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Monogram 1970 Challenger T/A Rebuild-Under Glass 03-13


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Thanks Dan! I was gonna work on it tonight but my wife and I had a meeting with the adoption agency. Been talking about adoption for a while and just trying to "do" instead of "talk about it". Meeting lasted till 9....no chance on the truck tonight. Will be trying for tomorrow night though.

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Well despite all the stuff goin' on around me I've been able to get this part done. I don't have pics of the underside yet because I've got the wheels in place and the glue is setting up. I am going to have to "unwarp" the frame at the front end. The L/H front tire is up off the ground just a smidgen. It's all a doable thing though.

Here's the latest........(the end may be in sight yet!)


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Nice Job!

How were you able to take the model apart? I have a model of the first car I ever owned that I would like to finish. It scares me to death thinking about how to get the body off. It was built well over 45 years ago.

Any Ideas?

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Thanks Jeremy and Tim: I plan on having it done before I cut my third set of freekin' teeth anyway!! :blink:

Pat:Thanks brutha!! I found an easier way through Jim Daniels later but I made do with the methods I had for this build.

Ben:Thanks man and yes.....I do dislike it ........very much! lol

Lawrence:Thanks buddy! First off my gluing skills at 14 years of age aren't what they are now and secondly, There were spots that I had to use some sprue cutters or a new X-acto blade to assist me with the disassembly. It can be done with a lot of patience and perseverance.

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One thing not often mentioned about the early '80s Monogram muscle car kits, and Monogram kits of the era in general, is how good and easy the decals were to work with. They came off of the paper nicely, had good glue, were easy to position, and never ripped as you handled them. They were nicely elastic - the SS stripes always laid down perfectly over the cowl hood bulge on the '70 Chevelle, same for the stripes on the '65 Shelby. I have never encountered such friendly decals in the years since - which is just nuts.


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Joe the wheels look good on the chassis good luck in getting that wheel back on the ground. One thing you going for you is the extra weight from your detailing work.

Thanks Dan! It's a wonder that the whole chassis doesn't collapse after all the stuff I've thrown at this thing!! lol

One thing not often mentioned about the early '80s Monogram muscle car kits, and Monogram kits of the era in general, is how good and easy the decals were to work with. They came off of the paper nicely, had good glue, were easy to position, and never ripped as you handled them. They were nicely elastic - the SS stripes always laid down perfectly over the cowl hood bulge on the '70 Chevelle, same for the stripes on the '65 Shelby. I have never encountered such friendly decals in the years since - which is just nuts.


Man you aint lyin' about those decals! Those have to be some of the most forgiving decals I've ever worked with right there. I thought sure I was going to tear them numerous times but they held up fine.

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First things first I got my dang truck fixed!! 360,000 miles on the ol' 94 Silverado and still truckin' right along. I just loove me some throttle body fuel injection. No complexity, easy to work on and reliable. Anyways after I replaced virtually everything ignition wise(and believe me it needed it!!) it runs beautifully! Actually the problem was with the ignition rotor and cap and the rest was because I have neglected her.

Now on to what really matters here. It's update time and man I'll tell you guys I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park after the successful glossing of the T/A body. The weather has been garbage for the last three friggin' weeks, today is beautiful outside and I've been just waitin' for the opportunity to gloss this thing after I finished the corrections from the last gloss disaster over a month ago! I'll be moving on to the rest of the interior while I wait on the body to gas out.

I'll just let the pic do the talkin' here:


After she cures out I'll polish it up with the Novus , break out the BMF and paint all the detail up. This is the best gloss I've ever applied to a car body so I'm dang near on cloud 9 right now!!

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Got some work done on the exhaust this morning. At first glance of the pics you wouldn't think of it as anything out of the ordinary.....

Todays work



Now I'll hold up right there and let's take a look at the original exhaust that's laden with seam lines...................all over the place!!!


A closer look at the exhaust tips and pipes..........


This was ALOT of cleanup folks!!

Then there's the drilled out/ hollowed out exhaust tips............


That's gonna be a wrap for today. I think I've had enough. lol

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Thanks Bill! I think you were the one that gave me the link to all the reference pics I have now (after the forum hack I lost that post but had already downloaded all the pics to my computer.....glad I did that!) and that's what it shows alright with the color of the exhaust. I may order some chrome BMF for those tips.

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Nice work so far Joe. Sorry I havent had alot of time to come on and check everyone's builds out the past few weeks.. Heck I'm not even getting the time to spend on my vette project as much as I would like lol. But I thought I would at least try to catch up on where you are at with yours tonight. I like how your clear coat came out and your exhaust is looking good as well. Keep up the great work my friend.

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Jim: Thanks bud! With the amount of work you are soaking into that Vette build I thought that's all you did was spend time on it!! lol! I'm learning alot from watching builds like yours and other folks here!

Mike: Thank you very much for the positive comments buddy!! I think the end is in sight!!

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