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Everything posted by Shunter

  1. I always think you guys are nuts doing this, i have trouble seeing what i need to see now, but working at something around the 12 hour mark forget it....lol I wish you luck and this is a killer kit so enjoy the build.
  2. So decals are finished on this one now as well. I am impressed with Michael's new printing method the ink is bullet proof almost, the only think i found is the paper is tough as well but as long as you trim tight to the printed area the carrier film is basically non existent. I recommend this and the new sheets to anyone....Nice work Michael. So now it is onto the rest of the work for me with the two builds, but real work beckons next week so things may slow some...
  3. The postie brought the mail today and these were in the box, could not help but get a start on putting that big nose decal on.....got to love it.
  4. I had this kit in the original release, it is a lovely kit and one i am thinking of getting again. Nice start and look forward to watching your progress.
  5. Thank you Tom, yes it is the Snap kit, they did the Speedway version which was the Duracell car and the Road Course one which was Mansells. I have used the Duracell car with Museum Collection decals for the speedway car.
  6. This is one i have had in and out of the box for a few false starts. With the Xmas holidays i thought lets have a crack at it. I always liked these kits and it was a shame they were done as a snap kit, i think if they had of been a glue kit there would have been more traction and maybe we would of had more than the two Lola's? So this is where i go to last time, sanded the seamlines and painting went well till i had done the black and noticed my white had a small mark in it, i sanded this down and then thought to help the declas i will just shoot a little TS13 onto the body, well i then ended up with the lovely melted paint finish, and this was with a dust coat. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki So then a bath in the 99% alcohol and prime again and this is what i am back to. Hosted on Fotki Paint went on nicely this time.. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki I have had a chance to finally finish up the decals and now i am working on the suspension arms and engine.
  7. So while working on the Mansell build Michael from Indycals comes up with this new sheet, i look at it and think YES... Then i think hey one Lola two Lola's cannot be too hard and at the speed i build hey two models done....Nice. I look around and dig out another Duracell Lola and get to work on it. Then i read Michael's post again and see that the car ran with the roadcourse sidepods, luckily for me i have one laying around so i semi start it again. And this is where i am now, just waiting for the sheet to arrive... Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki
  8. Best colors out there I thought and the 87 was my first NASCAR build. Very. Ice work.
  9. A true classic...such a loss to the sport.
  10. This is a cool car, nice work. Indy als has the correct sheet for this car along with the right types.
  11. Certainly off and running, nice work so far and watching for more.
  12. Nice start on a cool scheme
  13. Mikes great decals on a quick shelf build....I hope. There was some orange peel in the red paint so i decided to rub this back and clear it. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki So this is my efforts for just shy of two hours work. The decals went on very very well and i did not use any setting or softening solution at all, just my wife's trusty old hairdryer to help some of the decals follow the curves and to also eradicate any silvering. The sheet covers three seasons so i have decided to go with the 1995 car driven by Ken Schrader, i like Ken, and i remember my first Daytona 500 i watched on TV was the 1990 race with Ken kicking arse in the Kodiak Lumina, that thing was a rocket. So i have decaled the body and will now look at working on the hood.... There is more work to still do on the body, tidying up the windows from the 2K build up, add the grill decals and then bare metal foil the fan cover. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki The weather has been so wet here that doing things outside is just not nice. So with no excuses needed for the wife i finished the decals on this one, mainly the hood and also after Photobucket did their magic on us i have uploaded the images again. All i need to do now is a chassis for this one and happy days. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki
  14. Looks great and very well finished. I'm sure this will inspire many more builds.
  15. Very nice work, are these Renasounce kits?
  16. Looking very nice and good move by painting the blue.
  17. Managed to play with this between other house projects, just using the old Testors Metalisers for the colours, and just making it look neat as there are floor panels that will hide all of this except for looking through the sides. Just decided to use some CF decal for the front splitter, just to break up the black paint. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki
  18. My wife is Danish and thinks these are the best, i argue that i think Bassets are better...cheers.
  19. Here is a blast from the past... I had painted this quite awhile ago and then was not happy with the TS13 i used as my 2K had gone off, but when i sprayed the #25 Bud car i had this one rubbed back and waiting for a shine which it got. Decals are Hobby Design and go down well and have a nice sheen to them. I did this quickly while i was meant to be working in the garden, the rain came down so i cam inside....thing is the sun came out and i wasn't done, but anyway i got a start... Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki I have been playing around with this one again, this time working on the chassis a little. It is a shame to do too much in the way of details as this is all covered up by plates for the floorpan. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki
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