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About FordWagonNut

  • Birthday 11/27/1979

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  • Full Name
    Jonny Valley.

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  1. Simply brilliant work! Love that color combination.
  2. Great project! A Oldsmobile I have always wanted in full size and a model. Keep up the great work.
  3. OOOOHHHH, that is such a good looking color! Shes gona look sharp.
  4. Outside of model cars: Well I do have my love and passion for 1:1 '70s land barges. I have a '78 Ford LTD Country Squire that I maintain and have done some light restoration myself. The '78 was a replacement for my '77 Country Squire that was totaled the same day I graduated college in 2008. The '77 I had restored most of it myself. I'm a collector of random cold war films done in the '60s, '70s, and '80s, from the better known film "War Games" to the rare BBC "When the Wind Blows". This started when I watched "The Day After" in 1983 (I was four). I also restore and collect 8 track tape players and the carts them selfs. It was a hobby that found me. I got a player that worked with tapes that where split when I was about eight years old. So I figured out to splice them together and the collection was born. Other than that, I jog with my German Shepard, spend time with my friends on the Fox River in the summers, and just like being out of doors when I can.
  5. Very cool! You don't see many built as stock models, nice to see a change of pace.
  6. Love your GN, very very clean work. I remember going to a Buick dealer with my dad in '87, he was looking to lease a Century from his company at the time. I remember one on the show room floor and a salesman explaining to me about the muscle car era (I was 8 years old in late '87). That interior is exactly what I remember.
  7. What about "The Rockford Files" '74 to '78 Pontiac Firebird Esprit? I had read somewhere on line years ago, the movie "The Car" was made in 1/18th dicast and it was between that and The Rockford Files Firebird. I'm 30, wasn't even alive when it first aired. I LOVE that show, own all the seasons on DVD and the movies that where done in the '90s.
  8. very clean and crisp. It's nice to see a stock version rather than a police one.
  9. I started in '04 when I was in college. I bought mine brand new but mine is a V-6 with a Pony Package (makes it look GTish). I used the hood scoop off a AMT '69 Mercury Cougar, the V-6 block out of a mid '90s AMT Ranger, the Cobra wheels off a '94 AMT Mustang, and the solid rear axle out of a '94 Monogram Mustang GT, along with the rear spoiler. Looks like you grafted the correct front lower bumper with the correct fog lamp set up. That is what has been holding me back. I don't see my skills to that level yet. Besides, my '04 is black also, so any of my mistakes would show up pretty clear. I will see if I have any pictures, if not, take a few, and post some on here.
  10. Very cool! I am doing the same for my '04 in black......its a project that always seems to get placed on the back burner.
  11. That is just great paint and detail work. Very well done.
  12. I like the port hole windows, I have NEVER seen that done on a model. Kinda looks like something that would have been in the 1979 movie Hollywood Knights.
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