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    Simon Sauntson

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  1. Signed in for the first time in ages to say Well Done! I have always fancied making a 5.0LX chase car but didn't know if it would work. Yours is amazing. U2s were (allegedly...) based at RAF Alconbury near where I grew up, and my dad used to see the chase cars when he was working nearby, though I think they used El Caminos or something similar at that time. Would love to get my hands on a real LX chase car, what a sleeper!
  2. I love how you improved the headlamps. A great build and really inspirational photography!
  3. Lovely Chevrolets. I am a big fan of the old AMT '57 kit, I know it is a bit long in the tooth but I've built two over the years and it's 100% fun. I plan to build more, and I hope they turn out as well as yours. The Dusk Pearl car is.... a pearl ;-)
  4. Nice work Ludwig, that's a beautiful Cadillac. The black suits it really well.
  5. That looks great! I have been looking for trailer and load ideas for a while and I never thought to check out die-cast toys. What did you think of the trailer, did it respond well to some detailing? Is the backhoe a nice model?
  6. Excellent work. Looks like a typical little van which still provides service to somebody despite receiving minimal care in return. The paint finish, odd panels and rust all look great.
  7. Brilliant rescue of a potentially fatal situation! Poor old thing. I really like how you did the foliage, and the weathering on the car. This kind of heap turns up on eBay in the UK these days, almost always advertised as a 'barn find'. Which usually means, 'I bought a hopeless basket case and now I've realised I need my money back. No warranty offered'.
  8. Nice work Paul, that's a childhood dream car brought to life! How I gazed at the metallic blue one in the 1983 Ford brochure... Your interior treatment is inspired. Perfect 1980s fast Ford.
  9. Lovely looking truck, Dennis. I have fond memories of building the Monogram release of this soon after it came out. Your colour scheme and interior trim make it look like a real showroom-fresh example, just ready to tow the family boat to the coast! Can I ask how you did the red reflective strip on the tailgate? I like the wheels and tyres in this kit, big chunky units.
  10. What a lovely build, and very nicely photographed. The colour scheme looks just right and the paint finish is beautiful. Excellent work on the BMF too. The images almost look like period brochure shots. Thanks for sharing.
  11. I love it, nice work Charles! The dodgy looking Transit is perfect, exactly how the Mk2s often used to look in the mid-1990s. The dustbin and manhole cover are amazingly well done, the kind of things I would have overlooked completely. Nice display base.
  12. Great work Patrick! Looks ready for Newquay. How did you get on with prepping the resin body for painting? I haven't used a resin body before and wondered how it compared with styrene when it comes to getting the paint on.
  13. What a beauty. The colour really suits it, and the engine bay detail is particularly well done. I take it that's a correct colour for the real car that year? One day about 12 years ago, I got home (in North London back then) to find that somebody a few streets away had a '67 Chevy coupe on their driveway! It was a sort of notch back rather than a fast back like this one. He had bought it on the internet, drunk! I never saw it again, I suspect it was a little more than he bargained for.
  14. This is excellent, a perfect match of technique and subject matter. It looks like a tough old beast. Your weathered paintwork looks the business, can I ask how you achieved that finish? Great photography too.
  15. Excellent. Your mastery of the salt technique speaks for itself, incredibly convincing. Oddly enough, I also have a brush-painted teenage build of this kit in my parts box, not confident it'll ever resurface looking anything like as good as yours though!
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