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Monte Carlo Showcar...

Lowlife ! !

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Well it IS my style and I LOVE it!! I never have understood why people feel the need to state "it's not my style" before complimenting a build. Either you like it or you don't. Now back to the subject of discussion, I especially love the paint work but the details are fantastic also!! Thank you for sharing!!

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Fantastic model. I am not an expert on Lowriders, but I can appreciate a well done car of any type. Great paint and interior colors. The amount of work that goes into a project like that is astounding. It's almost as involved as a scratchbuild. I am glad you showed it here. Maybe a couple of us will be inspired to try building a Lowrider someday. (I have several sets of Daytons from buying lowrider kits to make other things from them) I have always wanted to do an older style "Bomb" with a '51 Fleetline, and scratchbuild all of the accessories for it. Again, really ambitious build and great job making the whole look come together. Well planned and executed build.

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Thanks Joe, and Shane it wasn't me that did the tutorial.... :( ......

But I have done a few myself..... :huh: .....

So hopefully I can help if you like....... :D ......

If this pic is what your after, im happy to answer any questions etc you may have. Thanks for the reply too mate........



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Al, Mike, Bill, and Lizardlust, appreciate it guys, thanks.......

Shane, Yes pick up some thin foam sheets, they do cool felt as well. Using a very thin tube, press into the felt to create buttons. You can lightly score a groove between each button with a knife to create folds, its a bit trial and error but works well. I line up a ruler and then punch buttons along a line, maybe 5mm apart, then move the ruler up and do another line etc etc...

Hope this helps mate........ Lowlife ! !

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