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Do you ever get the feeling?

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That you're not wanted?

Is it something I said?

Something I did?

Was my personality overly strong?

I've never cheated, lied, stolen, or intentionally hurt anyone here, yet I feel when I'm on this forum, I don't feel welcome by 95% of the members, including Gregg and Harry. So I'll no longer post, nor will I answer any and all questions and posts.

I've tried to figure out what it is that I could've done. Maybe I don't go to a lot of shows. Maybe I just tried to be too friendly. Maybe It's because I'm not as well known as most of the people here.

I'm not trying to get people to feel sorry for me, or to take pity on me. I don't want that. I just don't understand why people choose to ignore what I say or do.

I made an offer to donate some money to Gregg the other day to help him get another airbrush since his was stolen. I did it because I've been the victim of theft, and I had friends who helped me replace the the stolen property. I get the feeling though that when I made the offer that people thought that I was trying to buy his friendship. I didn't care one way or the other if he would've liked me any more. I just wanted to help out a fellow modeler who was taken advantage of.

But as usual I was ignored, as usual.

That's all I have to say....

Edited by Custom Hearse
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That you're not wanted?

Is it something I said?

Something I did?

Was my personality overly strong?

I've never cheated, lied, stolen, or intentionally hurt anyone here, yet I feel when I'm on this forum, I don't feel welcome by 95% of the members, including Gregg and Harry. So I'll no longer post, nor will I answer any and all questions and posts.

I've tried to figure out what it is that I could've done. Maybe I don't go to a lot of shows. Maybe I just tried to be too friendly. Maybe It's because I'm not as well known as most of the people here.

I'm not trying to get people to feel sorry for me, or to take pity on me. I don't want that. I just don't understand why people choose to ignore what I say or do.

I made an offer to donate some money to Gregg the other day to help him get another airbrush since his was stolen. I did it because I've been the victim of theft, and I had friends who helped me replace the the stolen property. I get the feeling though that when I made the offer that people thought that I was trying to buy his friendship. I didn't care one way or the other if he would've liked me any more. I just wanted to help out a fellow modeler who was taken advantage of.

But as usual I was ignored, as usual.

That's all I have to say....

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Hey Marshall, iffin yer in the Vicinity of Rickmond Virginia , A K A "The Land that Time Forgot " actually a stopover for Yankee tourists on the way to Florida stop in dude ! Heck , I'll buy the coffeeand show ya why this place really is a freakin Time warp ! Ed Shaver

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I never got that sense in the short time I've been here, Marshall. I always read your posts with pleasure. It's true many things go to a seemingly deaf ear on message boards, none excluded, but it's not usually because of any personal feelings. It's just the nature of the beast. I would personally miss you if you stopped posting.

I took your offer on Gregg's airbrush as very generous but held off saying anything for some response, probably more one from Gregg. I just got the feeling he would never accept anything like that from us here only from his own generous nature and sense of right. He needed some cool down time anyway after that disgraceful incident.. I know I would have.

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I try to go to all the new posts and respond to people's builds and showcase. It's hard to reach everyone on this forum and nobody should feel left out.

I occasionally feel like I'm talking to my self when I post pic's of my builds but that's okay too.

It's hard to reach everyone in these forums.

I hope he sticks with us and continues posting his builds, but I'll understand if he chooses not too.

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Marsh, I've NEVER met ya, an I like you, why the bad feelins? I've NEVER seen any NEGATIVE response from anyone here, or seen anyone be rude to you, so why such discord? It was a GREAT thing you did to offer Gregg a help out, an he probly did appericiate it, but he IS a busy guy an who knows, maybe your offer jus kinda missed him. Don't take it so personal. If you REALLY wanna help, maybe like some guys said, you can volunteer to jus sit around at the next show he attends, an watch his stuff. I know I'll offer to do it when(IF) he comes to Toledo! If we all take turns helpin him out with some extra eyes, this kinda krap WON'T happen again!!! I personally don't blame him for beein pissed off, and I DO understand where he's commin from, But to lose HIM would be an even worse scenario! ;)

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hey dude...don't be leavin' the forum ;)

the newspaper article ya did about the elves in Hollister still has me laughing :lol:

forums are forums...ya can't take'm too serious ;) ...it's just another medium to share with others having like interests...

i hope to get future responses from ya when i put my stuff on display :lol:

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Yeah, I understand, sometimes it feels that way. BUT, if you know it doesn't seem right, than chances are it's just the way this "internet" is. It's not you... and it's not us. It's just the way it is. What I do is just keep on posting. Odds are, someone is reading it! And if not, well, it wouldn't be the first time I was found bouncing off the walls, talking to myself!

Also, I've noticed that nothing is more certain to get a response, than posting pics of a model you just built! In my case, I finish about two a year on average. Translated... I get "recognized" about twice a year! LoL! It's all good. No matter what, the sun will still rise tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Just keep on smilin', and keep on postin'!

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Check out some photos I have... there is a few pics in there you may appreciate!

The MISC. file:



I have a few ''Cadaverllac's''



Lincolns, Mercs, and maybe a Ford or two:



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Guest Mustang3.8
That you're not wanted?

Is it something I said?

Something I did?

Was my personality overly strong?

I've never cheated, lied, stolen, or intentionally hurt anyone here, yet I feel when I'm on this forum, I don't feel welcome by 95% of the members, including Gregg and Harry. So I'll no longer post, nor will I answer any and all questions and posts.

I've tried to figure out what it is that I could've done. Maybe I don't go to a lot of shows. Maybe I just tried to be too friendly. Maybe It's because I'm not as well known as most of the people here.

I'm not trying to get people to feel sorry for me, or to take pity on me. I don't want that. I just don't understand why people choose to ignore what I say or do.

I made an offer to donate some money to Gregg the other day to help him get another airbrush since his was stolen. I did it because I've been the victim of theft, and I had friends who helped me replace the the stolen property. I get the feeling though that when I made the offer that people thought that I was trying to buy his friendship. I didn't care one way or the other if he would've liked me any more. I just wanted to help out a fellow modeler who was taken advantage of.

But as usual I was ignored, as usual.

That's all I have to say....

I've been there, bro. Don't let it get to you. You are more then welcome here.

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Marshall I dont know what your deal is, but you did the same thing in our club then you completly ignore my wife and I, I thought we were really good friends, I had given you some cool kits, I had invited you to my house to stay for the weekends or whatever and you just leave and dont say a word to us, now you are doing the same thing here, I think you might want to have a look at yourself, if you have the same problem everwhere you go it may not be everyone else..... Jim

Edited by CFnutcase
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If you want response build anything Mopar or 32 Ford anything! You will get tons of reponses. That was tongue and cheek by the way. I build things that not everyone likes but I still build. I build for myself and contests in mind. What is more rewarding than someone replying to you on here is actually getting out (assuming you have the venues to attend) and having folks talk to you in person. I don't post on everything as well, but if the subject is well done than kudos go out. Good luck with your choice in what you do. Just keep in mind that there are many subjects people cover on here and to be honest I don't like them all. It is just a matter of opinion. Don't stop building or posting just for those reasons. This is a therapuetic hobby when it comes down to it. Enjoy!

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CH, you can take this for what it's worth, but I'll share a few things I've learned about people, and forums such as this specifically. First of all, if you're coming to a place like this to have a bunch of people reply to every post you make, you're setting yourself up for some huge disappointment. Every forum has alot of lurkers who rarely, if ever post anything. Not everyone is going to care for the work you produce either, and alot of members have the metality that if I can't post anything positive, I'm not going to post anything at all. I guess you have to ask yourself if you'd prefer to have someone not say anything about your work vs. tearing it down in front of the members here. Alot of people can take public constructive criticism well while others can't.

As for replying to your post offering to assist Gregg in replacing his airbrush, I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting the other members here to say about that. Maybe that offer would have been best made through a direct message to Gregg, rather than publicly where he may have missed your offer entirely.

Something else to remember as well. No matter what, you will have members of these online communities who seem to flock together. If there were several builders who built the same subject matter as you, chances are you would socialize with those people more than you would those who build other modeling subjects. That doesn't mean you're a jerk or antisocialist, only that you prefer to "hang with your own type." It's really not fair for you to judge those of us here simply because you don't get a ton of responses from the members of this family. If you're going to rate the members here by the number of replies we make to your posts, then chances are you won't consider many of us friends.

There are members here that I consider good friends. Is that a majority of the membership here? Probably not, simply due to the sheer number of members we have here. But, those that are on my "Friends List" are those that I hang with here most and share modeling experiences with probably more than others, both publicly and through e-mails, phone conversations and what-have-you.

Finally, if you're looking for the approval of everyone here, you're in for a heck of a shock. Just like in everyday life, no matter where you go, you will have those that simply don't care for you, or your tastes, for whatever reason. You simply need to get past those select few and go about your business and make the most out of this hobby. Once you get past the impersonality of the internet and accept it for what it is, you'll enjoy this hobby alot more.

Just my random thoughts...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen some of what you've built.. does my voice count as not a builder? No but I'll share it anyway B)... some great art you have going on there.. I wish I could make a comment on 90% of the posts I read but the truth is, I have no clue what they are talking about for the most part LOL... still fun to read.... I promise if you post some more I will comment on them + :P

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I've seen some of what you've built.. does my voice count as not a builder? No but I'll share it anyway :D... some great art you have going on there.. I wish I could make a comment on 90% of the posts I read but the truth is, I have no clue what they are talking about for the most part LOL... still fun to read.... I promise if you post some more I will comment on them + ;)

Your voice counts whether you build or not. You are a member here on this forum who is kind, and I appreciate it.

Everybody who answered this post in the positive, I also appreciate you.

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