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Not Paying Photo Bucket Post Pictures

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Well I guess I'm Out of Here. I'm not Paying Photo Bucket $249.00 so I can Post pictures to this Forum, or any other forum.  When I can Post all day to Face Book, in Multiple Groups, for free, right from my computer. Is there a way to post to this forum, with out a photo Bucket style service?

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Sure, create a Google account and then you will be able to upload and share images.

However here is an article from last year that may help you choose whats best for you.

I'm still experimenting with Google images and may go another route.  So far, I am still using Photobucket, albeit the free version.


PS Here is another one from earlier this year;


I think between the 2 links, you should be able to get away Photobucket.

Edited by aurfalien
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I tried using Google Photos on my Google account, all I could find to share is a link that just shows as a link in the thread. I created an account on Imgur, and it will so the image. 


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I'm a big fan of Fotki! Sure, you pay to keep your pics there, but for $25 a year-----you can post and link pics all you want, and there's no storage limit there as far as I know.

I'm not a big fan of Google's pic service as I have/had a blog there. It's just not as user friendly to get pics to post here as others.

Don't get me started on Photobucket! The ads and pop ups are HORRENDOUS, and I had something come from their site that literally shut my laptop down. I try to limit going there as much as possible! And no, paying $249 a year to host pics there is simply outrageous! :o

I'm sure they have cheaper rates------that might be an attempt to "upgrade" you knowing that most people will balk at that, and then they offer you a much cheaper rate. 

No thanks!

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Well I guess I'm Out of Here. I'm not Paying Photo Bucket $249.00 so I can Post pictures to this Forum, or any other forum.  When I can Post all day to Face Book, in Multiple Groups, for free, right from my computer. Is there a way to post to this forum, with out a photo Bucket style service?

Within 2-3 years you will be paying Facebook as well. That is the master plan.

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I've been in process of slowly down loading my Photobucket library for a future move else where.  Both Fotki and Imgur are looking pretty good to me.

As for Google, the advantage is easy smart phone integration however sharing image libraries as one does with Photobucket is not overly intuitive.

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Same here Greg but I am not going to stick around with them. I've been pretty tires of their BS for years now and have just let it slide for a while.I'll download everything and send it over to Fotki which I am already paying for anyway. It's going to take me a while but It'll get done.

One problem I am having is it is resizing some of the pics and a few are not even noticeable as pictures. Need to go in and manually download the pics instead of by album and see if that fixes it.


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Please realize that if you have been affected by the changes at Photobucket all images linking to your account have been broken. So if you have threads or postings here on MCM that have these links they now show the Photobucket P500 Logo of Death (see my signature below) instead of the image you intended. If you have a blog that depended on these images it has been rendered less meaningful and perhaps useless by this, depending on the degree to which it relies on your Photobucket served images. If you link images to eBay or Etsy transactions served by Photobucket then you offers have been seriously damaged. If you have a commercial site with images served up by an affected Photobucket account it is now useless. In my case I have many posts and threads on the MCM board that represent nearly ten years of involvement and engagement with our community, many of which months and even years later are referred to by others; and the same goes in the other direction if I search for comments or resources on a particular topic. Any images served up by an affected Photobucket account has been impacted. A How-To posting, for example, dependent on images served up by an affected Photobucket account is now useless. This is what I call the Network Effect in reverse. Just because we have an affordable or free alternative that we can use on a going forward basis does nothing to address the huge and daunting task of repairing and updating older posts. Unless we think that anything we say or do on the internet is only of the most momentary and trivial value to ourselves or others...

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Hi Bernard,

Well if I were in your shoes. I'd simply pay Photobucket as that's way cheaper then going back and repairing all your immensely contributive posts.

I enjoy going over your older posts and Ifeel you've better things to do then fix links etc...

My 2 dinars.



Edited by aurfalien
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Hi Bernard,

Well if I were in your shoes. I'd simply pay Photobucket as that's way cheaper then going back and repairing all your immensely contributive posts.

I enjoy going over your older posts and Ifeel you've better things to do then fix links etc...

My 2 dinars.



Not everyone has $400 to just fork over for what I consider a hostile takeover of a service many of us have been using for free for many years. If you are able to do that just to save posts on this forum and any others you may post to, that's fine, but many either have better things to do with $400 or simply can't send that just to be able to post pictures to a forum. Frankly, if I were able to pay $400 just for using a photo hosting site, Fotki would get my money because then I'd be set for 20 years! 


Bernard, if you go to the thread here by Dave Ambrose "Photobucket Problems"

he explains a couple solutions that may help repairing your posts. I did check on the pic in your sig line, and when I did as Dave suggested and right clicked on the image and opened it in a new tab, I seen a pic of an older 60s? era (not that up on old drag cars LOL) rail dragster. I too have many threads here and years of use of Idiotbucket, so I know repairing every thread may be next to impossible to fix, but at least this may help on newer or in progress threads you may have currently. At least using the right click advise Dave gave, you will at least know what the pictures were and either move them here as Dave also suggested or to a new hosting site. 


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I understand your point.  To me you can't buy time but have options to make money.  While I too can no longer handle the slowness of PB, hence why I am searching options, it's $1.10/day to put things in better perspective.

And it depends how much some one has used PB as hosting images may not be as trivial of a dependence as you make it out to be.

In other words to some, it may well be worth spending the money to preserve years of time and images.

I think more and more services will go from free to fee as building and supporting infrastructure to host data is in general a complex and expensive endeavor.

I do this sort of thing all day long and am always wondering just how long a free service will cease to be free and become a fee service.

You are all used to it, but I suggest get un-used to it.  Life is getting more and more expensive and the Walmart effect can only go so long.


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Same here Greg but I am not going to stick around with them. I've been pretty tires of their BS for years now and have just let it slide for a while.I'll download everything and send it over to Fotki which I am already paying for anyway. It's going to take me a while but It'll get done.

One problem I am having is it is resizing some of the pics and a few are not even noticeable as pictures. Need to go in and manually download the pics instead of by album and see if that fixes it.


Paul... I am the same way.... I haven't been so happy with them as much as I used to (been with them since 2004) but its where all of my pics are at. I have been considering for some time switching over to Fotki. I think Fotki has a better way to organize the pics in folders. I am currently paying for Photobucket for additional space I think mine is the Plus20 Plan which is 20 gigs and I haven't seen any issues with it as of yet. If photobucket give me the 399.00 price I will be gone from them in a heart beat. I don't mind having to pay a little to use for posting but I would like a reliable site. not one where they have as many issues as Photobucket has in the past few years. I had to get additional storage because of all of the pics I have up of the Army F/C.  with all of my photos on PB I am currently using 11.5 GB. I would hate to have to re-link all of the pics of the Army building considering I probably easily have over 1000 pics uploaded. There are 118 pages of photos just on that one...lol. So I am up in the air at the moment about if I should set up an account at Fotki for Projects going forward and paying for the Fotki service, which I am sure I will be much happier with. My question lies with what to do with the funny car pics..... continue where I have left off with photobucket or have to take forever to relink all of the pics., which I something I really don't want to do...lol

I am also one that keeps all of my pics on my hard drive and only use Photobucket to be able to share my pics here.

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I think more and more services will go from free to fee as building and supporting infrastructure to host data is in general a complex and expensive endeavor.

Yup...........look no further than iHeart Radio and iTunes. While iTunes is free to download on your PC, the services that were once free are no more. I get into the alternative music scene, and I was once able to listen to the Top 50 Of The Week countdown that iTunes once hosted. Now, they've changed up and got rid of that channel, as well as made it so you have to pay to listen to music like that on your system.

Same thing's happening to iHeart Radio. While I can for the time being listen to music for free, they're starting to offer more and more "pay stations" as you may have read stories where they're getting into a severe money crunch right now.

Even YouTube which has pretty much been free to post videos..........is now offering something called "YouTube Red" where you can pay if you don't want to listen to ads, and you can listen with your phone on the lock screen. Since I do a LOT of multitasking on my phone, I may not want to sit and watch a video------I want to just listen to the audio. Sooooo, I sucked it up and now pay the 10 bucks or so a month to NOT have to listen to ads, and can shut the screen off my phone (battery saver) and listen to a YouTube video.

That's the way the world is going. :huh:

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And yes, I just ran into a situation where PB has struck even the search engines! Just a bit ago, I was doing some scouring of the 'net to look for pics for a future project. I type in what I'm looking for, and I see what looks to be a nice pic. The pic shows for all of  a second, and then I see this........................

 1967 Cherokee Camaro RS SS GM Styling Car - The Supercar Registry

Soooo........I go to the URL where the pic was was linked to, and sure enough-------there's a whole long string of pics that the OP would have to go back and repost those pics as PB has sent them to their hostage basement.

A ton of work that most folks don't want to do, and I can't blame them. :rolleyes:

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Wow PB has gone Draconian style.

Odd for such a large company to do such an extreme measure, seems ill researched.

Or they did the research and figure a 25% loss of customers compared to huge revenue for those who stayed.  Not all CEOs run a biz like that though, I know plenty of good ones.

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-I LEFT Photobucket of C-R-A-P YEARS ago...... I'm using Pinterest, have thousands of pics, and about 7/8th of them hyper linked online forums and show up without an issue. ALL FREE!!!!! The only limit I have found with them, is you can only upload 25 pics in one sitting, get up do something for one hour afterward you reach the limit, come back in one hour and do it again!.......... I'm pleased with their pic services, and others can "share" your pics too!

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Pinterest is pretty cool! I've used them for searching for references for different cars. One of the reasons I like Fotki is that when I do a WIP here for instance, I compose pretty much what's posted there, here. Kinda like an online diary of sorts.

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Yep its been over 2 years now that I've been using Pinterest for a photo host..... ALL my builds on here are pics I hyper linked from Pinterest into the message body with the img code added. ALL those postings and build threads of mine, are first typed out in MS notepad, with the pinterest image code embedded (hyper linked) into the body, and then cope & pasted in to the replay area of the proper thread.....

I've had no issues with that since I've started it..... Like them just because of that too! Plus other like-minded people can see your work and repin it as well. so if you go this route BE SURE to mark your pics as "yours"..... As they're your copy right....

Which brings me to photobucket, if they're charging people to get their pics back, to download therm on their computers, as long as that "said" user took the pictures, thats actually copyright infringement..... Photobucket might want ot be careful, as that could be a wining law suit for EVERY user...... Be a class action hit, BUT paying for your own work, to get it back as far as I know is illegal! As that said person owns it in the first place and did not state that photobucket could "sell" it for a profit......

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...thats actually copyright infringement... as far as I know is illegal! As that said person owns it in the first place and did not state that photobucket could "sell" it for a profit...

Wrong. Good thing you're not an attorney.

According to PhotoBucket's "terms of use" which EVERYONE has to accept to be able to use the service...EVERY PD user signs away all of his copyright rights by clicking "I accept" when he signs up to use the site.


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