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Model Cars Magazine Forum

Bob Downie's 2015 'Stang

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Bob could easily have posted pix of his build here, in "Under Glass," and then Derrick could have easily commented on his impression of Bob's build. There would easily have been no reason to even mention SA(no E) here.

No need to poke the beehive to taste honey.

And, yeah. Just try the opposite over there!

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So do you all think that the other place would be happy if he posted pictures of the model here before the Mag came out for us to buy?

That is common courtesy to not put it on here for awhile also.

Bob That is a great looking Mustang .

  1. Probably not. But, I'm pretty certain there are a lot of things that happen here that the other place wouldn't be happy about. It happens.
  2. "Common courtesy" is exactly right. Works both ways in this discussion. I'm not busting on Derrick, but 'common courtesy' would have precluded the whole thing.
  3. It is a great looking Mustang. No debate about that!
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I have had a tangle or two about what can or cannot be discussed on this forum. However MCM and the Administrators have every right to ask for and expect common courtesy from it's forum users. Expecting the forum users not to promote (directly or indirectly) a competing magazine/forum is not too much to ask.

Oh and by the way your build is killer Bob.

Edited by afx
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SA does not approve of this kind of post over on their side, we shouldn't either and while I know the post was not meant to be disrespectful, SA is one thing and MCM is another. I know how touchy JH is about this, Harry has all the right to feel the same. Derrick, this is just my opinion, nothing against you my friend. By the way, the model is absolutely gorgeous, I got to see it at the NNL East and it's no surprise to see another great model from this talented builder!

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Killer model Bob! Harry your the only one upset! Get over yourself! Take a deep breath Gregg is a bigger man than you are and he has thicker skin. Check your Ego. Now give Bob a chance to reply and tell us about his build.

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Okay fine. A beautiful piece of work by Bob Downie, as usual. But I've got to say that one thing that sets this forum apart from Scale Auto -- and here's where I depart from my esteemed friend Harry P. -- is that NOBODY ON THIS SITE CARES about the magazine/forum competition, (although the SAM guys apparently do, but that's their deal). There have been many times when I posted a link from here to that site and others, and nobody carped. What's wrong with a totally open conversation? Don't we all share the same interests? And many of us are members of both forums. Leave it up to the members to decide what magazine they want to pay money to, either or both.

Actually, there have been many times when I posted links from there to MCM and other model car sites, using a bit.ly link that disguises the URL so Jim Haught and his editors don't get in a snit. But SAM forum moderation has been almost nonexistent for a long time. Just my observation.

Nonetheless, I think that although I've made critical comparisons here, I hope no one will use this forum to slam the other guys. They do what they do, and we do what we do. No need to be like them. Let it rest.


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Harry is right on this issue from a business standpoint. Personally, I try to post my builds on all of the major sites, but it seems that I get the most comments here. I am also happy that Bob posted that esquitite model here too.


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Harry is right on this issue from a business standpoint. Personally, I try to post my builds on all of the major sites, but it seems that I get the most comments here. I am also happy that Bob posted that esquitite model here too.

What most consumers want is authenticity. I don't see that in self-serving arguments that challenge the competition by employing their own practices, suggesting we should behave as the competition does, instead of as who we are. Is that good business?

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It's incredible what people can get their panties twisted over these days. Coexistence is necessary, competition is necessary. Friendly competition is better than whining about someone mentioning another magazine's name.

What do you think would happen if both forums freely promoted each other? Do you think they would both implode, or would both flourish, with more members? Instead, we get scolded for the mere mention of them. This is the best way to divide users and drive some of them away. It's not bad business to mention the competition or even throw them a bone once in a while, it's bad business to censor posts and whine about them.

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It's incredible what people can get their panties twisted over these days. Coexistence is necessary, competition is necessary. Friendly competition is better than whining about someone mentioning another magazine's name.

What do you think would happen if both forums freely promoted each other? Do you think they would both implode, or would both flourish, with more members? Instead, we get scolded for the mere mention of them. This is the best way to divide users and drive some of them away. It's not bad business to mention the competition or even throw them a bone once in a while, it's bad business to censor posts and whine about them.

A couple of points here.

First, nobody was whining. I was stating my opinion. Just as you just did. Were you "whining" too?

Second, nobody's posts here were censored. Whether people agreed with my point of view or they disagreed, all the comments are posted right here for you to read. Nothing was censored. So right off the bat, you're comments are misguided on that point.

Third. Here's a little experiment you might want to try. Assuming you have an account "over there," just for the sake of enlightening yourself, post up a topic raving about Marcos Cruz's Cuda in the current issue of MCM. Or for that matter, any feature in the current issue of MCM, it has nothing to do with Marcos. Any feature in the current MCM. And be sure to mention MCM. Go ahead. Try it. And then watch and see how long it takes for your post to get deleted.

Then get back to me and tell me who's getting their panties in a twist.


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You're getting your panties in a twist, right now, in this thread.

I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk, but the guy made a thread to share a nice build and the first thing that was posted was whining about the mention of the other mag. it's absurd. The hobby is small enough and divided enough already, this kind of stuff doesn't help. I know it is a privilege to be on this forum and participate, and for the most part I have followed the rules, but this one kind of bothered me. I'll leave it at that.

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I thought about locking this a long time ago. But no forum rules have been broken. Everyone is just stating their opinions, and that's fine. No reason to lock this as long as we all play by the rules... and so far everyone has.

I do think the point has been made, both my opinion and the opposing point of view. But as long as the debate remains civil, everyone is free to add their thoughts. That's how we operate here.

BTW Marty... speaking of forum rules, posting your full name is one of them.

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