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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Mike... thank you... oops I should of told everyone i waa trying to fire it up...lol. plese feel free to use any of my ideas as you will like. You can let me know if you have quesrions and I will be more than happy to help. I can't wait til you get started on your build for yourself.

Brad... i guess that is marking another milestone huj...lol i just realized i think I owe you pics that I need to send. The day hasent beem as Productive as I was hoping.

Joe...thanks man. The funny thing is that i did blow the tank off. I guess I thought I got all the water out. I am totally stoked that the side tins turned out the way they did.

Well fellas after spending some time sanding the transmission pieces. I have realized that the shapeways Lenco pieces are of their CS2 Style and the Army car actually has the CS1 style. So that means i will need to make a little modofication to this one... lol basically where tje shifter pod goes on the body the CS2 is offset from the centerline of the case where as the CS1 is on centerline.

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Ok Fellas.... I got a little bit done today after I got home from work..... You guessed it. I decided to do a little more painting today and well here it is.....

Here is the start of my painting session today. I decided to spray a little on my test body first:


Here is Alclad Polished Aluminum on the valve covers and blower:


Upclose of the blower:


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After getting the Alclad sprayed on I took a tissue to buff it just a tad and then sprayed Alclads Aqua Gloss over it which it toned the polished down just a bit but I think it still turned out ok. Here are a few different shots of it. I apologize that I wasn't able to get some really good pics of it. I was having trouble with the lighting:





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That Sir, is amazing. Often times in pictures, colors are misrepresented. However, I can actually tell that is is Polished Aluminum as opposed to Chrome.

I just picked up some Alclad Chrome as my first airbrush project. I do have a question though. I also got the black basecoat, but I haven't seen anyone clear coat it before putting down the color. Is that from a cool tip you got from a fellow modeler or did you have a "Eureka!!" moment and decide to try it? No matter what, the result is beautiful.

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Henry... Thank you very much.

Bob... Thank you. It feels good to have these parts painted.

Joe... Thanks Buddy. You are so right about the colors not looking the same in pics and in person. I will tell you that I used the black base from them the first time I used it. After I talked to John Teresi way back he told me how he sprayed his and I tired his method and I found I got better results spraying it the way he told me versus the method and pressure how alclad says. He also told me that he instead of the alclad base he sprayed a rattle can black and then cleared it with a urethane clear. So the next time I sprayed it I tried it by spraying my HOK black base and my urethane clear over it for the base which I found that I personally got a better result spraying Alclad over that than the Alclad black base. I had to experiment to learn how to spray it better. I hope this helps but I can explain it better when you are here at the DSC in April. The other big thing I would say is taking the time to prep the part. the better you have it prepped the better your results end up. I would experiment with a few bases and see what you get the best result with. I have to admit that I did a bunch of spoon samples for practice.

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Thanks for sharing your knowledge my friend. I had a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Teresi's name would come up eventually.

I'm on board with the "zero defects" concept for parts prep. I'll keep in mind what BMF looks like with a defect under it. Might as well have a Circus Barker pointing to it with his cane and shouting, "Ladies and Gentlemen and children of all ages!!! May I point out the garbage under the Bare Metal Foil or Alclad, as it may be!!!!! "

Only remaining question is, what's a good pressure to shoot Alclad at?

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Joe... you are welcome my friend. I have to say that John is the best Inknow when it comes to alclad. He is the Alclad master in my opinion.

Regardless of what you are spraying.... body or parts..... alclad or paint. The better you prep anything the better your results will be. Thats from my own experience. I would suggest sraying at a few different pressures and see what works best for you.

As far as pressure to spray alclad. I believe they recomment 12-15 psi. I personally shoot it at 25 to 30 psi at a farrther distance away and little different method.

Mike... thank you. I am happy with them at this point. I am sure they could be better but calling them good. plus he fact I dont want to start from the beginning again on these parts if I was to strip them. I need to be able to finish this thing sometime this year... LMAO

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Scott... I will be honest I probably waitied 15 minS or so before i did a light bufd with a tissue. there is also a little more to the "Teresi" method besides spraying it at a higher temp. I sorta do little circlea with the airbrush wjen spraying it veraus how Alclad says to shoot it at an angle to the serface. Hope this makes sense.

Tim... thank you. I found that i got better results trying it the way John does his. His Alclad work is beautiful. To any modeler I would say do what works best for you. If you need to tweak it a tad i say go for it. I find it so cool to learn from others on here.

Art... thanks brother. It feels like its starting to come together And progess is being made. I can't wait to aee more of the engine painted and together.

Hans... when it comes to gluing my e fine parts together I will most likely use some epoxy and micro scales krystal klear. I do use plasti zap and zap a gap from time to time in painted parts but i dont want to risk the fogging/hazing on these parts. To be honest a lot of the engine i have used hardware that I bolt it together with. Which will eliminate any glue.

Brad... thank you. It has felt goot to get a little paint down. Hoping to get the bell housing and ispection plate buttoned up tonight so I can paint it over the weekend.

Ray... thank you very much

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Martin.... Thank you. No the car that is lurking in the back ground isn't keeping me from this build... lol Here are a few shots of my 1971 Chevy El Camino....





Bob... Thank you so much. You are completely right that Alclad isn't that hard to use at all. The motor is taking a little more shape for sure. I would love to have it done though...lol

John.... What can I say my brother but I have learned from the Best with the Alclad from you. No way could I take your place you are the master when it comes to it.

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Ok Fellas... Got a few pics to show you what I have been up to on this build. Actually this week I had the guys at work turn some bottles for me. although they haven't done all of them yet but I wanted to show a few of what they started on for me. I had drawn all of these up in Solidworks and they used the 3D model to program one of the CNC lathes at work to make them. And I worked on more transmission work tonight.... here are a few pics....

Here are some of the bottles. these are just 2 of the 5 different sizes and styles I drew up:


Little bit of bondo work to the bellhousing:


Here is the Lenco CS2 piece which needs to be converted to a CS1 to look like whats in the Army Vega Funny car:


Here I am drilling out the hole to move the shifter plunger:


Here it is with the modifications before I shoot some primer on it:


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Then I had to modify the reverser section to match the one in the funny car. I had to add a portion of the rib back to it:



Here is a shot of the real car, you have to look close but you can see the rib on the reverser:


Then I added a little bit of a wash in the ribs on the valve covers and I had to set the parts on the engine to finally see what it looks like on it. So far I am quite happy with the results and how it looks. Just wish I had the engine finished...lol


Here is the other side:


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