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Harry's current condition

Harry P.

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Donation sent!


Just sent something. Not much, but I hope it helps.

THANK YOU (for Harry's sake). Everything helps him, and your contribution to the cause is very much appreciated.


Come on people...PLEASE dig deep and lets get some momentum going here.

For those who may not know the entire story, Harry Pristovnik is a long-time moderator here and a builder of very fine models. He gave of his time for FREE for years to help keep this site going and running smoothly. He also worked tirelessly as editor and doing layout work for the magazine itself.

Not long ago, he was diagnosed with cancer (after having severe night-time pain). He began improving with the radiation treatments, but when he started chemo, it triggered a massive heart attack. He almost died, and since then, he's literally been fighting for his life.

His insurance hasn't been much help, and he can't work to generate income. He's also alone much of the time, and is fighting depression.


This is a man who's given a LOT to the modeling community...and as Tom said, now is the time to show some appreciation.

PLEASE GIVE WHATEVER YOU CAN GIVE. It's easy on any credit card, only takes a few minutes, and it's 100% legit and secure.





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Try sending money to his gofundme cancer-treatment account.  https://www.gofundme.com/2pndgj5w

Cards, letters and well-wishes are nice, but I'm sure some of his depression is the direct result of not being able to work and generate income, coupled with having to pay largely out of his own rapidly emptying pocket for his care.

His insurance has left him twisting in the wind, and he's alone most of the time.

A steady inflow of cash from people who care about him enough to give could surely make his life a little easier.

Put yourself in Harry's position. What would really do you more good...a card in the mail, or five bucks to put towards the mortgage, utilities and medical treatment, with a note of well-wishing attached?

As I write this there are about 270 people viewing this site. If every one of you sent just $5 or $10, that would be a huge show of REAL caring.

And there isn't ANYBODY here who can't afford that much.

This is to help save a man's life, people.

EDIT: I just sent $10. Who's next?



I put in enough to put him over $16,500.

I'm new here, but I have a very good friend battling liver and bile duct cancer.  He goes through severe bouts of depression.  I also come from a family that is rife with Cancer.  In fact, I'm the only one of the four of my immediate family that hasn't been hit yet.

Get well Harry!

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The latest news about Harry is unfortunately sobering .

The one bright spot is that his red blood cell numbers are somewhat improved. His chemo continues but no word on effectiveness yet.

The negatives are more numerous. His disability application is mired in red tape and no determination is forthcoming soon. His appetite is non-existent and he takes 2000 calories (which he desperately needs) only when his son stays with him. Food of the type he most needs is not appetizing to him. He's a big man and needs far more than that. He is massively depressed but his son succeeded in getting his PCP to prescribe anti-depressant meds. Most likely he is not seeing our good wishes here for lack of desire to be on the web. I explained the recent surge in donations in the Fund and his son was very grateful to all who contribute.

I'd like to think that we all keep Harry in mind, his kindness and his suffering. The frustrating thing is our collective inability to cure him.

Edited by Cato
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