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Everything posted by Lownslow

  1. Wont take much to make it stock but because of my main customer base the car will do better as a custom. minilites are easy to get im sticking with the 9000 3 spokes
  2. Its gonna be almost a full kit Interior,glass,lenses,modernized late model 900 wheels and a simple pan chassis for cost reasons, being its my first im going to keep them curbside after that possibly do roller style casts. The cars will be aesthetically updated since factory isnt something i care much for. If this sells well the next build will be a 87/88 B2200 Mazda Truck and following that a Volkswagon SP2 thats more or less going to be designed to fit the Tamiya VW bug and the third release if all goes well a 80s Eldorado convertible/Riviera convertible(maybe).
  3. Revell will be fine theres plenty of boomers left with cash flow.
  4. im at 470$ but keep in mind i spent 600$ a year on just parts one year but i also can draw most of my own parts. the hard part is finding parts but i started a massive 3d parts repository thats updated once a month. i mostly cater to larger wheels and lowriders but im moving closer to having 1/25 wheels from 13" to 34" and some components in between. i also started with a team of artists to help them bring 3d cars to the printable realm.
  5. I thought about rendering it but ill wait till the rocket bunny version
  6. its a Z4 based on a tutorial i saw on youtube right now just getting the basics down.
  7. subscription service i started for model parts for monthly fee you get fed print ready model parts for FDM and LCD printers, i have Tiered subscriptions wheels will not be available at tier 1 except 1:64 style https://www.patreon.com/Daftwheels
  8. Photon was consistent on the 3 tests i set for it, i returned the mars
  9. I own a Photon and a Mars after years of using shapeways an im glad i made the switch i fund my habit by making 3d printed bike parts and frames
  10. I did start drawing wheels, for scale motorcycles they figured it out the fastest. Yes the wheels are free but the print costs were your resposibility.
  11. Nvm project is scuttled, cant help the horse that cant feed itself.
  12. Getting the itch to mess woth model parts again, on my own terms. The idea is to catalog most revell tires and ill draw them up for 3D printing and host the files on my free site. Will consider requests as long as theyre not any torq based wheels theres enough of those ugly wheels on the planet. Need ID and Width in MM replied here. I generally draw 8 sets per size.
  13. Already tried with wheels and sold maybe 1-2 sets of 18" vs 30+ sets of 26" wheels.
  14. Hobbico had it coming thinking they could steal Traxxas designs for their RC lines
  15. Started posting a how to in Tips and Trick to get the basics going as printers will be seeing a huge drop in price and the advent of budget CNCs becoming a thing
  16. Heres the first half of the how to to get the free version of the program and learn some basics, if you have any problems Youtube is a good source of information, EDIT, first page was missing a step. Drawing Wheels.pdf Drawing Wheels 2.pdf Drawing Wheels 3.pdf Drawing Wheels 4.pdf Drawing Wheels 5.pdf
  17. PDFs and the rest found here https://www.youmagine.com/designs/how-to-draw-wheels-on-autodesk-fusion-360
  18. Tried something new im way happier doesnt matter if its 10 below or 100 over, it always dries, 20W LED UV light costs around 50$ for a chinese one or 200 used for an LAB grade one. The one im using came from a dental lab. Only works on Enamels,Laquers and some Urethanes. Its near instant with rattle cans.
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