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Remember when Kits were $ 2.00 to $5.00 ?

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Sorry, von Z. I was sloppy in my post. I didn't mean to imply YOU were not reading the body of the original post, but many of the responses have been directed specifically at the header and NOT the question posed by the OP.

I should have been more careful composing my own post.

Hey,Bill No offense taken, I think you're a stand up guy for clearing that up.

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Been reading through these 4 pages and realize how much we care about this hobby of building miniature vehicles. I use the word miniature because there are other hobbiests out there probably having the same conversation such as the model train people, model soldier people, model aircraft, armor modellers, radio control models, slot car guys, etc. Next time you go to well stocked magazine store check out how many hobbies are out these. If you are looking for cheaper prices on kits, go to a model contest / show, or swap meets, or local thrift shops, join a model building club. I realize we all cannot do this. I have also witnessed what von Zipper commented on, but in this venue.........a family of 4 sits down to a meal in a restaurant, they each bring out some electronic device, gaming, texting, I guess is happening. 'FOMO' is what it is called Fear Of Missing Out. Conversation is what is missing, oh well.

Thats my 2 cents, thank you

Cheers Eh!

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Yeah, and what's even more weird is when you see a young couple, who should have for nothing and no one else but each other, at a nice restaurant for dinner and each has their device in hand. I guess some people truly feel that "conversations kill".

Edited by johnbuzzed
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Video games are evil, mind control technology that turns people into cold blooded killers. They should ban violent video games , stop given kids ideas or putting thoughts in their heads. If a child plays shooting games, killing games everyday non stop eventually that will be his/ her reality. Some are not able to differentiate actual reality and the consequences of such actions/ as of virtual gaming. Video games have a subconscious mind control effect man. Makes you delusional, lose your mind !!! There has not been so many shooters in public establishments since the digital era really kicked off in the 90s man! Why do you think there are so many army recruiting commercials ads on Xbox live ? They play shooting/ violent games why not recruit them? They already have the virtual reality training , they might not have fear emotion in real life, treat it as a video game..., hey but I guess that's what makes our military one of the strongest in the world among many other things

Edited by ERIK88
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Build a model car man, help save lives!!! Models are expensive because we have allowed them to raise prices this high. Companies will charge what the market will bear. And that's all the old folks buying model kits with more disposable income than your typical kid. Idk maybe lower prices, once there is enough youth recognition, and sell more kits to make $$. It's all basic economics ! How can there be more youth with these prices though? And subjects ? Maybe build a new line of modern tuners, ricers , exotics. At a lower cost, less detailed (Revellogram) that is

Edited by ERIK88
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Well, if you look at the situation that way, we should get rid of many prime-time TV shows, movies, books and magazines and graphic novels...

We never heard of so many public killings of any kinds- shootings, knife rampages, whatever- before the '90s because we didn't have access to the entire world via the Internet before then. There were also far fewer media news sources before then; now, we have access to just about anything that happens from all over the world just about instantaneously, in bold, graphic color, with commentary and opinion. Things happened before the "digital era" to which you refer, we just didn't hear about it to the extent which we do now.

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Video games are evil, mind control technology that turns people into cold blooded killers. They should ban violent video games , stop given kids ideas or putting thoughts in their heads. If a child plays shooting games, killing games everyday non stop eventually that will be his/ her reality. Some are not able to differentiate actual reality and the consequences of such actions/ as of virtual gaming. Video games have a subconscious mind control effect man. Makes you delusional, lose your mind !!! There has not been so many shooters in public establishments since the digital era really kicked off in the 90s man! Why do you think there are so many army recruiting commercials ads on Xbox live ? They play shooting/ violent games why not recruit them? They already have the virtual reality training , they might not have fear emotion in real life, treat it as a video game..., hey but I guess that's what makes our military one of the strongest in the world among many other things

I'm sixteen years old and I play video games of this caliber. I've been playing them for at least 6 years. Let's see, how many people have I killed.....? None. Zero. Zip. Never had random outbursts of anger where I've injured others, never been in a fight for crissakes. It's people with sick minds that kill other people.

I bet if we were in the 60s you'd be saying the new-fangled television made Charles Whitman go psycho too, right?

Now let's go back to the topic at hand.

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Well, if you look at the situation that way, we should get rid of many prime-time TV shows, movies, books and magazines and graphic novels...

We never heard of so many public killings of any kinds- shootings, knife rampages, whatever- before the '90s because we didn't have access to the entire world via the Internet before then. There were also far fewer media news sources before then; now, we have access to just about anything that happens from all over the world just about instantaneously, in bold, graphic color, with commentary and opinion. Things happened before the "digital era" to which you refer, we just didn't hear about it to the extent which we do now.

I think you have to admit that a lot of entertainment appeals to the worst in human nature, and the lowest-common-denominator...because that's what sells...and the public has been trained to expect it. The news philosophy of "if it bleeds, it leads" doesn't help, and doesn't show any real signs of going away either.

Negativity and disasters seem to be what the sheeple want to hear about. I hardly heard one word in the mainstream media about the successes of the privatization of space travel...until a launch vehicle blew up and an experimental passenger vehicle crashed.

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I'm sixteen years old and I play video games of this caliber. I've been playing them for at least 6 years. Let's see, how many people have I killed.....? None. Zero. Zip. Never had random outbursts of anger where I've injured others, never been in a fight for crissakes. It's people with sick minds that kill other people.

I bet if we were in the 60s you'd be saying the new-fangled television made Charles Whitman go psycho too, right?

Now let's go back to the topic at hand.

Charles Whitman's autopsy revealed a brain tumor affecting the part of his brain which controls aggression

Edited by Mike_G
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Charles Whitman's autopsy revealed a brain tumor affecting the part of his brain which controls aggression

I know. It was part of my evidence. People don't kill just because the talking, glowing box told them to. They have some mental issue, may not always be major, but a mental issue.

Edited by chunkypeanutbutter
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That's why the evening news programs end with a "human interest" story that leaves the viewers feeling all warm and fuzzy, after all the bad news they just saw, You never see them start with a story about... pilots flying rescue dogs to new homes, and end with a cop shoots perp or drunk crashes car into crowd story.

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Video games are evil, mind control technology that turns people into cold blooded killers. They should ban violent video games , stop given kids ideas or putting thoughts in their heads. If a child plays shooting games, killing games everyday non stop eventually that will be his/ her reality. Some are not able to differentiate actual reality and the consequences of such actions/ as of virtual gaming. Video games have a subconscious mind control effect man. Makes you delusional, lose your mind !!! There has not been so many shooters in public establishments since the digital era really kicked off in the 90s man! Why do you think there are so many army recruiting commercials ads on Xbox live ? They play shooting/ violent games why not recruit them? They already have the virtual reality training , they might not have fear emotion in real life, treat it as a video game..., hey but I guess that's what makes our military one of the strongest in the world among many other things

Do you seriously believe this ?, no one or no thing is forcing these peoples behavior , its about time we stop trying to blame everything under the sun for the actions of people.

And by the way, I have been playing videos games since I was kid, some violent ones, and guess what, I never acted out, you know why, because my parents raised me right and I knew better. I have been playing Grand Theft Auto since the very first one, and I have never once stole a car, or ran around the city shooting people.

The problem is not video games, its parents of kids that are playing video games and then going and trying to emulate what they see and do with said video games, its the parents that are at fault for not doing their jobs and making sure their kids know the difference from right to wrong. Blame the parents, because thats where it starts. Its time for people to start taking accountability for their actions, and parents start taking accountability for the actions of their kids when they act out. But no, no one wants to blame the parents, it much easier to blame a video and the companys behind them.

Edited by martinfan5
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My local pharmacy in Chicago Kutza Brothers had a fairly large selection of models and supplies. Cars were $1.98. Testors was 10 cents a bottle and spray paint was 75 cents. I bought all my stuff there.

My brother was over last Saturday and picked up my 57 Ford off the table. $25.00 for a model !!!! Are you crazy !!!!! So we got into a discussion about the "old days".


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My local pharmacy in Chicago Kutza Brothers had a fairly large selection of models and supplies. Cars were $1.98. Testors was 10 cents a bottle and spray paint was 75 cents. I bought all my stuff there.

My brother was over last Saturday and picked up my 57 Ford off the table. $25.00 for a model !!!! Are you crazy !!!!! So we got into a discussion about the "old days".


Yeah, and minimum wages ranged from $.75 cents to $1.00 per hour.

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Personally, I think the hobby has gotten way out of hand, in regards to pricing. It's pretty sad when you can order a kit off line cheaper than you can get it at a show. I understand there's a certain "collectability factor" to the hobby, but I don't collect. I build. That's what these are made for, to build. Not sit on a shelf in pristine condition. Hoarders are another issue that pretty much affects every other hobby too. Gents, if you're 75 years old have 18 copies of the same rare kits, why ? What could be the possible reasoning behind this. Most of the current kits are stale rehashes of old kits.. Moebius seems like the only "original" kit maker out there.. Prices on everything are insane these days, but modeling in general is no longer a "cheap" hobby anymore .. which is sad. By the time you buy the kit, paint, tools etc etc, you could by 2 pre-owned video games.. crazy when ya think about it. I'll trade, swap, sell whatever, but I won't pay more than $15 for any kit. So basically I buy rebuildables .. more fun anyway and more to the point, it's what the hobby is all about. If it keeps this way, the hobby will price itself out of existence.. I know the $2.00 kits are never coming back, but $25 for a re-issue, unoriginal kit is silly .. won't pay it, and there more than a few of us that feel this way ..

Edited by KingSix
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I know. It was part of my evidence. People don't kill just because the talking, glowing box told them to. They have some mental issue, may not always be major, but a mental issue.

Video games kill people now ? I guess there was never a murder until PONG was invented ? How is this even pertinent to the discussion ?

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Video games are evil, mind control technology that turns people into cold blooded killers. They should ban violent video games , stop given kids ideas or putting thoughts in their heads. If a child plays shooting games, killing games everyday non stop eventually that will be his/ her reality. Some are not able to differentiate actual reality and the consequences of such actions/ as of virtual gaming. Video games have a subconscious mind control effect man. Makes you delusional, lose your mind !!! There has not been so many shooters in public establishments since the digital era really kicked off in the 90s man! Why do you think there are so many army recruiting commercials ads on Xbox live ? They play shooting/ violent games why not recruit them? They already have the virtual reality training , they might not have fear emotion in real life, treat it as a video game..., hey but I guess that's what makes our military one of the strongest in the world among many other things


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Video games kill people now ? I guess there was never a murder until PONG was invented ? How is this even pertinent to the discussion ?

That's right. There was never one single murder before the advent of Pong. Everything you've heard about killings before that, are part of a conspiracy to turn you into the mindless consumers you have become. Have you heard it before? Everything was better in the "good old days." We didn't do things like that back in our day. I only to pay 2 cents for models back in my day. But, I had to walk up hill, both ways, to the five-and-dime, in a blizzard. Oh, I'm sorry since its was at the five-and-dime, I must have paid 5 cents. But, this was not a problem. I got 5 cents for every pop bottle I turned in. And there were millions of pop bottles just laying around. Ah, life was peaches and cream. We all obeyed our parents. Everybody got along. Bla, bla, bla.

This stuff about how much better things were in the past. And how bad things are today is a bunch of BS. Not that there weren't some good things about the past. But, there was a lot of bad things too. I remember being told at a young age to not get into cars with strangers. If it was so different back then, why were we taught this by our parents and in school?

As far as the price of models. I too grew up when the average price of a good model car kit went for about $2.00. Comic books were 12 cents. Today, how much does the average comic book go for? The last one I bought 5 years ago cost $3.99! Comparing the price of comic books vs model cars, I would say model cars are no were near as expensive as comic books are to collect and enjoy today. We can sit all day long and complain about the price of this or that today. But, despite the high price of models today, I seem to be able to buy more of them than ever. I wonder why?

Let's quit whining and get back to making the money to buy the models. And then build them.


Edited by unclescott58
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Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I see 3d printing as a big part of the hobby in the future. Go to a site and select the parts for your kit. Engine, chassis , body ... Think of it as an ultimate revell parts packs. With a large database of parts to chose from. You will be able to even select the scale you want.

There are some interesting projects here that are being created using 3d parts.

Also there is hope for people creating things. There are several sites dedicated to DIY projects in a wide range of subjects. If some of us create model related projects we may catch some interest for the hobby.

Bottom line living in the past serves no valid purpose unless you are a historian. Take advantage of the present and look to the future.

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