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'54 VW Bug ... reloaded from Fotki


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This is modeled after the '54 Bug I owned while in Germany in 1967-68. I was in the Army and this served me well with little cost .. it just kept running! It was rolled 3 times, but just edged over on it's side. We just turned it back over and kept going! :) I don't think the oil was ever changed since the drain plug was worn and couldn't be wrenched off. I just kept adding fresh oil to replace what was burned off.

I used the Gunze Sangyo 1956 Volkswagen Oval Window which required little backdating to a '54. Following is a photo of the original taken near the end of my ownership.

53VW Black Forest 01

The wheels went through a few changes including a period where they were were mounted backwards. They were "deep dished and WIDE track"! They returned to normal and the hubcaps never made it back on. I modeled it after a few rolls, but before the hub caps were lost with a bit of faded paint and weathering. The USA plate was made in Photoshop and printed on decal paper. The plate is made from an aluminum soda can with Grandtline bolt heads.

53 Bug DSC2450

53 Bug DSC2447

53 VW new DSC2217

53 VW new tree background DSC 5129

53 VW new DSC2220



This was completed about 15 years ago as I was coming back to modeling and there are some things I would add or touchup, like the window trim and the fender mounted mirrors. The color is off also and I now have some factory matched paint, Maybe some day.. :)

Edited by Foxer
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Neat model B)

Would the Gunze be a good candidate to backdate to a split oval window?

I wouldn't consider myself a expert, but this is the closet kit to a split window I know of. The window split would have to be fabricated, of course, but the overall size is the same. The outer edges have a tighter taper also. Someone here had a WIP thread making a split window some months ago. He added the split but don't believe the outer shape was modified.

The dash is also different, but this should be a pretty easy change as they are all pretty flat. I don't think there's much else. The bumpers look the same although I've seen some split windows with a small recess in the center of the bumpers. These may be only the real old ones.

I'm sure we have some VW people here knowing more than I. Overall though, I think the Gunze kit is a pretty nice curbside. Some details are a bit heavy, but it looks good when built and detailed.

Edited by Foxer
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Another neat story and a model to match, Mike; I like it a bunch.

Bob - The Gunze kit is the best candidate for a split conversion in this scale IMO; There's not too much needed to make a passable splittie from it. The narrower 'grooved' bumpers and 16" wheels would be needed, and the dash is indeed different(but not too intricate).

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