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Paasche Talon TG-3F or Iwata HP-CS

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I'm new to the hobby after a long hiatus. I'm interested in getting an airbrush and have narrowed down my choices to either the Paasche Talon TG-3F or Iwata HP-CS. I've read extensively about both but am having some trouble deciding. I'm really after a "general" airbrush if there is such a thing. My main concern with the Iwata is the .35 mm tip and my ability to correctly reduce the paint but it appears to be the nicer of the two products. I'll mainly be shooting acrylics on cars, any suggestions or advice from folks that have either of these airbrushes would be greatly appreciated. 



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I have this Iwata, and a Revolution BR too. I love them, and have paired them with an Iwata compressor. They shoot beautifully, and break down and clean easily, and are problem free.

The only negative is that while they are problem free, it is inevitable that needles eventually get damaged. Replacing the needles in my Iwata's is easy from a mechanical point of view, but it can be a pain getting replacement needles. The supply of Iwata needles in the US tends to dry up now and then. I'll hit a number of known, reputable dealers, and find nothing in stock anywhere.

I love my Iwatas and would not trade them for anything, but when I am in need of a needle, and see the ones I require at a shop - I'll order more than one.

My experience with Paasche is minimal.

Edited by Harry Joy
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I have never had à Paasche so I can't comment. I have owned several different models of Badger airbrushes and liked them. I bought an Iwata HP-C Plus and love it, I havn't touched my Badgers since. I recently bought an HP-BCS, but still love the HP-C Plus. The gravity feed is easy to clean, uses less paint and pleasant  experience to use. If you get the Iwata, use the blue lube when reassembling the airbrush after cleaning, you will not damage the needle when using the lube. 

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I bought a Badger Patriot 105 and also bought the 0.5 mm needle and tip assembly. It worked well and I turned out a few nice paint jobs. After seeing so many people recommending the Paasche H, I bought on. That was a few months ago. I haven't touched the Badger since. People like Donn Yost and several on Youtube use and recommend the Passche H. Everyone has their preferences but I was amazed at how easily the H is to use and clean. 

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I have both Iwatas mentioned and the Talon. If you get the Talon pay the extra money and  get the set with all three heads .25mm,.38mm and .66mm. This will cover about everything you need an airbrush for. Amazon and Chicago airbrush both sell them for around $100 with free shipping. I have the H also but the Talon is a far better airbrush.

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I used to have the HP-CS. Key word being had cause it got stolen from my car a few weeks ago. 

However, I love it. I had bought a new jet, needle and jet housing to upgrade it to a .5mm if need be. I also added on the External MAC Valve and the Pre-Set Adjustable Handle. I always have an extra needle on hand just in case. It is easy to damage them. 

Any airbrush you get I always recommend that you get a Duel Action and Gravity Feed. Siphon feeds or even side mount feeds have more of a chance to sputter and cause problems. It is also easier to control a Duel action than a single action. 

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I'm new to the hobby after a long hiatus. I'm interested in getting an airbrush and have narrowed down my choices to either the Paasche Talon TG-3F or Iwata HP-CS. I've read extensively about both but am having some trouble deciding. I'm really after a "general" airbrush if there is such a thing. My main concern with the Iwata is the .35 mm tip and my ability to correctly reduce the paint but it appears to be the nicer of the two products. I'll mainly be shooting acrylics on cars, any suggestions or advice from folks that have either of these airbrushes would be greatly appreciated. 

I personally think you're going to be sorry you fell for the manufacturer hype about ever-smaller needle/nozzle combos in "detail" airbrushes! Sure, they will spray just about anything, but you have to reduce then to the point where they resemble water. I have found that my best airbrushes use a .75mm n/n. I believe the Talon has a setup that is very close, and I think there are 3 setups in the TG-3F. The largest one is what you will no doubt be using with acrylics. 

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm leaning towards the Talon due to the fact that it appears to be slightly more versatile. The thing I'm not sold on with the H is the suction feed, I think a gravity would be nicer and easier to clean up.   

Siphon feed has its uses... when you need to cover lots of plastic (like an entire body and maybe even an interior), you won't want to keep refilling a gravity cup every few minutes. Consider that when you run out of paint, all that dry paint in the bottom of the cup can break away and get into your newly added paint.

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I have found that my best airbrushes use a .75mm n/n. I believe the Talon has a setup that is very close, and I think there are 3 setups in the TG-3F. The largest one is what you will no doubt be using with acrylics. 

I have all three sizes of tips for the Paasche H. I'm using the #5 right now. I think Yost uses the #3. I'm still learning.

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Siphon feed has its uses... when you need to cover lots of plastic (like an entire body and maybe even an interior), you won't want to keep refilling a gravity cup every few minutes. Consider that when you run out of paint, all that dry paint in the bottom of the cup can break away and get into your newly added paint.

Very true  - especially on a large 1:12 scale model.  You will never get a nice even and glossy finish if you have to refill the tiny cup in the middle of the paint job.


I'm quite happy with how my siphon-fed Badger 200 airbrush performs.  Dual-action airbrushes are awesome for doing things like weathering, but for spraying model car bodies all you really need is a miniature spray gun (which is exactly what my Badger 200 is).

Edited by peteski
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Thanks for all the feedback guys. After a through review of my options I think I'm more confused now on what to get. Can the talon shoot bodies (disregard cup size)? I'm starting to lean towards an H after watching videos and seeing the ease of use. Can you do interior work with the H or is the pattern to large? I'm also wondering how easy is it to use the color cup on the H as I won't be needing to mix up an entire bottle unless shooting large surfaces. Thanks in advance. 

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If you get a "H", get all three tips. I got mine on eBay fairly cheap. The smaller tip should help you with interior work with the #3 and #5 being what most are using on bodies. You can get the various size bottles at Hobby Lobby and save by using their weekly 40% off coupons. I got a couple of color cups. I use one for lacquers and one for acrylics. They're easy to clean out.

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