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Scale Engines that run...

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Bill, I'm lucky enough to live near the Sherline(AKA Joe Martin Craftsmanship) Museum.  They have a hundreds, if not thousands of these sort of things.  Here is the link.  www.craftsmanshipmuseum.com It is really fun to peruse through this site.  It you are ever in SoCal it is a must see.  It is free to get in but they do have some odd hours.

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And then this if for those who love old style radial engines.


1 hour ago, gtx6970 said:

My favorite of the lot


This one if every bit as impressive if not more so!  This one is housed in the Joe Martin Craftsmanship Museum about 10 miles away.  It is truly a stunning piece. 


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13 minutes ago, Jantrix said:

Am I the only one who don't really get the point of building such a thing? 

I think it would be fun to take it apart and rebuild it just to learn more about how engines work.  Something that would not be as convenient with a full sized version because of weight and size issues.

It surprises me how much they sound like the full sized engines. I thought they would all sound like chainsaws or lawn mowers.

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1 hour ago, Pete J. said:

:blink::blink::wacko: You build models. What is the point of that? Same question, different answer.

Perhaps its the difference of time vs. reward. If my models required thousands of hours to accomplish, for a static art piece, I'd never crack open a kit.

These functional motors, 99% of the time, are static art pieces. And the 1% of the time they are turned on, the have no purpose aside to make noise. 

No doubt they are amazing from a workmanship and aesthetic standpoint. But if I'm going to spend thousands of hours building an engine, by golly, it would have a purpose beyond making noise and consuming fuel. 

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18 hours ago, Jantrix said:

Am I the only one who don't really get the point of building such a thing? 

I think it would be extremely rewarding to see something you've worked on for thousands of hours, for  years come to life . 

I don't have the patience  or skills to pull something like this off. But I surely can appreciate the time it takes for those that can and do.

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There is or used to be a magazine about building small engines. I was a subscriber for a few years but now I can't remember the title. Fascinating stuff. I had the impression that it was the journey and not the destination that drove most of these hobbyists. Think of each part of such an engine as a complex model in itself.  Think of the planning that goes into it. Geez, if I mainly cared about the destination rather than the journey, I wouldn't build models, as my handiwork is hardly top-drawer.

Those people love working with machine tools. Being a miniature machinist can be a hobby in itself.


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The only thing that we truly have in this life is our mind and our time.  Everything else is ours temporarily.  How you spend your time and what you do with your mind says a lot about you.  Do you prefer to spend your time doing the same time over and over and not challenging yourself or are you the the type that is always seeking to work on more complex and challenging projects.  If you are the later type then eventually given enough time you will get to this sort of stuff.  The choice is always yours and being critical of how others spend their time is a waste.   

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When I was in my teens I had a tiny model aeroplane engine that was intended to power a balsa 'plane, It had a little triangular fuel tank and I bolted the engine to a small piece of plywood, with prop attached, and connected up the fuel line. I span the prop without thinking it through and ended up with an angry little power unit that was trying to wrench its plywood base out of my hand. I tried to hang on till the fuel ran out but got bitten badly down my thumb by the prop....

More power to these people!


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On 7/16/2018 at 1:10 PM, 1930fordpickup said:

Tom is this the Magazine you were referring to? https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/

If you can find a Model Engineering show in your area I suggest you check it out. There is one in the Detroit area in the spring ( March or April) that is a  nice show. 

My subscription was maybe 30 years ago. I just now did a little Googling around, and I believe it was Strictly I.C.. It looks like there are several of them Out There.

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