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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. Unforgiven supplied templates for a car hauler but not 1:1 scale. I got sick of trying to convert the measurments and so came up with this. My template is 1:1. Print, cut out, trace onto styrene, cut, build. Couldn't be easier. I'm going to the hobby shop soon to get some supplies - diamond plate Evergreen for the ramps, sheet styrene for the rest. I'm thinking of enclosing the center part and cutting doors in the sides (where it says "Template . I'd suggest not cutting the wheel opening until you have the truck that you're going to attach the hauler to - just in case you have to change the location of the opening. I'll post pics when I finish one, but if somebody else gets there first, please let me know.
  2. I wish I woul have known that before I bought the little jar of the model wax. Next time I'll go for the automotive wax. At the rate I use model wax that should be about 10 years.
  3. I agree too! Posting to a public forum opens the doors. I wouldn't think though, that people would be cruel. Constructive criticism is differnt from plain rudeness.
  4. Last time I bought The Treatment Model Wax was from megahobby.com. It was $4.00.
  5. You can get the wax at Wal-Mart.
  6. I did a AOL search for "model car wax" and found a site that carries it. When I go out to the shop later I'll get the suppliers name & address for you.
  7. I was up in Rockford, IL over the weekend and visited the Royal Hobby Shop on State Street. If you're ever up that way it's worth the stop. I wish I had my camera with to take pics of all the models he had. There were even a few "Zingers" on the shelf (way out of porportion tires and engines). There were quite a few older models too. They'll mail out but you have call and ask if they have what you want. The prices were very decent too! 815 399-1771 Have any of you seen these PTX Mini Engines? http://www.phoenixtoys.com/index.htm None of them appear to have a transmission, but they wired and hosed. I bought a 396ci Chevy for $6.95. You get them direct from PTX for $5.99.
  8. After reading the post on your engine, I searched for "beading wire". Is that 22 gauge or .022? Can you provide additional info on where you got it? I keep buying ignition wire from Scale Dreams and/or Model Car Garage. Their ignition wire has a pliable metal center that stays when you bend it.
  9. maybe think about posting your needs in "Wanted" section of this forum.
  10. I scanned and emailed the jpg files to awbcrazy and got the same error message. I don't know to do now. I've got the Revell VW Street Machine and JoHan 1970 Eldorado all scanned and ready to go. Any suggestions ?
  11. Drove 25 miles to the closest Michael's and found only 2 models that I cared for. I took them up to the register and they wanted full price. I mentioned clearance sale of 60% off and the girl looked at me. The manager was called and said the plastic models were not clearance priced. I left the models at the register and walked out.
  12. I can't decide which vehicle I like the best, so I can have just one of each?
  13. I scanned the box art (5), decal sheet (1), and instructions (5) for the Revell VW Street Machine and emailed the jpegs to trakburner@yahoo. com and the email was returned because of the following ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <trakburner@yahoo.com> (reason: 552 EXCEEDED STORAGE ALLOCATION) I was going to scan a JoHan 1970 Cadillac Eldorado that not on your website but will wait to hear from you.
  14. Oh man!! I wish I would have known about your website before. About 6 months ago I tore apart my shop to re-paint it. In the process I cleaned up. part of the clean up was throwing model car instructions from ever model I built sine 1958! I'll bet some of them could have helped. Sorry.
  15. My wife had surgery on her lower back 5 years ago and she's doing great. It was a low invasive surgery using a cage and screws. She had to wear a fiberglas corset thing for 3 months. She has had no pain since the surgery - not even when she's out on her trike. I had C3-C6 (neck) fused, screwed and plated March 2008 and the only side effect is that I can't tilt my head back as far as I used to. I've been doing the pillow thing between my legs for years. My lower back problem is from a motorcycle accident I had that broke 9 ribs. Arthritis had set in where the breaks were. There's meds to take but have nasty side effects. You hang in and take care of yourself. keep us posted.
  16. Hey Matt, Just noticed that you're from Rockford. I'll be up there next weekend for a meeting. Any decent hobby shops around the area? Have you ever been to Al's Hobby Shop in Elmhurst? Al's used to carry all kinds of aftermarket items. I haven't been there since moving to FLA (8 years). Hope you have nice weather for me next week.
  17. I sent anotheer email to Mission Models asking about the Mirco Chisel. Jon replied that they and the 2mm replacement tips are now in stock. I placed my order before letting all of you know about it though.
  18. crazyjim

    The Joker

    Very nice. Reminds me of the old days.
  19. I had the plywood and light laying around, but if I didn't, the booth would have cost around $40. The cart was $50 at Harbor Freight. I didn't have it done at the time but there is now a vent cut into the shop wall. That kit ran about $10. The filter was about $6. There are 4 independently switched outlets on the side (light, exhaust fan, compressor, spare). It took me about 3 of hours to complete. If my neighbor would have helped it would have been done in a manner of minutes - he has the tools and know-how to do the carpentry. That time does not include painting - there's 3 coats of semi-gloss exterior white on the inside as well as the outside. I really like it and it's been great for painting.
  20. I use only Plasti-Kote primers. After final priming I let the parts sit for 24 hours, do a final wet sand and then let sit until dry. If I'm in a rush, I'll crank my big compressor to blow dry the model and then start the color coats. I'd have to watch the DVD "The Art of Airbrushing Show Quality Model Cars" by Donn Yost to be positive, but I believe Donn says to blow the model dry and paint right away. Less chance of dust that way. The DVD is only $20. You may want to invest in it like I did.
  21. Hobby Lobby prices are high to start with. The 30% off brings the price down to an acceptable level. I hope my local store re-supplied since their last sale. We'll see in the morning.
  22. Build your own - it's much cheaper. I built mine from the expensive Pace model
  23. Hobby Lobby emailed next weeks sales to me - 30% off plastic & diecast model kits. There's also a coupon for 40% off any one item. I might get the Harley tomorrow and go to Hobby Lobby.
  24. Served with the 1st Battalion/13th Marines in Vietnam 1969-70. We didn't have access to plastic models. On my way this morning to Tampa VA Hospital to have a 4th of July picnic for the hospitalized troops and their families. HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA!!
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