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Everything posted by Mrdarkmonkey96

  1. Got everything all wired up, not much. Compared to what I see on this forum, but its increasing my skills slowly.
  2. Its not actually mine, just a reference photo. Do the wires go under the manifolds on both sides?
  3. I saw these pictures of the magnum in the 68 challenger while looking for reference material, and was wondering if anyone could confirm if this is correct or not, and possibly provide photos to prove/disprove. thanks.
  4. Has anyone built this kit with the 440? all Ive seen on here from a quick search, is the hemi engine...
  5. what kit is this? it looks great! although the rear window seem kind of tall to me.. its probably just me!
  6. Got the rear end done, just have to do the charger logo. Not the neatest foil work around the tail light bezel but im some what happy with it. If I had my brushes I would have just painted it, oh well.
  7. You mentioned earlier in the thread that you took an 8th inch off the back. Is this just on the top and bottom rows that aren't open, or on the entire grill. If you know what I mean?
  8. ust decided to paint the hood satin black. Still DeciDing if I like it.
  9. I appreciate it! Im not sure what is about the second picture that is funny though, haha!
  10. some more pictures in the better light to show the color . also with the wheel well trim.
  11. The wheel trim came out a little rough but its because I put on the clear real thick so the edge wasnt as prevalent.
  12. Thanks! That is a pretty neat picture!
  13. ] It came out a little daRker in the pictures because the sun was going down, but it's plum krazy purple. here's a better picture to show the color
  14. They were. I just wanted to make it stand out from the suspension parts in the front, so it showed the detail beTter instead of just drowning it in flat black. thank you!
  15. the engine will be recieving a M.A.D distributor. I had to re-align the left header after these pictures, as they didnt match up with the exhaust, and I glued the starter on as well. I feel the color is a pretty close match, any comments on it?
  16. decided I wanted to go with a mild street build approach for this one, thus the 440, and stock interior, etc. not a whole lot done so far, as the weather has only just started warming up. also my first time BMF'ing the trim on a car. I got the wheel trim done after these photos were taken.
  17. Just purchased one of these kits, I'll be following along closely! That engine looks absolutely fantastic!
  18. Thanks for the help everYone. It is indeed a metallic color, so I didnt want to wait until the next day and risk adhesion issues, or have to wetsand the metallic. So I heated up the can and it was about 53 degrees out, so I ran out, and got a medium coat on, and immediately brought the model inside and put it in the warmest room in our house in a box to keep off the dust.
  19. I the the color on my 67 charger, model master 2 part, plum Krazy purple. It says must be clear coat with in three hours, and its start to get a little cool for my preference. If I wait until tomorrow, roughly 22 hours, and then clear it with the one coat lacquer, will it react badly?
  20. Thanks! The silver on the chassis is krylon brilliant silver. It had s little bit of a sparkle to it, only thing o don't like about it.
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