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What kind of music.....

What genre of music do you listen to when at the bench ?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Easy Listening
    • Rock & Roll
    • Smooth Jazz
    • Talk Radio
    • Country
    • R & B
    • Neighbors dog barking
    • Significant other telling you to put that thing down and do some work around here
    • Other

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well for me it kind of depends on what I am building. For instance, if I am building anything stock or custom from the 50's and earlier, I listen to stuff like this,


or when I am building drag stuff or 60's-70's stuff, I listen to this

Ofcourse there are deviations here and there...

Metal, butt rock, 80's pop and what not.

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I put on AOL Radio on my computer and listen to Southern Rock. It reminds me of simpler times when I was younger and still building models regularly.

Now a lot of the time is planning out the model, setting back looking at which wheels look best, what color combo......listen to the Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers, 38 Special, Charlie Daniels......look at the model again......

And I get one built every once in a while!

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Instead of listening to the radio, I turn on "Music Choice" on my local cable TV service and listen to either the Blues or Classic Rock. Occasionally I'll put some Eric Clapton CD's on. I also enjoy it being quiet when I'm building, when no one else is home, and I sometimes don't put any music or TV on.

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  • 2 years later...

Lemme think. David Gilmour, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Peter Frampton, Styx, Journey, Eric Clapton, Elton John, Kansas, Alan Parsons, Phil Collins, Genesis and believe it or not, Celtic Woman.

Music has been as large a part of my life as modeling is.

Edited by Nitrozilla
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Always, and all sort of music, too... For me it's the best way to go through a new album, for example ;)

I cannot, however, listen to or watch football games whilst I work on a model, because I get way too excited and distracted LoL :D

Edited by PowerPlant
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I'll either listen to music or podcasts.

One of my most prolific model building sessions, I had just gotten into the music of Dr. Steel. I found a great deal of creative energy in his work.

When I listen to music at the workbench, I'll pick a consistently strong album or artist, and just lose myself in the music and the work. Most recently, it's been "Heroine" by Lorde, "The Hunting Party" by Linkin Park, "Phase 2" by Daikaiju and "Hesitation Marks" by Nine Inch Nails.

I also will listen to audio drama and comedy podcasts, depending on my mood.

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I'm a big metal fan, but that includes hair metal from the 80's so anything from Maiden and early Metallica through the newest European power metal stuff, like Iron Saviour, Jorn, Primal Fear, etc. Of course, Dio, too. Gotta have Dio, especially when working on street vans... :)

I also listen to documentaries on space, archaeology, military history, and sometimes, for shiggles, weird UFO shows.

I don't really like sports, but I do like Jim Rome, so I might put him on too, if the mood strikes!

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