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I'm curious: If you bought the Gaahleri Swallowtail airbrush recently, what do you think of it?

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I'm asking because I saw a Barbatos Rex video where he used one and got fantastic results, especially with the fan attachment.  When it comes to paint recommendations and modeling equipment tests, Barbatos Rex's word is usually gospel to me.

OTOH, I just finished watching another person review the same 'brush, and there wasn't a whole lot about it that he liked.  I'd say his biggest gripe was that the fan tip seemed to spray more heavily toward one end of the spray pattern, which showed up on the test paper.    

Anyway, I'd like to know what you think of yours.  Comments + a number grade (1-worst, 10-best) would be great.  

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Monty, I have a Swallowtail and I am happy with it.  I do not have the fan tip and probably never will.  Pardon the pun, but I'm not a fan of the fan tip.  My workhorse is an Iwata Eclipse and the Swallowtail is not as refined, IMHO.  I have sprayed primer and color on one model with the Swallowtail and I was happy with the results.  I used the .5mm needle.  I bought it for these features; trigger, removeable paint cups and multiple needle sizes.  I am happy with it so far and have no doubt that I will use it to shoot bodies from now on. 

No grade from me just because it is so subjective.  I like the Swallowtail and I would recommend it to anyone.  It is not on the same level as my Iwata but not everyone needs or wants an Iwata.  It does things, or maybe I should say, it has features that the Iwata does not.  For me it is just another tool in the hobby tool kit.

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Gaahleri Swallowtail ?    Never heard of it before. 

Where is it made?    What does it cost?   Any chance of a photo on here?

Just curious really, as I have some old Badgers that have served me we!l over the years.

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6 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

Gaahleri Swallowtail ?    Never heard of it before. 

Where is it made?    What does it cost?   Any chance of a photo on here?

Just curious really, as I have some old Badgers that have served me we!l over the years.

If you check out Gaahleri.com you can find out about their line of airbrushes. They now have a distributor for Europe, I believe. Chinese made. New company that introduced itself last year. I've only used their base model trigger brush so far but I quite like it and the Swallowtail is supposed to be a better brush.

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10 hours ago, Bugatti Fan said:

Just curious really, as I have some old Badgers that have served me we!l over the years.

Me too

One of the guys in our club bought one along a couple of meetings ago. It looks to be well made and the needles are extremely sharp. He had not used at that point. It is a Barbatos Rex special and was purchased direct from Gaahleri.com


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