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how would you make these turn-sigmal pods? 8/20/Here's the 3D printed part!!

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I have a resin Triumph TR4A build going that needs the turn signal pods made from scratch and has put a halt to the build until I come up with a way to make these, which are significent to a TR4A. My thoughts are to create them with plastic sheet and rod, but I would greatly appreciate some thoughts from the great builders here.


Here are some good photos of the unit ..













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On really small things, I cut, file and sand the shape on the end of a piece of sprue. When done, simply cut it off like you would a regular part from a sprue tree. That's how I make my battery cable ends.

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Can you find some solder the right diameter for the round bit at the front? Then roll the bit behind so that it flattens and flares out. Cut the outside edge to shape, and scribe the lines on it. Then add the turn indicator and sidelights from clear sprue.



OH! I never considered solder ... it would bend to the fender shape easily too as seen in the top down view. Got my motor working on this method.

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  • 1 year later...

It's almost two years since I asked about this and it is now my holdup building the TR4A. It scales to only three eights of an inch long and even using basic building block shapes seems too small for me. I'm thinking of just the triangular shape of thin styrene with a round on it. It will bend to the fender curve and some "microscopic" clear for lenses. ack ... just typing that makes me see how small that is ... I'm stymied in this one.


Any other ideas?

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How about talking to Joseph @ Fireball Modelworks? He could create the 3D rendering and print out a set on his 3D printer.

Now, THAT would be the best possible solution!

The trouble is, I'd be the only customer available for Joseph. This is not exactly a best selling kit. :lol:  Just the modeling of it is a big job ... I've done 3D modeling and know what it takes.

Now that I think of it, maybe I should do the 3D model and have it printed ... hmmmm ... THIS might be the solution!  I don't have dimensions but the large photos I have of one could get me close to that. ... hmmmm ...

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Mike, that's what I was thinking--------but Mike beat me to it! :D

Short of scratchbuiiding those yourself out of plastic sprue, that's the only other answer I can think of as I can't think of any object out there that comes close. Those are pretty unique, and not something that's on any other kit you could swipe. 

At least with 3D printing, you could get the fine detail such as that ribbing I see right behind the amber turn signal lens. Hard to duplicate that with a DIY endeavor.

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Mike, that's what I was thinking--------but Mike beat me to it! :D

Short of scratchbuiiding those yourself out of plastic sprue, that's the only other answer I can think of as I can't think of any object out there that comes close. Those are pretty unique, and not something that's on any other kit you could swipe. 

At least with 3D printing, you could get the fine detail such as that ribbing I see right behind the amber turn signal lens. Hard to duplicate that with a DIY endeavor.

I'm even more convinced I answered my own question, Bill!!  :lol:

NOW we're talking!  I went to a site with  Max now and it it just right.

Now I have to get it in a form good for 3d  printing and see about getting it printed at Shapeways. woot! :D


Thanks to everyone that gave suggestions .. you all led me to this, and looking like success!

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Looking at the mesh, I just have to add faces to close off the back with faces to make a closed (solid) object. It's been awhile since doing any 3D but that was an easy operation. Then scale to 1'24 size and try to upload to Shapways and see what they will charge in their finest material ... ultra frost I think it is.

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It's almost two years since I asked about this and it is now my holdup building the TR4A.


Any other ideas?

Yes. I would drive on and build the rest of the model, and then worry about those little lights later, if the mood ever struck me again. It's not like these are something you HAVE to do so you can assemble the rest of the thing.

But hey that's just me. B)

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Yes. I would drive on and build the rest of the model, and then worry about those little lights later, if the mood ever struck me again. It's not like these are something you HAVE to do so you can assemble the rest of the thing.

Almost all other pieces are done or just needing final finish.

But hey that's just me. B)

You are right and that's what I've been doing. Also working other builds too.I usually work getting parts ready for assembly before any assembly starts. I get amazed at builds that progress piece by piece as the piece is painted and added to the model.

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Ahhh yes! That looks good Mike! I'm interested to see how those come out!

That will be August 30th!  I just sent the turn signals to Shapeways to print. That's the day they are supposed to ship back .. 18 days and cost $5.35 .. very reasonable. I edited them out of the TR5 mesh just saving the light housings and two light lens. They are too small to print separately. I'll chrome and paint the lenses with clear. I added a bar between the lenses from the backs to make it all one piece (more than one is extra) and it will give me a handle for painting. They are only .375" long!

I'm on a high here .. we'll see what I get back. I should consider this just a first attempt and making a file for 3D printing.

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The Part came today and I'm happy! They just need a slight, and tiny, swipe with some sandpaper. After adding a thing silver coat they can be seen well. This is Frosted Extreme Detail material from Shapeways.

Here's all the pics I took for your reference. The roughness caused by the layers is still the most limiting part of 3D Printing but I believe these can be cleaned up ok. Remember, these are 3/8" (.375" or 9.525mm) long!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To keep this flowing, here's the best photo I have after cleaning up the surfaces with 400 and 600 paper. They looked after applying some silver paint to show defects. I'm really happy how they are looking. Those previous photos really do look bad but are really exaggerated.

The carpet monster did rear up and gobble the left one, so I ordered another from Shapeways and it's in the mail now!

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