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Wiggle Eye headlight lens

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I can't claim this tip as my own as there have been a few posts on it years ago, but I was happy to learn of it as I tend to do lots of builds that have built in chrome headlights.  I found these at Hobby Lobby and picked up various sizes for the headlights I encounter.  After experimenting on a few, I found that using my close up glasses and a real sharp knife I could slice just the convex from the remainder.  I was left with what looked like hard contact lenses.  These aren't entirely domed shaped so you really have to slice them carefully to get just the dome without sides.  I tried the 7mm size and it fit the headlights from my '55 chev gasser I'm currently working on.  Granted it will be much tougher on smaller headlights but at least the result is worth it.  I sprayed the chrome with Dullcote and then clear canopy glue to hold the lenses down.





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13 hours ago, HJK said:

You all might laugh at me, but to be honest I don't understand what part of the wiggle eyes you use for what. Is it possible to get some more explanatory detail, please? Thanks, Juergen

Definitely the clear, domed "bubble" part. I used some small ones for making some driving light lenses years ago. When you separate the bubble from the backing portion of one of those eyes with the right diameter, the lens portion is very useful.

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3 hours ago, HJK said:

Greg, Thanks for your reply. But the domed part of the wiggle eyes lack the lattice-like structure which the real headlight glasses have, is that right?

Correct. The driving light lenses I was replicating were the HID type, where the reflector pattern is not in the lens but in the reflector behind the bulb.

If you look at the OP's post, he is using them over chromed headlights, which don't have a lens- the fluted pattern is already on the headlight, and when using the clear plastic portion of the eye over top of it, the clear lens adds realism.

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