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New Revell 1/25 2013 Camaro ZL-1 (pre-painted)

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>If Revell, or any other company that produced pre-painted kits, were to offer PERFECTLY FINISHED bodies

let me just butt in here to say whats been said before but evidently some amongst us are reading challenged: NO ONE IS ASKING FOR "perfectly finished" BODIES. NO ONE. they are asking for bodies that don't have paint running down the side of them like they were done by a 10 year old. THATS what people are asking for. and I do not see a problem with that. I also see NO REASON for those parting lines...if they wanted a quality product they could have tooled it without those being so obvious and I bet it would not have cost one red cent more.

its just either a totally failed attempt at appealing to actual modellers, or those things are just aimed at kids (and uncle scott, apparently). either way I don't think I have ever seen a prepainted model with a paint job I would keep. whoever picks the colors in most cases is design challenged and typically they have such garish "graphics" that any car that looked like that would get laughed at or worse in my neighborhood.


Any body made with multi-piece sliding molds is going to have mold lines, that's inevitable. These are as fine as any Japanese kit I've seen, much finer that typical Revell kits.

As for the graphics and colors in these, I don't know which kits you're thinking of with garish graphics, but these are factory stock colors and graphics, so blame Detroit if you don't like them.

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I'll bring in my Aoshima prepainted kits. There are no mold lines. Shiny and smooth paint. And everything is in register, all the trims are done. With seperate decals.

Why again can't revell manage better than knock off quality with any of their products?

Edited by blubaja
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I'll bring in my Aoshima prepainted kits. There are no mold lines. Shiny and smooth paint. And everything is in register, all the trims are done. With seperate decals.

Why again can't revell manage better than knock off quality with any of their products?

You couldn't compliment Aoshima without taking a cheap shot at and bashing Revell?

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It is a comparison of two prepainted kits can be. One of the companies cares more about quality.

In your opinion, perhaps.

My point is just that you could say something nice about Aoshima, in your opinion, without taking a pot shot at another company.

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Well, that fine finish might be why Aoshima kits are quite a bit more than Revell kit. Revell pre painted kits are quick builds and aimed at younger builders. Aoshima are almost shake and bake type kits for the older set.

Prices reflect the current exchange rate , but as you can see, you are not really paying that much more for their pre painted kits as you would for a Revell full detail glue kit.

To be 100% fair, I did build one of the Pre Painted Toyota Crown Japan Patrol car kits, and it did have mold and seems lines.

The last few pre painted kits from Aoshima were, these are just a few

2012 Nissan GTR R35 full detail w/engine $28

Nissan Silvia S13 $30

Not yet released Toyota 86 not sure if it will have the engine $27

Toyota Crown Japan Police kits , no engine, but has working suspension $28

Nissan R34 GTR simple kit $26

Lancer Evo X no engine, but nicely detailed $26

Edited by martinfan5
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YOU might not but making a blanket statement like that is not true. I and several other modelers I can name off just on this site alone in fact DO clean up parting lines. It is the first thing I do.

So I take it you had the chicken pox on reading comprehension day or something? I said nobody removes mold lines in the context of no pre-painted kits come with mold lines removed. The WRX STi kits have very faint mold lines that depending on how thick the pre-paint is might be muted, but I bet show up under very close inspection. Aoshima's mold lines tend to be more prominent the older the base tooling is, just like anyone else.

But of COURSE most people remove their own mold lines, that's what makes the lack of decals in these kits so frustrating.

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In your opinion, perhaps.

My point is just that you could say something nice about Aoshima, in your opinion, without taking a pot shot at another company.

My opinion doesn't change the kits' finishes. Realistically, one is better than the other. I was comparing the quality of one kit to another. Specifically, the Aoshima to Revell. IF the Revell was any better, I would have said so. But it is of poor quality finish. There are many other options in a similar price range, with much better quality of Revell's. But once again, the Revell soothsayers can't have their feelings hurt.

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But once again, the Revell soothsayers can't have their feelings hurt.

If you are referring to me, and I assume you are, since you are 'quoting' my post, rest assured, my feelings are not 'hurt.'

You are not capable of hurting my feelings.

And, no matter how much you try to bait me . . . and others . . . it won't work with me.

PS: You should at least try to use only words you understand.

sooth·say·er noun \-ˌsā-ər, -ˌser\

: someone who makes predictions about what is going to happen in the future

Full Definition of SOOTHSAYER
: a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive, or more rational means
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>Then strip it and paint it yourself. Simple.

yep simple. I have a better word for it: stupid. I for one am not spending money on a prepainted kit to have to go through the extra work of stripping it. and of course removing mold lines requires that the car be stripped and repainted. this junk is just that: junk for kids. let it go.


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Then don't buy it, but if you do, don't expect a custom paint job out the box and then cry when it looks like one of Earl Sheib's flunky painted it! Stupid is buying it and expecting something great! Especially something aimed at kids who don't care and will most likely throw it back in the box after they mess it up. Then you can buy it for a $1 at their parents yard sale!


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Some of you have brought up the point that this prepainted kit can be made to look decent if you strip the paint, smooth the mold seam lines, and repaint.

Oh, the irony! :lol:

Not to mention no decals are included. It kind of defeats the purpose of a prepaint if they have to be stripped and repainted.

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