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1958 Chevy Proton- A Fictional Nuclear Powered Car: WIP (Photos Restored)

David G.

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In addition to building models, one of my other hobbies is playing video games; one of my recent favorites is Fallout 3. It's a shooter that's set in a post-apocalyptic alternate future in which nuclear energy was developed into an power source for just about everything... including cars.



These images were taken from the video game Fallout 3 or from websites created and owned by Bethesda Softworks, the copyright of which is held by Bethesda Softworks or ZeniMax Media. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Bethesda Softworks or ZeniMax Media.

The use of images to illustrate articles concerning the subject of the images in question is believed to qualify as fair use under United States copyright law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the copyrighted material and is not being used to generate profit in this context.


Images like the one above are the inspiration for my current project.

I'm kitbashing this from 2 Revell kits: a 1956 Chevy Nomad and a 1958 Impala.

This is the most extensive modification I've ever tried and I'm having to learn as I go along. Consequently, the progress is slow.

Sorry for the old low resolution photos but I started this project in 2009.


The gray panels are fuselage sections from a focke wulf moskito kit


I'll post more updates as they become available. I promise better photos next time too!

Thanks for your interest. Please feel free to comment

David G.

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There is a nice model car in the top of the Tenpenny Towers but unfortunately, you cannot take it. It's one of those objects you can't grab. I have a whole shelf full of Nuka Cola trucks and Toy Cars at my shack. I'd bet most of us here that play the game do as well...

I thought about doing a model of one of the cars they have but have so many other projects on the bench now and no time to devote to them. I will be watching this one though. It's off to a great start!

When you get this one done, you going to start on one of the others?

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I added a scratch- and parts-built nuclear engine and started fine sanding the body.


And as promised, the pics are at least a little better.




I think the profile came out fairly good, in spite of the hack job.



As always, thanks for taking the time to look and feel free to comment.

David G.

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Interesting concept :D . The Chernobyl GT. Ford did a 3/8 model of a proposed nukemobile in '58 when the great free- thinking Alex Tremulis was running their advanced studio.



That's William Clay Ford next to it.

The Ford Nucleon is in part what I based my concept on. Mainly the engine pod and the twin catamaran booms on the back. I wanted the rear of mine a little more protected to minimize damage from potential collisions. Wait until you see the rear bumper!

"Chernobyl GT" I like that! I'm calling mine the Chevy Proton, though. They (fictionally) beat Ford to the punch four years earlier in 1954.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got the interior done. I cut down the '56 Nomad interior and added a rear bulkhead. The colors are Tamiya Coral Blue and Racing White form spray cans. They seem like a good color combination for a '50's car.


Being a nuclear powered car, I felt that the standard automotive controls would be insufficient to manage the reactor's functions. Therefore, I manufactured a center console by kitbashing some controls borrowed from a model airplane kit.


This is also my first attempt at working with metal foil. I used Testor's brand Model Master foil and I'm a little disappointed with the results. The biggest problem I had was with the adhesive on the back of the foil. The foil seemed to cut well enough, but when I tried to separate or lift the unwanted foil from the work area, the adhesive wanted to continue hold the foil together. When finally separated, the adhesive became stringy and tended to ball up like rubber cement. Yuck!


I hope the snaps are worth the wait.





"Beauty Shot"




I thought that managing a mini nuclear power plant would require a more complex control interface so I cobbled one together using parts from the same aircraft kit.


Thanks for taking the time to look.


David G.

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This is a cool concept and the execution is coming along nicely. The interior is beautiful and the airplane parts look very appropriate.

Sorry about the bad foil experience, but know you are not alone. I got some of the Testors stuff too and had the same problems. It work just ok, but like you said, it's real sticky. I picked up some Bare Metal Foil this weekend and will be using that from now on.

keep up the good work.

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That is pretty neat....not really sure if it is coming or going. Back in the 1950's the car designers all thought that by that distant year of 2000 we would all be flying around like the Jetson's. That idea is evident in the designs that form the basis for your project. I think this build is pretty cool, I like the idea of playing "what if". I like to think about what could be, not necessarily what is. Keep it up.

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This is a cool concept and the execution is coming along nicely. The interior is beautiful and the airplane parts look very appropriate.

Sorry about the bad foil experience, but know you are not alone. I got some of the Testors stuff too and had the same problems. It work just ok, but like you said, it's real sticky. I picked up some Bare Metal Foil this weekend and will be using that from now on.

keep up the good work.

Have you had a chance to work with the Bare-Metal Foil, and is it noticeably better than the Testors?

Once again, thank you all for the kind words.

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Have you had a chance to work with the Bare-Metal Foil, and is it noticeably better than the Testors?

Once again, thank you all for the kind words.

Not yet, but judging by the fact that most people on the boards here seem to use it, I think it's got to be better. I'll let you know what I thing when I do use it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Everybody!

Finally, I've got some painting done that I can be mostly satisfied with.



It ain't perfect, but it don't look bad from here. I am very impressed with the Tamiya paint, it's almost like an airbrush in a can.



The masking work came out fairly well. I think next time I'll work the lines a little differently though.



I need to come up with some ideas on what to do with this bit back here. I think that the chromie thingy on the back looks a little too wheel-like. And then there's the tail lights. As always, any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Again, thanks for taking the time to look.

David G.


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Dave, the really nice thing about a project like this,is it's ALL comin outta YOUR head! It can be ANYTHING you WANT it to be! It looks good to be bro, cause I've NEVER SEEN an atomic car! I'll beleive anything you tell me about it! I like it, it's stuff like this that makes modeling SO enjoyable! You Go,Bro!!!!biggrin.gifwink.gif

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I tried some other foils and nothing beats BMF. There're a few people here that use cheap tin foil and some kind of glue and seem to get excellent results. I'll stick with BMF.

Yes, I don't think I'll waste my time with that other stuff I bought. I'll order some BMF for the trim on this one

Dave, the really nice thing about a project like this,is it's ALL comin outta YOUR head! It can be ANYTHING you WANT it to be! It looks good to be bro, cause I've NEVER SEEN an atomic car! I'll beleive anything you tell me about it! I like it, it's stuff like this that makes modeling SO enjoyable! You Go,Bro!!!!biggrin.gifwink.gif

Thanks george, That's part of what is taking me so long with this one, I not only get to make stuff up, but then I have to figure out how to do it. I've also never built one with modifications this extensive. There's a pretty steep learning curve for me, and I end up doing many things multiple times.

I think, my next one will be a bit more "out of the box."

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Everyone thats following this thread needs to see Collectable Automobile for December 2009 !!!!!They have a very excellent article on Ford Experimentals from the 1950's including the Lincon Futura, ( Bat mobile ) and the Leva Car ! This issue seems to be selling fast so get yers today ! Ed Shaver

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Thank you all for your kind words.

Ed, thanks for the tip on the magazine, I'll see if I can find a copy while I'm out today.

As always, I appreciate any suggestions, critiques, observations or comments. I'm kind of in uncharted water with some aspects of this build and I'm always open to new ideas.


David G.

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  • David G. changed the title to 1958 Chevy Proton- A Fictional Nuclear Powered Car: WIP (Photos Restored)

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