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AMT Studebaker Avanti done salt lake style.


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Just finished this one up today. Re-issue of the AMT kit. For it's age is it pretty clean, not much flash. Some mods are as follows. Filled the headlights and molded up the front end for a cleaner, smoother look. I modified the dash, used masking tape for the seat belts. Used sheet plastic to cover up the rear seat area. I removed the wipers and some emblems. I ground away all the details on the interior door panels and used sheet plastic to make flat panels and painted them silver. The paint is Tamiya Silver Leaf. Decals are from kit and others. It was cleared with high gloss enamel. Comments pro or con are always welcome. I do notice I may have to redo the exhaust as they hang toom low but were ok during mock up. Oh well....






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That went together quite quickly and looks great! Is the paint still curing on the yellow '53? Looking forward to seeing them together on the "salt"! I wouldn't worry about the low pipes...don't imagine there would be many obstuctions on the "salt".

That stupid yellow paint is still not cured enough to let me install the windows. I never had this problem before. Hopefully it will be dry at some point.

Whoooooops, sorry 'bout that. Had my tongue over my eye tooth so I couldn't see what I was typin' :huh:

I thought it was funny Ed. Believe me, I have been called way worse than that ! : )

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I hear you Bill. I had used that paint once before with no ill effects. Not sure what's going on here. It was sprayed over two weeks ago and still feels soft to me. A few days ago I thought it was ok so I set it upside down on a soft towel to install the windows. I had the rear window in place and for the heck of it I picked it up to check the roof and sure enough I found some slight dimples in the roof. Paint still soft ! Not going to try and fix it because it's not all that bad. Beginning to think I should strip it but it looks pretty good. Did I perhaps put the second coat on too soon ? Not sure. I will check it every week or so. It's gotta dry and get hard sooner or later, don't it ? : )

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