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Richard Bartrop

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About Richard Bartrop

  • Birthday 11/29/1958

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24-25, mostly

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  • Full Name
    Richard Bartrop

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. The US shutdown during WW2 was mostly vehicles and large appliances. If you look at a magazine from that time, there were still plenty of goods for sale. The model company Guillow's kept going right through the war, though they did switch to paper because balsa was considered a strategic material. As all those race car kits show, what makes a subject interesting has very little to do with how many were made. Tucker's one of those makes that's always generated a lot of interest, and is usually high on modeler's want lists. The kit does look pretty nice. I would have liked to have seen a full engine, but that is still a very nice underside. As for whether it's legit, we'd certainly find out soon enough.
  2. Mind you, a dollar went a whole lot farther back then.
  3. Also interesting how they do the rear axle. Those wire wheels look very nice, and those are tough to get right at that scale.
  4. I hadn't really appreciated up to now how much styling the Toronado shared with the rest of the Oldsmobile line.
  5. A company that actually wants out business? What a concept! I guess simply shouting down anyone who has a problem with whatever dubious plastic that gets foisted on them doesn't work that well after all.
  6. Hobbylinc is taking orders for the Kellers Kustom's Comp T Roadster for May http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/aan/aan13104.htm
  7. The detail is kind of mind boggling. Separate light bulbs? How many kits in that scale even bother to mould them in? One thing for sure with all those microscopic parts, the carpet monsters will be feeding well.
  8. It' my understanding that the Revival moulds are long gone, but if someone decides to prove me wrong, I will not be upset.
  9. It also looks like a multi piece body, which seems to be standard practice for ICM, but again, not necessarily a deal breaker.
  10. I like it. It's like a second generation Corvair and a Dino coupe had a beautiful baby.
  11. A '32 from ICM would be nice, though seeing how much WW2 stuff they do, would something from the '40s be out of the question? A '42 Ford would seem to be an obvious choice.
  12. Because you can never go wrong with Dick Dale. I've been enjoying Tokyo Vice a lot, especially the soundtrack.
  13. Oh, people will gripe whatever you do. My thought is, even if you have no interest in ,32 Tudors, there are still some nice parts for the kitbashers. I plan on getting at least one.
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