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Real names in your sig line!

Harry P.

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One of the rules you all agreed to when you became members here is to post your real, full name (first and last) in your signature line.

If your screen name is your real name, no problem. But if your screen name is not your real name, you need to put your real name in your signature.

If you don't know how... here's how:

There's a dropdown menu below your screen name at the top right of the page. Click on "My Settings."

Then under "Your Options" click on "Profile."

Then click on "Change Signature" and go from there.

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Not to be a smart 'butt', the place you are referring to says 'First Name'! You might want to change the heading above and below to read 'Full name' or 'first and last name'.

I changed mine, should show up this time.

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Not to be a smart 'butt', the place you are referring to says 'First Name'! You might want to change the heading above and below to read 'Full name' or 'first and last name'.

I changed mine, should show up this time.

You have it backwards.

The place that asks for "first name" is for your first name.

Your full name is supposed to go in your signature.

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One of the rules you all agreed to when you became members here is to post your real, full name (first and last) in your signature line.

If your screen name is your real name, no problem. But if your screen name is not your real name, you need to put your real name in your signature.

Finally! Closure!

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Existentialist Question: But how do we all really know what our real name really is? I mean, really?

A small point but one I think should be considered more thoughtfully.

A name isn't just a label. It's all about YOU. In the Ten Commandments, it is stated that you shouldn't take God's name in vain. In those days, (and when you think about, also today), the word, "Name" also means "reputation." Or, in essence, who you are as a person. Think of it as an avatar for who you really are.

» Name: The Hebrew root denotes something high or elevated, a monument implying majesty or excellence. It is an outstanding mark, sign, or reputation. Thus "name" is a word by which a person, place, or thing is distinctively known. A name identifies, signifies, and specifies.

Read more: http://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/8258/Name-as-Bearers-Reputation.htm#ixzz0tggoWR75

When you put your name on this forum, you need to stand behind who you are, and take responsibility for your actions and, therefore, reputation. Would you be proud to have your posts on this forum seen by your family, your friends, your employer and significant others?

[by the way, I am not a religious person, but I bring this forward as thought for your consideration.]

Edited by sjordan2
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Not to stir the pot... notice Harry, that I put my full name in my sig when asked, but JT is correct. In the profile section, under required information, it clearly states that first name is required. Now I realize that this is Gregg's forum and his to do with as he pleases, so he can make whatever rules he choose, but it should be a simple thing to change the required information to read 'Full Name, first and last' in the profile section. That way it should lessen the moderator's duties. I know that in 'o6 when I joined, I put my full name in my sig. I also had an avatar. During the last board change, both my avatar and my profile info was lost. When I went to finally fix it all, I saw that it said only my first name was required, so I put that there. I did not bother to re-read the rules to see if they had changed. Lets be honest, most of us when we join a forum, do not really read the rules, we skim them. Most of us do not join forums with the expressed purpose of violating the rules. If you change the required info line in the profile page, I believe that you will get more people to follow that one rule.

Here is the required info as shown in the profile page.


Opps, sorry, mine full name is actually just to the left under my displayed info and not in my sig. I will put it in both places just to be safe ;)

Edited by Ken
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Not to stir the pot... notice Harry, that I put my full name in my sig when asked, but JT is correct. In the profile section, under required information, it clearly states that first name is required. Now I realize that this is Gregg's forum and his to do with as he pleases, so he can make whatever rules he choose, but it should be a simple thing to change the required information to read 'Full Name, first and last' in the profile section. That way it should lessen the moderator's duties. I know that in 'o6 when I joined, I put my full name in my sig. I also had an avatar. During the last board change, both my avatar and my profile info was lost. When I went to finally fix it all, I saw that it said only my first name was required, so I put that there. I did not bother to re-read the rules to see if they had changed. Lets be honest, most of us when we join a forum, do not really read the rules, we skim them. Most of us do not join forums with the expressed purpose of violating the rules. If you change the required info line in the profile page, I believe that you will get more people to follow that one rule.

Here is the required info as shown in the profile page.


Opps, sorry, mine full name is actually just to the left under my displayed info and not in my sig. I will put it in both places just to be safe ;)

The part that asks for "required imformation" isn't your signature. We ask that you have your full name in your signature.

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There are over 6,000 members here. It's going to take me some time... but as Gregg said, the rules are the rules, and we're going to enforce them.

6,000 is actually not that much in terms of a large member count....Some of the sports forums I'm on for instance, have 20,000-50,000 participants.

Surprisingly, there's much less fighting and rules breaking on those forums, than there is here at MCM.......and you know how crazy sports fans can get... :P

Alot of the troublemakers here, wouldn't last very long on those other forums...They would be lucky to have thier accounts survive half a day if they were going around heckling and causing issues like they do here...It's kinda weird how some of those bigger sites seem to have better control over the members......or so it seems at least.

Edited by J. Sauber
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6,000 is actually not that much in terms of a large member count....Some of the sports forums I'm on for instance, have 20,000-50,000 participants.

I've imposed a new rule on myself: every time I see a post with no name in the signature I PM the person. So far the response has been very good as far as people doing as asked. It'll take time for me to get to everyone, but it is underway. :P

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Surprisingly, there's much less fighting and rules breaking on those forums, than there is here at MCM.......and you know how crazy sports fans can get... :lol: ...

Sports participants and fans live for rules. That's the nature of sports. Modelers are creative, do their own thing, and stray from using the instructions, so it's no surprise they're more unruly.

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Sports participants and fans live for rules. That's the nature of sports. Modelers are creative, do their own thing, and stray from using the instructions, so it's no surprise they're more unruly.

LOL, very true.....Real men don't follow instruction manuals...... :lol::lol::lol:

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