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59 Buick

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Everything posted by 59 Buick

  1. It is a shame that the styline parts didn’t resurface in their entirety. Nice the see the old kit is back.
  2. Great build Steve, impressive work on the engine compartment, the small details really help make it stand out and the working hinges must have been a bit of a headache to get to work. I am assume the air cleaners are removable to show the carb detail off. I am looking forward to seeing the next one
  3. Hi Jeff, you also have the option of Replicas and Miniatures flathead parts. centre port heads, thickstun head covers and Ardun conversion various intakes air cleaners Carburettors check out pictures at Craigs Stansfield’s Fotki page https://public.fotki.com/crstan/replican-and-miniat/replicas-and-miniat/ Tim Boyd has useful hints on his Fotki page at https://public.fotki.com/funman1712/tim-boyd-on-line-mo/tim-boyd-on-line-ho-8/hot-rod-hints-2/ The AMT 1934 Ford 5 window coupe kit# 8214 shown below also has speed equipment fitted to the 1934 Flathead Regards Marty
  4. Liking the look of this Bernard, nice to see a retro build. Great job with the decals
  5. Hi guys Unfortunately we have the same problem in Perth and asked the local hobby shops and got the standard "not sure when they are going to arrive" response, so I ordered my 29 Model A kits from Model Roundup and they equated to about $47 (depending on exchange rate obviously) each shipped and received them in 14 days.
  6. Had a quick look on YouTube and found this http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIc_6sAPhqeemkyaD-yNTWSKnUY7-m6bW There are 200 videos in it covering various scratch building techniques, hope this help with your needs regards Marty
  7. Hi If if you jump to the link below, it has Norm's current price list and contact details. When I put in an order two weeks ago he was a bit snowed under with orders, which is great as it hopefully means he will be around in a few years time when I want to order again. He let me know that there may be a delay at the time so I know that I will receive them later than I expected. He replied to my queries about products and I emailed the order and then contacted him with payment details. Very professional. Regards Marty
  8. I love these big old cruisers, and owning a four door Biscayne they are close to my heart. I personally prefer the AMT version as I enjoy the extras that came with these kits. Custom tube grille, front and rear options, Frenched aerials, and hubcaps to name a few. I only really bought the Revell kit for the continental kit and cruiser skirts but still a nice kit. oops I voted twice
  9. I think across the entire hobby there is a resurgence in new and reissued kits. As well as cars I build military kits and there seem to be new companies popping up all the time, the issue of new kits and reissue of older ones could be attributed to this as the competition is increasing. The new kits that I would never of thought would ever get released, for example: 1929 Ford Model A hot rod1948 Ford convertible and custom coupe1949 Mercury custom 1932 Sedan, Coupe and roadsters1955 Chrysler 1953 and 54 HudsonsThe Kurtis craft midget racer1940 Ford coupe and convertible 1958 Chevrolet Impala1936 Ford Convertible and the reissues that make you happy to be still building and they seem to keep coming myers Manx 1953 Ford pickup1934 Ford pickup1940 Ford coupe1936 Ford coupe/roadster1925 Model T kitsand the many others that are being released, Kudos to Round 2 for their effort to put back some of the parts lost / dropped over time and Round2, Revell, Möbius and others for the new kits and efforts in keeping the hobby alive and well. Finally, thanks to all the modellers who spend their 'hard earned' on this great hobby as this is what drives the manufacturers to keep releasing the kits. I suppose the challenge now is to grab the younger generation, I am hoping to at least introduce my son to the hobby when he gets a little older. Even if he loses interest, I hope the seed is planted and he may come back to hobby later in his life as I did.
  10. Thanks for posting this, I was wondering what was in this kit compared to the issues I have. Might have to get one just for the hubcaps and the cool box art. Having never had the first issue, are the decals copies of the original? It's great to see all the old kits getting freshened up and rereleased, It would be great to see the 1950 Ford reissued with the Carson, Victoria roof, hubcaps and skirts soon. Hint, hint Round 2
  11. Always sucks to see another shop close, we have a bit of a boom here in WA and now have 5 stores in the metro area. Although some cater more for the RC guys, at least I can get paint and other supplies there. Good times at the moment.
  12. Like the contrasting paint choice, great build. any chance of see them together?
  13. thanks John that will be a great help, I am sure my list will grow from the 2007 catalogue I have
  14. Thanks guys, I will try to contact him through social media.
  15. Thanks for all the responses guys, I was hoping for a catalogue prior to calling as I am in Australia and it is costly to call the United States. I have purchased items from Norm a few years ago and find his resin items fantastic and he has always been responsive in the past. Joel or Skip, Is it possible to post the PDF list to the site I have emailed him about four weeks ago and received no response to date so think I might have the wrong email address. I used replmincomd@aol.com, but will check if I stuffed up the address.
  16. Hi all, Just wondering if Roy is still building, had the pleasure of meeting him and other members of his model club when I visited America in 2000. Would be great to catch up but lost his email address.
  17. Hi Tim Nice and clean finish, did you thin the radiator as previously discussed in the other thread to move it back. Looking forward to the caddy powered one, this is one of my engine choices when my kits arrive. regards Marty
  18. Hi guys, I am looking for a scanned copy of Norm's latest catalogue. I would like to order some stuff from him, but I only have a 2007 copy. any help would be greatly appreciated regards Marty
  19. Great interior and detailing, looking forward to seeing this finished. regards Marty
  20. Great finish and colour combination. Loving this kit more and more with every build, looking forward to mine arriving. regards Marty
  21. I like the worn interior better than the exterior decals. I have been trying to work out what they represent, at first, I thought it was worn paint, is that correct. I think you are right, a different colour may make them stand out a bit better. regards Marty
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