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Justin Porter

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Everything posted by Justin Porter

  1. They might carry a higher MSRP than some unloved older issues but at the same time they'd be readily available to builders who may not be familiar with them AND it'd be an opportunity for Atlantis to offer basic improvements like gauge face decals to the kits. Plus with enough success, who knows? Could you imagine the happy hot rodders if Atlantis went to the lengths to tool up a coupe body for the Lincoln?
  2. No kidding. Huge vault of ex-Monogram and Revell and Aurora kits and people are hung up on "bUt Do ThEy HaVe JoHaN kItS?" Monogram's 1/24th MG TC? The Aurora Chaparral 2? Nope. Let's keep on bleating about this handful of lost to the ages kits.
  3. At this point I would ADORE some sort of statement from Okey or whomever saying "Oh, yeah, THAT tooling. Scrapped in '03. Here's the $300 I got for the steel. Laters!" so that people will let go of their reverent hope that those archaic fossil kits will be reissued and we can move on to trying to convince a modern manufacturer to do the reasonable thing and tool something ALL NEW instead. Which, naturally, wouldn't be Atlantis who are in the business of reissuing Aurora, Revell, and Monogram kits. Among which I'm still hoping will be some of the Monogram 1/24th classics.
  4. A quick but important update. Using Matt's tutorial, Tamiya's PE Tweezers, AK's PE scissors, and Dsipae's excellent PE bender, the Ferrari egg-crate grille is now all together.
  5. Well, yes, you're absolutely right. In all technical sense, Okey Spaulding holds the IP for Johan and its associated artwork, designs, and catalog but that doesn't preclude other model manufacturers from going to Stellantis and negotiating the rights to producing an all-new kit of the '71 Javelin. Producing a kit based upon the Johan tooling without securing the rights to reproduce a Johan designed piece - such as copying their kit's body without alteration even to mount to an entirely new chassis - IS an infringement on Johan's Intellectual Property. Producing a kit with an entirely new design of all associated parts does not infringe upon them UNLESS somehow Johan held an exclusivity contract with a manufacturer that was somehow honored through the exchanges in Johan's ownership between the original founders, Seville, and then Spaulding.
  6. So, it is possible on both counts. Things like parts breakdown, sprue layout, and even the molding process if uniquely manufactured fits under the category of "intellectual property" in that it is the unique and intended creation of an entity. Corporate IP fits under this bill in that their designers and engineers are paid to create that which the corporation owns - thus it's General Motors who owns the '63 Stingray rather than Bill Mitchell as a for instance. If a corporation still exists, its trademarks and therefore its rights to its wholly owned intellectual property still exist. As to preventing other companies from producing a kit of a subject, again, 100% possible. Exclusivity contracts CAN exist that negotiate that a model company has the exclusive rights to produce models in the likeness of a particular manufacturer's vehicles. As a for instance, Tamiya has produced their kit of the Nissan 400Z and got it to shelves well ahead of anything potentially planned by Aoshima or Fujimi. If Tamiya had been so inclined, they COULD have negotiated a deal with Nissan to enforce that in exchange for a larger up-front licensing fee Nissan would not enter into licensing agreements with any competing 1/24th scale model kit company. Thus, until the terms of that arrangement ran their course, producing a kit of the Nissan 400Z would legally be solely Tamiya's right.
  7. It's a subject that's definitely due for a modern kit but it's kind of hard to imagine what company would willingly stump for the tooling. Possibly Hasegawa along the same lines as their Stratos? All the same, absolutely delightful interior work! Glad that this one is going to be finished.
  8. It took a lot of wet sanding between 3200 to 12000 grit followed by polishing with Novus to get the paint to this stage but I am happy to say my SWB is out of the paint booth and I can get going on the home stretch to finishing this beautiful car.
  9. So, for those of us keeping score at home, Round 2 can tool a Coronet chassis where the torsion bars end three miles away from the control arms and we're all happy BUT Revell must be excoriated if their Mustang's intake manifold is almost imperceptibly off in its valley pan contour. Which is not to say that's not a kind of silly goof on Revell's part. But there really is a determinable bias in reactions.
  10. This really does look great complete with all the right little touches like the cream colored grille bars and painted wire wheels.
  11. The question isn't at all as to whether or not older kits shouldn't be given appealing box art that presents the contents in a favorable light. Appealing advertising AND truth in advertising can and should cohabitate. Revell's SSP program and Round 2's current "Craftsman Plus" box callouts are perfect examples of this.
  12. It's no use to attempt to deflect from THIS kit's faults by pointing that other kits also have faults. "Whatabout-isms" only distract from the matter at hand which is that Revell has released an archaic kit with known issues and with packaging that doesn't at all indicate that this is vintage tooling and the customer should not have modern expectations of it. The frustration is that Revell HAS in the past used branding, box style, and box art to successfully indicate older tooling reissues that exist primarily for nostalgia. The SSP program successfully re-issued primitive kits like the old Pontiac Club De Mer or Tom Daniels Surf Shark to positive approval without disappointing customers. Even as I stated earlier in this thread, the Monogram '55 Chevy Street Machine is back in a Revell box but with "Monogram" helpfully stamped on the front to indicate this is an old Monogram kit and shouldn't be compared to something like their modern '57 Ford Gasser or Moebius's Chevy II. If Revell didn't have a demonstrable history of clearly indicating legacy reissues, it would be much like how the world collectively shrugs its shoulders when yet another 70's vintage Esci tool resurfaces in an Italeri box because no one expects clarity from Italeri.
  13. This really is a very ingenious build. It's a lot of fun to just take a few moments and drink in all the ideas, bow to stern.
  14. False equivalence. The difference here being that some Revell Snap kits, like that Peterbilt 359, their Acura NSX, the final generation Caprice, or the Lamborghini Diablo Roadster, all still hold up relatively well in terms of accuracy, proportion, and detail. In fact, said Diablo Roadster kit is a BETTER Diablo than the glue kits available from Italeri or AMT and is only handily beaten by the considerably more modern Aoshima kits. This Camaro isn't in that same weight class and shouldn't be treated as such.
  15. I understand Quantum wanting to wring whatever bucks they can out of whatever's in the tooling bank that they couldn't foist off on Atlantis. A clearly labeled "nostalgia reissue" program much like Airfix does for the "Airfix Classics" range would temper the expectations of uninformed or unaware builders. That the reissue of the '55 Bel Air Street Machine has nice friendly "Monogram" labeling on the box lid definitely calls attention that it's older tooling at the least to builders who recognize the Monogram name and associate it with the past. They didn't do anything wrong in reissuing this kit. They do deserve the blowback for not giving consumers a clearer concept as to whether or not this kit was worth their dollars on the shelf.
  16. Glad to see poseable steering too. Now they just need to figure out that polycaps exist.
  17. Walmart isn't concerned with "shelf space" when it comes to model kits because they're exclusively ordering in palletized self-sellers from Round 2. That leaves Hobby Lobby as the "big box" concern for Revell. I don't think one retailer in one country should serve as an impediment to better serving customers AND cutting their costs by using a single global packaging. Besides, if it works for the biggest name in the business worldwide - Tamiya -then it's good enough to emulate.
  18. Count me as a retailer who would MUCH prefer if Revell switched to a flat box. I use free-standing aisle gondolas for stocking kits and import auto, armor, and air all sit nicely on their shelves while I feel like domestic kit builders aren't getting the same on shelf representation for the area as the others do.
  19. This past Sunday at the Cleveland Model Show, I was finally able to address a big concern hanging over the project: the paint. The car I want to approximate - though not necessarily replicate - was painted an obscure Ferrari color named Rosso Bordeaux. Unfortunately, there wasn't a ready source for just that color. Thankfully, Mike of MCW Automotive Finishes took some time during the show to try and match against my reference photos and we settled on Royal Maroon from his lacquer line. This is the first color coat, sprayed straight from the jar and then backed up with a mist coat of Mr Leveling Thinner to level out the paint.
  20. One more example of the absolute obsolescence of the "classic" domestic model kit box size. In the coming years that's certainly one of four things I would love the domestic kit manufacturers to finally agree should go the way of chromed headlights and non-replica custom options. Their Asian and European competitors certainly established ages ago that there's a better way to package model car kits.
  21. I have them on preorder with my primary Hasegawa distributor. Can't say precisely WHEN they will be on my shelves - still haven't got the all new KPGC110 GTR yet - but I can say I'll be at least one stateside vendor with the new Mini on my shelf.
  22. Given that Atlantis has been very forthcoming about explaining product delays regarding licensing issues, the answer to your question is "by paying them the agreed upon licensing fee for their corporate trademark."
  23. Added the shocks to the suspension as the 250GT continues towards being a completed build.
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