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Why was the AMT 1941 Plymouth kitted ?

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I have been thinking about this for some time now and have come up with no good reason why this particular vehicle would be kitted.

First off I thought maybe I had a case of tunnel vision and wasn't seeing the whole picture. Maybe there is a segment of the automotive world that I've missed. I go to many automotive events, 1:1 and models and really can't remember seeing too many 1941 Plymouths in any guise. Right now, let me say this, I don't think it's really a bad looking car, but it's no '40 Ford or for that matter any '40's Chevrolet(take your pic).1941_Plymouth_Coupe-beige=mx=.jpg The next question that crossed my mind was what has anyone done with them, hot rod wise ( or custom, or whatever?)? AUT-26-RK2824-01P.JPGOK, pretty nice, but there ain't a whole bunch of 'em.0615cf917cbe275bef4407c0d1c69d57.jpg Racing ? 1941+Plymouth+Gasser.jpg now we're talkin' But again, not too many.So it begs the question, why did AMT come out with this particular kit when there are so many other subjects to consider?

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After checking out some prewar Plymouth I wish they would've picked something earlier like 1935 .mid thirties look great. Also maybe it's just me but the 1941 woody and the sedans look way better than the coupe. It just doesn't lend itself to customizing very well . I have several of these but just never had a good idea on how to build it.

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I go to many automotive events, 1:1 and models and really can't remember seeing too many 1941 Plymouths in any guise. The next question that crossed my mind was what has anyone done with them, hot rod wise ( or custom, or whatever?)?

Is this a challenge Greg? :lol:

Maybe there should be a Community Build or something....

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I've always liked the lines of the car, and I've wondered why it wasn't MORE popular. It lends itself well to customizing in my opinion, and starts off with a slanted B-pillar that saves a lot of work when chopping the top.



I still have this gasser gluebomb-save on the WIP shelf...just scored some missing parts, so she'll be coming back online in not too long.


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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After checking out some prewar Plymouth I wish they would've picked something earlier like 1935 .mid thirties look great. Also maybe it's just me but the 1941 woody and the sedans look way better than the coupe. It just doesn't lend itself to customizing very well . I have several of these but just never had a good idea on how to build it.

">http:// ">http://http://s889.photobucket.com/user/jbuzz710/media/Oldies%20but%20goodies/CAM00268.jpg.html'>CAM00268.jpg

Edited by johnbuzzed
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