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Everything posted by Ulbo

  1. Thanks everyone for kind words and also thank you Phil and I agree with you this detail I missed. Thanks John for your appreciation of my website and my work and I have checked yours and there are very very nice pieces. Wish you all the best
  2. Thanks everybody for your reactions and the answer is it is the Shelby manufacturer VIN plate decal is from Keith Marks
  3. Hi everyone, after long long time I have already finished another Mustang by Revell. I have added some details and I hope you gonna like it. If you want to see more like details from building process please visit my website: https://www.ulbomodels.com/ or if you want to see some pictures with music please go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evheCoOviY0 Thanks and I wish you all the best in your openned projects Ulbo
  4. Absolutelly stunning!!! Almost like real car. Wonderfull job and especially if this is restoration... superb!
  5. Nice work especially in the engine bay!!! Love the colour of body
  6. Love it! Thee are very nice and the choice of colour especially that blue green - superb!!!
  7. Very nice paintjob and crisp and clear. Congrat
  8. Mr. Donn you did it again as usually perfect from every angle, like the paintjob, BMF and speakers. These choice of cragars is great. I saw it on youtube channel on your desk and for me it is good inspiration for the future. Many thanks for sharing with us
  9. Another one of your mastership... congratulation!!!
  10. Ulbo

    Nova Pro Street

    Wonderfull piece!!! I like your sense for detail especially in engine bay. Keep working and stay on this level
  11. Great idea, great detailed, great from all angles. Simply GREAT
  12. What to say... GREAT!!!!!!!!!
  13. One of the best model in this scale I have ever seen. Congratulations!!!
  14. Amazing model and I like the details you put on. Looking forward for your next projects
  15. Very nice concept I like it very much in all angels!!!
  16. Nice built and I like the engine bay details
  17. Fantastic job really beautifull. It is hard to believe you have been out of hobby fo 20 years. Looking forward for your next models
  18. I can not believe it is not a real car! As usually by all your models
  19. clean and beautifull I like it very very much
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