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    Noel Smith

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  1. Yoda. 'Patience to must have.' Joking apart David. Not an easy problem to overcome, but I am sure you will find a way !
  2. This is really coming together well. Old larger scale classics are quite appealing and a refreshing change from all the modern stuff.
  3. Shetland is quite a ferry crossing from the Orkneys !
  4. Bruce. The re spray of yours looks really good (and also appeared to be necessary). Looking at an earlier post of yours, as supplied the pre painted silver of the doors, hood and trunk looks way off and too light compared with the main body colour. I would have expected tighter quality control of the paint match of the parts considering the cost of these model kits.
  5. Holy broken bones Batman ! Nice to see a model of the actual car that sired the Adam West Batmobile from the 1960's TV. This model is coming on well. It is always interesting to see American concept car models from that era.I I can remember building a 3 wheeled concept car model with a VW engine by Monogram way back and I think a Pontiac that Revell re released a few years ago.
  6. Really interesting build taking shape here. Besides the two trans kits you are using, will you also be using any after market items from Model Motorcars who I believe also supply upgrade parts for the old Pocher kits?
  7. Probably would not hurt to try the C1 powder. Will save you a lot of work I would imagine. If it doesn't work for you then it is still a useful thing to have in your finishing armoury. You need to follow your own instinct on what way to go forward. As the slats are straight another alternative may be to use Bare Meal Foil, but could be a bit fiddly to apply.
  8. Thank you guys for your complimentary replies. Appreciated.
  9. David, the other chrome powder I was trying to think of was by Usci Van Der Rosen. I think that's how it's spelt. I have seen them at Telford. They do wood grain decals too. ref C1's powder Emodels appears to have it in stock when I looked this morning. About £13.
  10. That is disappointing. Have you tried C1 direct? I think that there is another similar metalliser powder out there that I am sure that I have seen advertised but cannot remember the name. Try a net trawl and see what pops up.
  11. Try some C1 Polishing Powder on the radiator slats. Easily applied with a cotton wool bud. Just dip in the powder and tap off the excess from the bud. Then use it by drawing along each slat as though dry brushing.
  12. What you see in the picture you posted Les are I think real full size cars ! All very arty whoever designed the display. But how is one expected to view an exhibit properly when it is 20 and 40 feet up on a wall shelf well above your head? I can see no elevated walkways in the picture to enable closer viewing. A museum design disaster. They should have built a complete upper floor so people can look around the exhibits properly. There is plenty of space for an upper floor as far as I can see. That's the problem when an arty architect is contracted who has not got a clue that visitors (especially enthusiasts) wish to look all around exhibits at the same level and up close. Gerald Wingrove' s models are of classics like the Blower Bentley, Bugatti Royale and Duesenberg SJ to name a few. If they were on display they would be in a dedicated display case I would think.
  13. Hi Rich, I had the great pleasure of meeting Gerald Wingrove s number of times and visiting his first workshop. A genuine man who took great pleasure in showing and explaining about his work After he retired to Spain we exchanged emails now and again. He is sadly missed. He had a number of finished models and was working on a sectional model of The Falls of Clyde ship when he passed away. His models, finished and part finished were bequeathed to the Clyde Transport Museum in Glasgow. I don't know if his work has been placed on display or currently in storage.
  14. Top notch detailing Louis. Your Bentley is an inspiration to those who would like to emulate what you have done on what is now quite an elderly kit. It just goes to show what can be done with that old Bentley using it as the basis for a highly detailed model.
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