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HELP!! stuck paint jar lids!

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HELP!!! Does anyone know how to get stuck on paint jar lids off paint bottles? don't want to waste then paint as jars are nearly full. especially the price it is.

My advise would be to turn it upside down, eye drop a couple of drops of thinner in the gap. Then let it set for a little bit, and then get one of those rubber lid grippers that you can get from "Bed Bath and Beyond" and grunt a little. (The grunting is required. lol :angry: ) This has worked for me in the past.


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My advise would be to turn it upside down, eye drop a couple of drops of thinner in the gap. Then let it set for a little bit, and then get one of those rubber lid grippers that you can get from "Bed Bath and Beyond" and grunt a little. (The grunting is required. lol :angry: ) This has worked for me in the past.


I use thinner and grunt power too. Works for me.

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As OK as all those ideas are, running the tap over it with full on hot for a few minutes will loosen any jar I've ever had. I've had some that sat for years literally and when left under a drizzling tap with scalding water they all came off. No need to hurt yourself.


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I've got them off! The hot water trick did it. I boiled the kettle, put the jars in the sink upside down and poured the hot water over them. left them for a few minutes and they came right off!! :o Whoo hoo!!!! B) Thanks again guys, I can get on painting my engine parts for my 36 Ford. B)

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As OK as all those ideas are, running the tap over it with full on hot for a few minutes will loosen any jar I've ever had. I've had some that sat for years literally and when left under a drizzling tap with scalding water they all came off. No need to hurt yourself.


I'm with Bob 100% .. hot water always works. It actually expands the lid .. at least metal/plastic and glass have different coefficients of expansion. It's the engineer in me! B)

I also just recently got a Jar Opener from Micro-Mark. I've looked at it for years and now sorry I never got before. No more dented metal caps from pliers! This item REALLY works! You'd think it's over kill when you have dozens of various pliers around, but it treats your tops well. B)

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I also use channel locks to hold the bottle and pliers to remove the cap.It's also a good idea after each use to wipe the top of the jar off with lacquer thinner to keep it clean,unless you shake your jars before using,then you'll have paint build up on the underside of the lid which you'll have to wipe away before putting it back on.I bought a battery operated paint stirrer from Micro-Mark that I use to mix the paint or sometimes use a 4" machine screw to mix paint,this way I don't need to shake the bottle which in turn keeps the lid clean.I also bought a glass jar at hobby lobby that has a coil inserted in it that is used for cleaning brushes,I filled that up with lacquer thinner and use it to clean the paint stirrer and the machine screw.Hope this helps and gives you some idea what to use so you don't have the problem again.

Sure does help, thanks George. :)

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I'll close the barn door for you now that the horse is gone. I keep some Qtips and thinner around where I paint and after I am done, I swab the lid around the edge with a Qtip dampened with a little thinner and then wipe off the top of the jar with a paper towel dampened with thinner. This prevents the problem that you had. I use to use strap wrenches(Google them to find a local source) to get the lids off. They work great for holding the bottles and applying even pressure.

P.S. I just noticed that you are on the other side of the pond. Qtip=cotton bud or swab. ;)

Edited by Pete J.
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The other sure-fire method of prevention is to never open the bottle when there may be paint in the lid, which means no shaking to mix, only stirring after the lid is off. I break that rule all the time, But it's one of my dad's rules and it works.

Edited by samdiego
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