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von Zipper

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Everything posted by von Zipper

  1. Thanks for clearing the date up, there was some writing on the back -so I've corrected that also. Me in the back of my Dads '56 Chevy pick up around 2 1/2 yrs.old, And Grampas pre-historic brush hog around 3-4 yrs. old. The last picture is from Christmas with my first Hot Wheels track must have been around 6 yrs. old at the time.
  2. The first picture was taken in California during the summer of 1967-so I was about 4 years old with my Mom, sister and me standing by my Gramas 1963 Buick Wildcat The second picture was in my Uncles 1966 VW camper-the time stamp says 1970 but it had have been taken earlier than that, back then we had rolls of film in the kitchen drawer that never got developed until a year or two later........Great Topic !!
  3. This is my 2003 F 250, 5.4 L w/6 speed stick-just turned 44,000 miles Took the last picture this week on our mini vacation near Lake Michigan
  4. Got this set of decals from Model Empire USA in Wisconsin, had to make my own roof "halo" out of some scrap Evergreen.
  5. Way to go , Dan ! Keep up the great work !!!
  6. http://www.scalemodeladdict.com/index.php?topic=4204.0 Here's one that some one has already built.
  7. Some thing else to keep in mind is the car in the movie was right hand drive.
  8. I don't know which kit this bike came from-got it in a trade. It's just like the 1971 Yamaha 175 enduro I had when I was a kid.
  9. http://www.machinefinder.com/ww/en-US/machine/2008-new-holland-t2320-tractor-2050927 This one in the ad is exactly like mine, that one has 300 hours on it and mine just turned 200 hours, I also have a set of pallet forks -you can change it from the bucket to the forks in about 5 minutes. I've changed the oil every 50 hours-used it but never abused it.
  10. This is a late '40s or early '50s Chevy that belongs to a local farm near my home-right now they are using it as a bumper stop to fill those plastic tubes full of silage-the truck keeps the silage from blowing out the end of the tubes-this truck is very clean , runs great and is still earning it's keep. Some times there is a sign in the window when it's parked near the road="Not For Sale"
  11. Another part of my "motorhome plan"- I just sold my 1963 Plymouth Valiant convertible that had been parked since 1985 and had 72,000 miles.
  12. This is my 2003 F 250, 5.4 L w/6speed stick 43,000 pampered miles. Bought it new in May of '03 paid it off in May of '08 and as soon as it was paid off I bought this 2008 New Holland tractor in May of 2008-Just made my last payment and this will be the first time in 9 years I don't have a payment........now I want to sell them both and buy a motorhome
  13. That's a very cool subject-I always enjoy your USFS builds. Your decals look great too !-Chris
  14. I've only done it once but it worked out pretty good for me. I got ahold of a Revell 2006 Chevy Impala police car-snap kit. When it was still bare white plastic I colored all the trim with a chisel tip black Sharpie then masked it off with BMF-primed , base coat and clear coat the body, then re-cut all the seams where the BMF was so not to pull the paint off-the black trim was nice and clean.
  15. I would do that and any thing else to fight this terrible disease for your wife or mine........ FYI= Men get it too. October is Breast Cancer Awarenss Month although I think it should be a year round thing myself !! Maybe we could start a thread for pink builds to be mindful of this issue ?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/fiatusa?sid=1037056&KWNM=fiat+500+commercial&KWID=3109902974&channel=paidsearch Nice Truck When you say "driving around the house", I always think of this.------------->
  17. I know you said you were looking for V8 conversions, just to be different I used a Ken Kitchen Buick Straight 8 in this Revell 2 dr.sedan, used an AMT '51 Chevy for the frame and fire wall/inner fender wells , used an old pill bottle to make the fire wall deeper and had to move the core support a little to get the long engine to fit.
  18. VERY NICE ! The detail is great, I enjoyed the W.I.P you did on this-Well Done !-Chris
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