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A reasonably SERIOUS new-tool '70 Charger Revell is hiding in plain sight...

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Chuck - can I ask a question about the parts: 


-the tree with the rad support and firewall. The two rectangular parts in between the front sway bar and the battery / hood latch base. What are they? Could they be torque boxes for the rear subframe? Or are they something else?

I think that's exactly what they are, the display model shown a while back had the torque boxes installed. It may be an indicator that we may get a version with other than a Hemi car yet because they aren't part of the chassis, they are separate.

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That's just what they are. They install just ahead of the front leaf shackles onto the chassis plate.  That and the fact the hemi engine parts are on one tree does appear to increase the ease with which another engine can be worked in later, if it isn't indeed the next version they have planned.

.You forgot the '48 Ford coupe Police car and it will undoubtedly have variants. Wouldn't the gasser options from the '57 wagon kit work real well on it? And they already have those molds tooled up.

I didn't forget so much as leave the '48 off, because it's a modified reissue of 18-year-old tooling rather than the second half of something new like the '29/'30.  Still and all, the major modification is to the most expensive component of the kit, and it certainly goes to the point that Revell's release schedule this year is aggressive.

Edited by Chuck Kourouklis
completion of thought/correction
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I think that's exactly what they are, the display model shown a while back had the torque boxes installed. It may be an indicator that we may get a version with other than a Hemi car yet because they aren't part of the chassis, they are separate.

If that is so- then I think it is a kit first. That's a great little detail! I'm sure a few Rivet Counters will be using these on other builds. 

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It is just so, Bill.  Can get an instruction sheet capture later to show you exactly where they go, if you like.

Meantime, engine mount comparison:


As you can see, the '68 engine mounts show a stagger relative to the '70, so a 440 from the earlier tooling might not be the straightest drop in.  We're probably only talking light modifications to fit one, though.

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This is great news,the 68 and 70 are my favorites. I`m sure some kitchen engineers will make scoops and backseats.

So much for getting two MPC kit`s,but it might come handy if i was to try cast some bits and pieces for myself.

Maby Model Car Garage will tool up a nice photo-etch kit with options like 500 and SE besides the typical R/T.

Thanks for sharing pictures and the write-up.

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Man, I see all the angst here.

"No Stock Hood"   "No Back Seat"  "No Open Headlight Grille"   "It has the R/T Badge"

Wah, Wah, Wah.  Take a massive Chill Pill, stock Charger enthusiasts. Please? Revell will have the stock version out before most of you will even have finished detailing the engine in this kit. Do you REALLY think that Revell did not have the stock version planned for this kit? My guess is that the kit tooling was not even approved until the business case was made for at 'least' three versions of the tool.  My bet on the three versions goes like this. 1. F&F Movie Car. 2. Stock Version. 3. Drag Racer.

Look, We have gotten 5 ( FIVE!!) versions of the 1957 Ford, including a Del Rio Wagon that NOBODY believed was coming. Revell has given us 6 Versions of the now evergreen '32 Ford. We just got Two hits in a row of the '29/30 Ford Model A tool. It has been revealed here and on other forums that even the '49 Merc Custom, was planned from the beginning to have the Woody Wagon version, thus bringing back the Mod Squad car in new tooling. I cannot think of ANY Revell kit in the last three or four years that did not eventually spawn at least two versions. And since none of us work for Revell, nobody has even the foggiest clue what variants might have been or are still being planned, for current tools.

I get it. We pay good money for kits. We want what we want!   No Excuses, No Errors.

"I'm not gonna settle, and neither should you." goes the cry around "The Interwebs". Well, given that Revell and Round2 are releasing 4-6 Kits each, per quarter, and given that by the very words of the folks on the boards here and elsewhere, few of us complete more than 5-6 models a year, the constant commentary about "I want this, I want that" is getting tiresome.

I'll apply this advice to myself as much as anybody else. "Shut Up and BUILD Something!"

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NO Sir.  That was neither necessary nor particularly called for.  In "I'm not gonna settle and neither should you", you've contrived a narrative to justify telling other people what to do, and that narrative is wholly unsupported by anything preceding in this thread.  In fact, there was no real angst in this thread until your last post.  There's nobody here trying to impose his opinion on anyone else - except in your last post.  I got a link explains exactly where I'm coming from, in case you haven't seen.

It's alright, Alan, you're far from the first. What follows is not a mandate but a statement of fact - to be fair, for an audience wider than you...


People WILL express whatever opinions, positive or negative, they have about this kit, and by the VERY DEFINITION OF THIS FORUM they will be TOPICAL in such expression.  And many of them will betray questionable priorities in doing so, and their comments will stand or fall on their own merits, no ridicule necessary.  And other than the moderators in these parts, anyone who tries to stifle that discussion will meet with the results they've ever before accomplished, and that they ever will accomplish, and that they EVER DESERVE to accomplish:

THEY WON'T. GET.  A N Y W H E R E.  (and please, do imagine a full-tilt Jules Winfield on that last line)

You all never have. 

And you never will.



So LEE - looks like we only made it to page THREE this time before the handbags came out... :lol:

Edited by Chuck Kourouklis
font fix
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Agreed Chuck. Someone needs decaf or a hug. 

I guess I've never seen a rant like this in a "wants" thread.

Pretty funny, you're the OP, showed details of a cool kit, and build options likely possible. People commented positively.

Someone's upset for who knows why, post didn't make any sense after a couple sentences, hence TL:DR. 


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The tooling looks good. Once the stock version with the irreligious (i.e., un-holey) hood and back seat come out, I'm in. I always liked the '70s.

A non-R/T grille would be nice. I'm not a good enough hacker to correct that. Maybe one of the resin-casters can.

I'd build a 318 car, myself.

Charlie Larkin

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Some folks just need to wait for the stock version to come out and maybe, just maybe, Revell is reading this post and will make the necessary additions and corrections to make you all happy. 

Sure, the kit will now probably cost twice the price and still be wrong in the eyes of most of the crowd. But, there is not pleasing everyone. 

And as usual, don't like it, don't buy it! 

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To Chuck and the Moderators. Fine. Move or delete the post.

Me, I'm happy about the Fast and Furious kit. I'll have one just as soon as I can get one. I'll have whatever versions come next, as soon as I can buy them as well.

As far as hand bags, my TL:DR. You showed great First Pics of what is going to be a great Kit! By the second page the first "Well, I wanted the stock version" posts came out. I am tired of that comment all the time. You do not have to be. As you said 'everybody' is going to have an opinion.

I am, despite some griping on this board, pretty happy over all with the current state of the business. I get frustrated with Round2 for what to me, seems Sub-Par efforts on SOME new kits, but I buy half of them just the same. I get frustrated with SOME commenters who seem to have nothing good to say ever.

And yes, that includes me. I need to vent less and be more positive.  And sorry for posting a comment that sullied your thread. Was not my intention. I was trying to be gentle in my sarcasm. It failed.

My Apologies. Alan Alexis

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Willingly accepted, Alan.  Look, finding negative commentary tiresome and saying so in itself isn't wrong, it's just the personal broadsides and directives that all-too-typically result which cross the line.  The people who engage in that regularly are a bit like the person who decides 73 mph is fast enough for everyone and squats in the passing lane - and as we all know, the only thing that person ever accomplishes is to make the drivers seeking proper use of lane 1 homicidally bent on thwarting him. 

And no, I'm sure Revell has molds ready to inject right now for whatever the stock version of this will be, and it's going to fall at the same retail point as any other new R/M tool.  Revell/Monogram may have been a little ?? about subject/new tool choice from time to time, but they know their customer base, including just about how many parts and how many dollars they'll tolerate.  The true pattern is there for anyone who wants to see it:  there's less commentary from "people who always find something wrong" over kits that get it right to start with.  And so far, we're not looking bad on this one - I'd judge it better than the 'Cuda for overall proportions anyway.

Instruction sheet verification of the torque boxes:


Edited by Chuck Kourouklis
typo finally got the better of me
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This kit fits a couple of bills for me, one, it is a "Show Biz" kit, which I like to collect and, it has parts for future and different projects. A street blown HEMI, Daisy American Wheels, which have been hard to find, and some other goodies that Mopar fans will undoubtedly use in other Mopar builds. 

When the stocker comes out, it will offer once again a chance to build some showroom types, some Drag Types and some Stock Car types. 

A movie tie in will sell it to the younger and not really in to model building crowd. The stock version will be aimed more at the Stock Type mature modeler. 

Overall this should be a win win for all, and I am sure that the other Chargers sold for Revell, hence more tooling for the same car. Could this be the New '57 Chevy or '32 Ford?

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