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I just left the ER with a leg brace and a script for some good meds. Looks like all those years of craziness have caught up with me. My left knee let go and I have to see the orthopedist Monday.

Up side is I get more time to build provided I'm not so stoned as to forget what I'm doing. :lol:

Thank God for a loving, caring wife.


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Whoa. Sorry to hear that.

Silver Lining Dept.: The good news is that it wasn't one or both hands, wrists or arms. You can still build! LOL.

Take care!


PS: I didn't see this before posting a 'wha happn'd' in the other thread. :)

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And just what were you doing to that knee to just make it 'let go'?

Actually, just mowing the yard. Trouble is, this knee has sustained numerous "owies" in the past. Shrapnel and bullet fragments, a bad parachute landing, and the rigors of a law enforcement career have left it susceptible to injury. And it really let me know it! :)


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I just left the ER with a leg brace and a script for some good meds. Looks like all those years of craziness have caught up with me. My left knee let go and I have to see the orthopedist Monday.

Up side is I get more time to build provided I'm not so stoned as to forget what I'm doing. :)

Thank God for a loving, caring wife.


Good luck with your knee. I have to have my right knee replaced around Dec/Jan. Too much work pulling stretchers over snow banks in

the winter, and 35 yrs on the job. I won't be able to drive for about a month and half. Going to be tough. Look after yours all you

can, and try not to have surgery unless there is no other way.

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Had knee surgery done about 20 years ago, to rebuild a shattered kneecap and repair some ligaments. Slipped on an icepatch, and met the curb with my knee. Not good. Anyway, if they cut you all up like they did mine, I gotta 10 inch scar, Take the THERAPY to heart! I wasn't supposed to be able to walk fast, much less run! I stayed with therapy 3 days a week, for 9 months. It was the BEST thing to do. I CAN run and jog an sprint an I feel like it never happened. Take your rehab seriously, and it'll work wonders!!! Good Luck!!!:D;) ;)

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Wayne: I know the feeling. Spent over 30 years chasing the bad guys and had to have my left knee replaced last year courtesy of riding a Harley 74 back in the years when I thought I would live forever. Good luck with your knee. A knee replacement is worth the hassle though. Again, good luck.

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I went through the knee brace and pain meds several months ago.

Never was sure what happened, just knew I went down.

Knee replacement is in my future but Dr.wants to wait as long as we can.

Goof luck, my friend.

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OK, you win! I will never complain about my knees again. On another note, almost all of the old BCP/RCMP Harley riders around here had to have hip replacements from kick starting the beasts.

I'll gladly defer and name someone else "the winner" B)

I went to traffic in '82. FNG + oldest bike in fleet = 1974 Harley FLH-P. I rode that wheel for a year and a half. I never needed to work out in a gym while riding that beast.

Harry, I'm on wife #4, this ones a keeper. :D


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My friend rode in the '40s and '50s, I don't know what model of bike was issued back then but I don't think that they were very user-friendly! I never rode bikes, only cars and trucks. By the way, you are still 'winner' until somebody can top you!

Edited by DanielG
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