table and see how many guys remember it from their tour there.

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