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Everything posted by Jonj238

  1. That sounds EXACTLY like one of my model building sessions! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has problems with the parts staying on the truck. Its going to be real nice when done though.
  2. Welcome! I too have come back to the hobby after 20+ years away. I have noticed some things have changed. 1. The internet. Man, if I had access to all this information years ago! It has also opened up a huge avenue for kits and detail items. Before I was limited to my local hobby shop or mail order. 2. My eyes aren't what they used to be. 3. My hands aren't as steady as they used to be. I look forward to seeing some of your work.
  3. Beautiful paint job, and the white walls give it a "classy" look. Well done!
  4. Nice looking truck. I really like the graphics. I think the bumper looked fine before. I have seen some bumpers dragging the ground, so what if it looks too wide, its a real nice looking truck.
  5. I've had this semi trailer kit in my attic for about 20 years. Somehow the tires were lying on the side of the trailer, and kind of melted into the side. All 8 of them. I do not want to throw out the kit, so what are my options? I thought of sanding off all the detail, fill in the rings with putty and go smooth side. The pictures are not good quality, but you should get the idea.
  6. Well, here it is, just about completed. I have a bit more touching up to do. Some polishing, and I need to add the marker lights on the box. I learned a lot on this build, so on to the next one.
  7. I am going to be building this Werner truck soon. Does anyone know where I can buy a set of truck and trailer decals? I emailed Jerry from modeltrucking.com and he does not reply. I made an acceptable logo that can be rescaled to fit either the trailer or truck door, and I also have a roof logo. I tried to make my own decals from decal paper without any luck. I tried clear decal paper, and the decals are too transparent when put on, and I tried white decal paper and had the color fade out when I applied the decal bonding spray. Plus they came unstuck after a couple days. So after all that, I figure since I don't have, and can't afford an Alps printer, my next option is to find a place to buy them. I appreciate any help you can give.
  8. Wow! If that's your first rig, I really looking forward to your second one.
  9. Nice, I'll be watching this one. Chevy and GMC made a nice looking truck back then.
  10. I just thought I would post an update. I am making progress, although I must say this is the most challenging model kit I have ever worked with. Poor castings, warped parts, vague instructions, etc. A little more to do on the cab, then I am moving on to the bed.
  11. Have you actually made a set yet? I would like to try a set.
  12. Amazing level of detail, and a wonderful job on the weathering. Looks just like the trucks we see here in the woods. I wish we had a truck modeling club here, it would be fun to spend time with like minded people.
  13. I just threw down $90 for a Peterbilt Tow truck. I figure I will spend 3 or 4 months on that kit, so the entertainment value cost per month is minimal.
  14. Thanks for the help. I assume Tamiya works good with a brush?
  15. I want to paint the lenses on my light bar an amber color, and figure the best way is to paint it on the inside. I do not have an airbrush, so all I have is amber signal light brush paint. As you can see in the pic, I test painted some glass and it looks terrible. Is there a good way to paint the lens or should I leave it clear and just paint the lights on the light bar? ?
  16. How many model projects do you guys have going at the same time? Do you have one project going and stick with it until the end, or do you have 2 or 3 projects going and work on which ever one inspires you at the time?
  17. Awesome! Every day I come here, and the talent displayed here is truly amazing.
  18. @ Marshall, I know this is an old thread, but did were you ever able to find a set of Werner logo Decals? I am going to be building a Werner Prostar as soon as it warms up outside and I can paint. I am also going to be building a 53' trailer and am looking for trailer decals as well. My son drives for Werner, and i hope to be too as soon as I get an ok from my Dr to go back to work, so building a Werner rig would be a fitting project for me to build.
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