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The 49 Mercury Thread (Because if you haven't built one yet, you should!)

David G.

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Hello Everybody!

Like many of us in this community, I've been building model cars off and on for many years. And for those of us who have been building for longer than we may want to admit, there are certain builds that are so iconic and so popular that they are almost obligatory- cliche' even.

Most commonly:

1957 Chevrolet Bel Air

1932 Ford (Deuce) Coupe

1940 Ford Coupe

Chevrolet Corvette (any kind or year) 

And of course, the 1949 Mercury.

Certainly, there are other famous makes and models that deserve recognition but this thread is going to be about the iconic 1949 Mercury. This beautiful automobile is heralded by many as the pinnacle of post-war automotive design and styling. It lends itself well to the imaginations of customizers and hotrodders alike.

I've seen some fabulous versions of the '49 Mercury built by this community's members and I thought it would be great to have one location where those delightful builds can be shared and admired by all.

So if you have a '49 Mercury of any kind you wish to share, please feel free to post it here.

If you're in the process of building one, feel free to post your progress photos here.

If you haven't built one yet, what are you waiting for?

I'll start things off with one of mine.


So here it is, The '49 Mercury Joker-Mobile.




Go ahead, call 911. He loves the attention!




TNT, a tire iron and a Tommy Gun What more does a psycho need?




And of course, Mr. J. really loves his new ride!





I'm looking forward to see what this talented community has to offer when it comes to the '49 Mercury.

David G.

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Well, I happen to have one.😎 It was probably one of the first kits I bought at Michaels (50% off coupon) when I got back into the hobby a few years back. Never was real big on that body style but….I just may give it a go.😜



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31 minutes ago, NOBLNG said:

Well, I happen to have one.😎 It was probably one of the first kits I bought at Michaels (50% off coupon) when I got back into the hobby a few years back. Never was real big on that body style but….I just may give it a go.😜





Another Joker-Mobile, maybe? 😮

Go for it!

David G.

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3 minutes ago, David G. said:



Another Joker-Mobile, maybe? 😮

Go for it!

David G.

Nope, won’t be a Joker-Mobile. Just thought I’d put him in the pic since he showed up in a different kit I bought at the flea market. I just now cracked open the kit and am perusing the instructions. Lots of parts, but not a lot of build options other than grill and bumpers, two choices of hoods and fender skirts….only one set of tires.😕 The decals are nice! I’ll have to start googling this 1:1 and some builds on here to get ideas of where to go with it.🙂

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Well it’s out of the box and on my bench. Only one part ran away so far.🤨 The steering box has somehow vanished🤬. On the upside, I found the second set of tires packaged inside the body.🙂 I am just in the process of removing flash and gluing parts together that can be painted as a unit. I think I will build this mostly OOB, since it is already heavily customized. Some of you that have seen or built a lot of these may be less than impressed. I will however do my best to give it a nice paint job, which unfortunately is my weakest skill.😕


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You can't goo wrong with a 49 Merc! Originally built almost ten year ago "Tang" was an experiment in custom techniques, I used ever mod I knew of to make this one. Sadly, it was partially wrecked while moving in 2016.  


But in 2022 I was able to rebuild it using spare parts. I rebranded it the "Ghost" since it was back from the dead. 



My 49 Sled - Model Cars - Model Cars Magazine Forum

49 Custom Mercury: Teaser pic - WIP: Model Cars - Model Cars Magazine Forum


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38 minutes ago, James2 said:

You can't goo wrong with a 49 Merc! Originally built almost ten year ago "Tang" was an experiment in custom techniques, I used ever mod I knew of to make this one. Sadly, it was partially wrecked while moving in 2016.  


But in 2022 I was able to rebuild it using spare parts. I rebranded it the "Ghost" since it was back from the dead. 



My 49 Sled - Model Cars - Model Cars Magazine Forum

49 Custom Mercury: Teaser pic - WIP: Model Cars - Model Cars Magazine Forum



Wow, excellent custom mods!

The quad headlights give the Merc a more sinister look. I can't decide if I like the original orange version or the white rebuild better.

David G.

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I smoothed the mold lines this morning. Then I drilled the heads and distributor for plug wires. I got everything primed and some parts painted. The instructions call for the engine to be painted gold, but according to my research, it should be a very dark blue. This is a Ford blue, and I’m not thrilled with it, so when it is dry enough I will try to mix up a darker shade.🧐



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1 hour ago, David G. said:


Wow, that chassis looks great Greg!

David G.

Thanks David.🙂 This kit has got to be the polar opposite of the AMT ‘41 Plymouth. Everything looks right, has proper mounting points and the kit practically builds itself.😎

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Finally located the one I had in mind. Old built up resin 4-door conversion, caster unknown. I bought this for eight bucks in the condition you see from a local hobby shop closing down, along with a '49 Ford, '51 Mercury, and even a '53 Studebaker. All are cast in a weird tangerine color resin. And all but the Studebaker had stuff oozing from the tires. The wheels and tires don't appear to be resin, wondering if maybe it's the adhesive used. Anyhow, those will be replaced.

As you can see, it looks terrible now, but I think with a little work, I can get it up to looking just bad. 🤣


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After an afternoon soak in Bleech Wite, here's where I am.


There's that weird tangerine resin I was talking about. Certainly not Modelhaus quality. The kit in the background will provide replacement parts.



The flares came off in pieces. Due to glue marks and the overall quality of the casting, a little bodywork is certainly in order.


Got a running start on the chassis. I don't intend to use the Rides Magazine wheels and tires, but I did use the suspension parts from that version. That means I still have the stock and lowered suspension from the original kit. Which might come in handy...


Since the '51 is also AMT '49 based.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I got the first half of the two tone paint done. The bottom is Testors Blazing Black. The top half I will try for the first time to spray some reddish nail polish that I have. The last time I tried a two tone job, I wound up with masking tape marks…so I’m gonna let this sit in the dehydrator for a while before masking.🥴


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15 hours ago, NOBLNG said:

I got the first half of the two tone paint done. The bottom is Testors Blazing Black. The top half I will try for the first time to spray some reddish nail polish that I have. The last time I tried a two tone job, I wound up with masking tape marks…so I’m gonna let this sit in the dehydrator for a while before masking.🥴



That'll look cool!

David G.

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