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'06 Ford Mustang GT


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I have just started my second model ever and I thought I'd document the process.

The kit is a Revell Moden Muscle '06 Ford Mustang GT 1:25.


I've already seperated the parts from the trees, primered them, and seperated them into a tackle box.



I haven't decided on the color for the car yet, but I can wait on that since I plan to take a little more time on this one than my first build. I want to work on cleaning up mold line and such this time. Also having bouth this kit 3 or 4 years ago, opening it, and then moving 3 times since then, it looks like I've lost a few parts (wheel pins, exhaust tips, and a fog light back). I will deal with those when they come up though.

I plan to start work on this tonight. Thanks for viewing.

Edited by SkinnyDan
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Be kind? Dan, you should know by now that we are ALWAYS overly harsh and criminaly critical of ALL new builders, so you are totally out of luck here. :)

Seriously though. I look forward to seeing your work. I like your parts holder/tackle box idea and you are right, taking your time is key to success.

Unless you are Doctor Cranky and are building models with a magic wand from Hogwarts.

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OK Dan-

My first criticism is that you are WAAAAYYYY too organized. How in the world do you plan to lose a few more parts, run around the model room throwing a fit because you can't find what you did with that stinking part!!!

Oh, what? That's just me? Or, is it???

Really though. It's looking good so far and good to see that you have a plan to advance your abilities on this kit. I can't wait to see more.


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OK Dan-

My first criticism is that you are WAAAAYYYY too organized. How in the world do you plan to lose a few more parts, run around the model room throwing a fit because you can't find what you did with that stinking part!!!

Oh, what? That's just me? Or, is it???

I agree with Tom. How can you ever possibly expect to drop, and have magically vanish a critical suspension part, or perhaps even a exceptionally visually integral part of the engine with everything safely in a tackle box? :D

It really bad when you yell "Nobody MOVE!!" and you're the only one near the model desk.

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i'm gonna have to agree with these clowns..lols the fun part of this hobby is part hunting in the jungle of the carpet. with that box, there is no fun involved.. B)

looks like you have it under control. looking forward to what you can do. just take your time. you'll get it. :lol:

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Thanks everyone. I got the idea for the tackle box from a couple of builds I've seen here, also it helps me keep the parts away from my son who is 18 months old and likes to come visit daddy in his office. I plan to start work on this tonight or tomorrow depending on when my wife and son go to bed :). Right now I'm thinking I'm going to do the car in a lime green or dark green with black stripes and dechrome the wheels and paint them black, but I'm not sure yet.

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Great kit overall, but be advised that the stance will have to come down 1/16th of an inch to correct the 'Cat pooing in the litterbox' stance it has from the box. Also, wider/taller wheels/tires will not fit into the too-narrow fender wells without a fight!

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I got a little bit more done on this build in the last few days. I finished up the engine, and put on the first coat of paint for all of the chasis components.

Here's the engine.




Here's my paint set up for painting all of the chasis components.


The sway bars, radiator, radiator shroud, and a top view of the drive shaft.


A better view of the radiatro and shroud, along with the front struts.


All the aluminum painted parts.


And 2 pics of the base chasis. (Sorry for the blurry pics, I'm still trying to find the best settings for this camera._



Next up I need to give the parts a second coat of paint, and I need mask up and paint the parts that need a second color on them. Also I will be stripping the chrome from the stock wheels so that I can paint them this weekend, I found that the oven cleaner that they use at my wifes apartment complex she manages, stips chrome from the parts in about 5 minutes and doesn't hurt the plastic.

Also I have a question for anyone watching. Does anyone have some good pictures of a Mustang under carriage? The instructions call for the whole thing to be bright silver, but that just doesn't look quite right. And I's like to get it a bit more realistic, but I still won't be wearthering it since I don't feel comfortable with that yet, maybe on the next build.

Again thanks for watching this build.

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I'm not sure about the chassis color, but I should paint it black, or body color. Maybe flat black would be the best... I found few pictures from google, but as I said, I'm not sure about these. Here you have few pics.



I found also one picture, where was some gold shade on the floor boards. I can't post it: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board." But go to google and write "'06 Mustang chassis" and you'll find it.

Interesting project going on, that engine looks very good to me so far. Can't wait to see this one finished, I must buy one Mustang also, I mean new Mustang. Nice job on it so far, keep it going. It's going to look good. ;)

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Not sure of factory stock color for the chassis, but if you like it silver and want to make it more realistic try painting a few of the details different shades of silver and other metal colors. That usually breaks up the unrealistic monotone look. Also, I find on silver or aluminum colored parts, a thin black wash really separates features, adds scale "shadows", and gives a very realistic appearance. Info on washes can be found on this site, google, or YouTube - don't limit to model cars though, as this technique is used extensively in military, sci-fi, and other modeling.

Edited by Coyotehybrids
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One more question.

I'm somewhat stuck on my pick of colors. I know I want green with black stipes and wheels, but I'm not sure which shade of green. Which of the following greens do you think would look best? These are all Tamiya colors.

TS-20 Metallic Green


TS-35 Park Green


TS-09 British Green


TS-43 Race Green


And the black will be TS-40 Metallic Black


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The photos I've found of '06/'07 the chassis has a silverish-bronze color to it. So far Testor's Jet Exhaust is the closest thing I've found to replicate it. The cars on the tilt-able racks are '09 and newer body style...but I certainly have stolen them for reference when that kit finally lolly-gags it's way out of Revell's tooling lair.


And you can never go wrong with British Racing Green... B)

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