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Another LSR Fantasy Car: Caddy Cat?


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Actually, one of my favorite science fiction stories is "Killdozer" by Theodore Sturgeon.  There's also a movie based on the story, very lame but fun to watch.  Not sure this is a very inviting name for a car though, at least not for a superstitious driver... :D

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Hatch mount trimmed, narrowed bumper installed:


Finally found just what I needed for the front end streamlining.  I've already cut it in half here, bonus points for figuring out what it is:


Halves trimmed and held in place with poster putty:


This is the critical angle, I need a smooth transition from fenders to front:


Poster putty works great for this, you can carefully remove the part for trimming then reinstall:


Sheet styrene glued under front to establish alignment between two halves, which are then secured firmly to body with UV cure filler.  Putty is easily removed after bonding, resin doesn't seem to stick to it:


Next I'll add sheeting between the "nacelles" at hatch level and across the sides/bottom, then do a bunch of filling and sanding!


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With the nacelles bonded to the body and the temporary sheet that aligned them removed, the center panel is glued in.  Also added is a thin strip to create a slight crown to the center panel, which will be three layers:


All three layers in place, and additional reinforcements added center/left/right:


View from the top:


Another sheet is cut to cover the bottom of nacelles...


... glued in place...


... and trimmed to fit:


I then made a pattern from the trimmed front end and transferred this shape to a longer piece, which will cover the bottom:


then glued this sheet in place:


This leaves a triangle shaped opening on each side...


... which is lined with spacers to maintain curvature of the triangle that will be inserted:


More measurements taken, triangles cut:


and installed:


Now it's just a matter of filling and sanding, and I'll have a nice streamlined front end.  No idea what I'll do with the back end, just have to wing it like I did here.

And yes, Tom, you got it - those nacelles used to be the rear canopy of a Polar Lights Batmobile!



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20 hours ago, bisc63 said:

I was really digging the Caddy front end before streamlining. Now I'm a little sad...:(


9 hours ago, Jantrix said:

Yep. Me too. 

I agree, but this is a "theoretically practical" build and there's no way this thing would go 300mph+ with that flat caddy front end.

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Lots of putty, then a quick coat of primer to show where I missed (numerous places, lol).  I used Vallejo 74.601 Grey Surface Primer, it's acrylic/polyurethane and takes forever to dry when you get it too thick (as I did).  Another day in the oven and it should be ready to sand.  Still have to design the rear end!



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1 hour ago, chris chabre said:

that looks much better than I thought it would! I dont know why I kept thinking it would look like a excavator bucket tooth. haha

I never thought of that, but looking like a bucket tooth wouldn't be out of character for a twin Cat powered car!

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I like that new profile with the front streamlining in place. I personally would be very tempted to lean the B and C window pillars back at the top for a slicker look just because I could. But then again I sometimes cut first and think about if later so Don't let me influence you too much.

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It's been a while since I updated, but I haven't been sitting still on this project.  Radiator has been fabricated, water lines run, just need to add intake and exhaust lines:  


Added a scoop on the roof to feed that radiator, and applied the first color to the body:


Radiator is made from parts of the Kenworth kit sectioned and resized, hoses are solder:


It's getting a little tight under the roof, still have to find room for the exhaust pipes!


 I've also spent some time playing with my new toy out in the snow!


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Added the exhaust system today.  I used solder for the pipes, I've seen this done by others but thought I'd share my method.  As it comes off the roll it's rather kinky:


But after rolling it under a flat board on the countertop - with considerable pressure - it straightens right out:


After lots of measuring, bending, and messing up, I produced two form-fitted exhaust pipes...


And got them installed, along with some brass tubing for the rear outlets:



Safety note: I used rosin core lead based solder because that's what I had on hand, I much prefer it for actual soldering.  Lead-free solid solder would probably be a better choice if you're purchasing for for modeling.  


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