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New from Kalamazoo


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It's been several decades since I really built models but I'm at a point in life where I need to get into something that let's me exercise my creativity and love of things with engines. Kids are grown and gone, retirement is just around the corner, I have a place to build a modeling workshop...so time to dive in.

I think one reason I got away from building models was my interest died in doing them out of the box and what were, for me, common subjects. So, I've decided to do only different subjects as customs and S T R E T C H my skills! My first effort will be a custom bus! I'm starting with the Roden 1/35 GMC Greyhound Silverside kit. It's on its way to my doorstep as I write this. Screen snip included of what it starts as and where I want to go with it. Think 1920's and 1930's Art Deco...the interior will be like a luxury 5 star hotel from that era.

I'm hoping to find people here who will share their tips. tricks and methods when it comes time for some of the body alterations and scratch building. I've scanned the postings and I see so much amazing skill out there!

Looking forward to making friends and seeing the builds!



GMC Bus Concept.JPG

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You'll be happy to discover that you have one of the better regional shows near you in the form of the Kalamazoo Toy Show.  Lots of plastic promos, some pressed steel stuff, the usual diecast, etc.  Also being from Michigan, besides the Detroit-area shows, hobby people here gravitate both south towards Toledo to sample the show scene there, whereas at other times area residents drive west towards Chicago to take in Chicagoland shows, a small show in Jackson, MI., as well as the Kalamazoo Toy Show hitherto identified.  


Mike K./Swede70

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