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1/10 scratch built Holden HX Overlander Panel Van


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Hey guys, another small :update:

Got the final coat of paint laid down then applied a few coats of clear.....
The clear has a couple of runs in it, but the paint seems fine. I will have to let the clear cure for a another week or so before sanding and polishing out the runs...
Gonna have to figure out how to tidy up the line between the black around the doors and the orange...it's not as neat as I hoped...also need to tidy up around the rear taillights....
The roof looks pretty decent though...

Anywho some pics...will try to grab some more in the morning before I head out to work....Watcha think?

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Unfrigging believeable. I still cannot believe you are not part Aussie. Just awesome. The finish is brilliant, the dimensions and the look is simply stunning. I repeat my offer to sponsor your application for Australuan citizenship. Bloody unreal mate. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks cobraman.....

been working on a new V8 for it...lol!  Got the pulley system sorted out with bearings and a double pulley on the crankshaft, so now I'm working on getting a motorized alternator to spin the entire system....lol.... Then I'm gonna be building an old school clutch fan to bolt to the waterpump pulley...!  

Should have some pics later this week...!

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Wow! Looks fantastic!

hey thanks guys! More to come soon...getting really close with the engine work!! Should have the clutch fan completed tonight and the alternator installed tomorrow ...will have to make a custom belt for it .... Will probably use silicone rubber to mold and cast it ...lol...will see how that goes...

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So...been working on a project that wasn't really related to The Sandman until a few weeks ago...forgive the ramblings...but I think it will be worth it in the end...lol!

A few months ago, or more like earlier this year, my buddy  Chris over in the REC skunkworks, decided to make a run of some dress up kits for the RC4WD V8 engine and he also decided to borrow one, where the lender gets a good deal on the kit....lol!  And wouldn't you know it, I happened to have one of those engines for The Sandman, not being used as The Sandman was still far from done...! So offered to loan it to him...!
So now, this got me thinking... I have a Blazer to be built, a FJ40 Cruiser and a 5 window coupe (2Beers built) that will all look awesome with that dress up kit! So with the special offering on the kits because of the loan , I got kits for them all.....!
Then it hit me! I'm gonna need 3 engines and trannys if I want to use the kits...:facepalm: That's like 1200 bucks minimum...! So I thought about it some more..then decided to to try to build my own V8 that I could use those kits on...cause I would have to sell my right nut to afford that, and I already lost the left...! Ha...! (Don't ask...!)
So ... Made a special sacrificial offering to the styrene gods, borrowed a couple of wood trolls and tried to git r done!! Didn't turn out half bad....lol ! It's not flawless, but with the REC bling on it , you probably would even notice...lol!  Decided to try to make some standard parts in case I wanted to build an old school junker without the bling...lol! 
And...since I been messing around with silicone molding, decided to try to replicate it instead of rebuilding the whole shebang another three times....and wouldn't ya know it? It worked!... Well ....kinda....I was unable to get the dipstick and dipstick housing  replicated ... So will have to add those manually...no biggie really...but like I said it's not flawless...lol!
So...anywho.....how does this story pertain to The Sandman? 
Well....after painting the body....I installed the RC4WD V8 engine and.....too much ORANGE!! Didn't take any pics of it at the time though....
 But the things that really kept drawing my eye in the engine bay was the booster/master cylinder and the blower thingy.... 
CHROME ON BLACK !! On an orange background......can ya dig it?
You know what's coming next right? 
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