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Swearing and cussing on the board

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I am going to be going through posts and threads and cleaning up and/or deleting posts where there are swearing, attempts to swear or cuss, using *&^%$ in place of swear words.

Come on guys, this is a clean site.

You want to cuss, that's your right, but I will not stand for it here.

I pay the bills, and like Mark says, it's my sandbox, and them are the rules.

Keep it clean, and it will be a lot more family family, and will see more and more new posters and builders here.

Okay, I pau.....

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:lol: Well, I know I'm guilty of using squiggles an stars an such, but ya know I never even thought that kids might be readin our thoughts. So, like I said before, My favorite Tavern used to have a sign over the bar that read"Profanity is NOT a sign of intellegence" So I wants peoples ta thunk I's smart ,so, I'll jus watch what I think, an try not to do it out loud! :lol:
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i agree with both the swearing and the real names in signatures. i think i might have said a soft word a time or two on here, but it was soft.....kind of stuff i was allowed to say when i was 10 years old.....but yet if a touchy enough person read it, might be offended. i have pretty thick skin, but not thick skull so i will follow the rules. B)

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Jeez Gregg, every pre teen today who watches prime time tv has a working vocabulary of words I wasn't allowed to use till I moved out of mamas house.

Ya gonna remove objectional signature pics too. ;)

How bout graphic decals on builds B) ???

Guess I'm just numb to it. th_BadWord.gif

Edited by old-hermit
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Screen names are fine, but the signature is where we like to see who we are talking to.

On that subject, I am also going through the screen/display names and asking for some changes to those offensive ones.

How about awards for the LARGEST signature blocks! :lol:

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I am 61 and newly single, and certainly could not be labeled even close to a prude. I believe there is a place and time and words for swearing, but to me publicly and on internet discussion/forums are not appropriate places. Sometimes you learn from your children and swearing was one of the most astute lessons. At times, especially in a higly testosteroned environment, I probably increase my swearing, like the old days in the office when there were very few if any women around.

But over time, I looked at others who used curse words and trash talk and determined it was not attractive to the user, no matter how insulted the recipient/witness/listener was. But I prevailed on, rationalizing that a well-placed cuss word was a very strong means of emphasizing your point. Which after a while became ludicrous, because if you can't use regular words properly, then you resort to the easy stuff, and that makes one look unimaginative and cheap. I will tell you also I spent a lot of time in public governmental work, and behind closed doors, especially in those sensitive meetings, there is a considerable amount of swearing going on, but it became evident to me that in the absence of any constructive thinking, swear words came into play.

Even to those who are biblically oriented, the Ten Commandments address swearing, and all through Bible text, it does not condone any type of swearing.

Then I started to think, then why the heck not just quit? My son taught me a valuable lesson. When he was 8 in grade school, we had to put him in after school care for a couple of hours until my wife or I could pick him up on the way home from work. He was getting thrashed by bullies, and was getting nailed with playground "trash talk" and his reply, since he was not allowed to swear, to call guys shut-up-face as he was taught shut up was nasty and disrespectful. To give him protection, I taught him to defend himself by swearing, with Dad's OK. But he had to go by the rules.

Here they are:

1. No swearing while yelling.

2. Only use swear words in humor, or insult, or jest, not in anger

3. Never use God's or the Lord's name in vain

4. Never swear at or in front of a teacher or grown up

5. Only swear as a last resort

6. Never swear in front of girls, and if you have an accident, do not use the F-bomb, or C word, or the S word.

7. Always keep in mind that swearing is way overrated, and to keep it at a total minimum

He survived unscathed the very next day, but over a few months, he swore off swearing, because I removed the mystique of swearing and he felt he could accomplish more with sarcasm, prepared insults, retorts, quick replies and wit, which he did.

I am like others on this board, as well as my model railroad board. I might say H-ll now and then but only referring to the place, but everything else is $#%#$%$#%$#^

Now he lectures me on swearing even in the privacy of my home. By eliminating swear words from your vocabulary, you would be surprised as to what it does to your conversations. People will be more comfortable around you.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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How shocked have you been when a normally mild mannered person utters a curse? On occasion, for intense emphasis and good full bodied oath brings significant attention. Reserving such words for occasional outbursts when one is frustrated beyond control is a worthy use of such expletives. I have used such words for follow the recalcitrant model across the room as it is hurled into the corner dust bin. Those who would use such words in daily conversation have lost the advantage of surprise and the personal satisfaction of verbal relief that follows such an outburst. Such frustrations occur on this board when the brain override the bodies need to throttle some "expletive deleted" who justly deserves and is rightly entitled to have the wind choked off in an abrupt fashion. Consider your words before you type.

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this would be a good place to ask a question

now keep in mind im not trying to be sarcastic

but is the word BITCHIN a cuss word

i mean its a slang word that was used in the 50's and 60's to describe something that was cool

but then if you take off the IN it is describing a female dog

so would this word be allowed on this board?

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There are two words in the english language that start with F.

Both mean the same act but one is acceptable in "polite" conversation and the other is not.

They are only words. Nothing else. What the listener makes of them is up to the individual.

I was taught manners and that is why you don't use the second word.


To Gregg or Jairus, delete this post if found objectional.

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this would be a good place to ask a question

now keep in mind im not trying to be sarcastic

but is the word BITCHIN a cuss word

i mean its a slang word that was used in the 50's and 60's to describe something that was cool

but then if you take off the IN it is describing a female dog

so would this word be allowed on this board?

If you have to ask, don't use it!!! :lol::rolleyes: Come on guys, play nice!!! :P
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I'm getting a little old now, and like a riddle, a little more mellow, but still a little more curmudgeonly. I like to think young, but I know I can be culturally way out of touch, as even my models are often quite different than those shown on the other display categories.

Gregg, I think you are taking a quite courageous stand on your position and policy of no cussing. I applaud you, and maybe it may lead several people to look at others who use vulgarity to excess to display themselves. I would rather my sense of dignity, pride, and respect for myself and others should be what defines me, and from what I see of the members of this forum, those apply as well.

We are bonded by a commonality of loving to build plastic model cars, and we vary in intensity, style, choice and approach, as well as talent, skill level, and creativity, but we are bonded. I haven't seen too much lack of respect to others, and that is why I go to this forum first thing every morning. I know conflict and disagreement can be a part of this forum, but I do everything I can to make it a rare exception, as flame wars are harmful and not productive.

Again, Gregg, congratulations and you have my support, and I will endeavor to avoid any cursing even using symbols or substitute words.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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All day long I am around people(I'm a delivery driver) who use swear words as adjectives, adverbs and punctuation. It is as if when they learned that word, it was the pinnacle of their education. No need to learn anything ever again.

So when I see someone like Gregg take a simple stand and say it ain't gonna happen here, I must applaud.

Thank you Gregg for making it clear that it will not be tolerated here.

For the rest of you, buy a thesaurus. :unsure:

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For the rest of you, buy a thesaurus. B)

Aren't those extinct?

Oops, sorry, I thought you were talking about those dinosaur thingees.....

Thanks, James.

I appreciate the support.

I have been trying to clean up my own personal day-to-day vocabulary, and it's funny how easy it is to do.

Not only with cuss words, but simple words, or phrases, like "uhm, er, or ugh"

If you take the time to think about what you are saying, you will be amazed at the quality of the words that do come out of your mouth.

It kinds of makes you seem edumacated!

(that's a joke, my friends) I catch all my misteaks before they are printedd.

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Aren't those extinct?

Oops, sorry, I thought you were talking about those dinosaur thingees.....

Thanks, James.

I appreciate the support.

I have been trying to clean up my own personal day-to-day vocabulary, and it's funny how easy it is to do.

Not only with cuss words, but simple words, or phrases, like "uhm, er, or ugh"

If you take the time to think about what you are saying, you will be amazed at the quality of the words that do come out of your mouth.

It kinds of makes you seem edumacated!

(that's a joke, my friends) I catch all my misteaks before they are printedd.

Hey!!!! HotRodasaurus aint extinct B)

Now then, swear/cuss words. Use of the 'A' word. here in the UK we say a slightly different version for what some call a butt our word has 4 letters. Now the US version I always thought was a jokey way of saying someone is stupid as a mule, you know, the donkey type thing. as in a Jacka** . Well please excuse my ignorace here but is the US version of the 'A' word considered offensive if refering to 'that part of the body' as an a**.

Heck why cant we all speak the same language :lol:

Edited by HotRodaSaurus
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If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat. English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all

PS. - Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick"

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Guest promodmerc
Hey!!!! HotRodaurus aint extinct :(

Now then, swear/cuss words. Use of the 'A' word. here in the UK we say a slightly different version for what some call a butt our word has 4 letters. Now the US version I always thought was a jokey way of saying someone is stupid as a mule, you know, the donkey type thing. as in a Jacka** . Well please excuse my ignorace here but is the US version of the 'A' word considered offensive if refering to 'that part of the body' as an a**.

Heck why cant we all speak the same language :(


Can you explain Gobsmacked here? The wife picked it up watcing BBC Amereica and uses it quite frequently where she works. She says she gets some crazy looks because they have never heard it before.

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Can you explain Gobsmacked here? The wife picked it up watcing BBC Amereica and uses it quite frequently where she works. She says she gets some crazy looks because they have never heard it before.

He He, isn't English great!


Speachless: heres how.

Look at something amazing(one of Bill Geary's models :( ), stand there with mouth open like a fish, then slap hand over subsequent hole in face sharply.

Gob= slang for mouth

So gobsmacked is the action of smacking he hand over ones mouth while looking at or hearing something amazing, a little over the top etc, really just another way of saying " I cant believe it"

Other sayings mainly by teenagers include; "get out of my face" "take a chill pill" "stop dissing me". It's a whole new world out there isn't it. :(


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