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I Can't Access my PMs

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Harry if its your Apple.....get rid of firefox and Apple and buy a PC like the rest of us!! B) B) :D

What brand of computer I use has nothing to do with anything. The problem is not on my end, it's a technical problem with the site's server. Since I can't get at my PM function I thought I'd post this here and hope that Dave A. sees it.

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If you just upgraded to IE 9..and the menu will only go to profile, and not allow access to your PMs its the skin and IE9

Only glitch I've found with IE 9 remove ) until Dave Ambrose finds the patch.

Harry if its your Apple.....get rid of firefox and Apple and buy a PC like the rest of us!! :D;):P

This is a server error not a browser error.B)

The current outage is on the MCM end.

The issue of IE9 users inability to access PM's is apparently a Flash issue w/IE9. I recently got a new computer that naturally had IE9 installed w/the Windows 7 Pro operating system, and have the same problem. Even worse, a recent upgrade to Flash 10 has made many IE9 pages worthless; ads and videos want to go to the upper left corner of the page (and flicker like crazy) instead of where they belong. And before the "you are a complete moron for using IE instead of Firefox" crowd comes to my "defense" B), I prefer IE9 to Firefox because I can't stand the Firefox bookmarks menu. IE does it better. Period. But that's apparently all it does better, aside from the fact FF photos often cannot be right-click saved like they can be in IE. Unlike my previous computer, either browser is blazing fast now w/high speed cable internet and the 64 bit operating system. I have to use both browsers, if IE worked like it should all the time, I wouldn't use FF because of the annoying bookmarks and inability to easily save a lot of photos.

Edited by Zoom Zoom
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It's not just IE9 - Google Chrome does it also.

This message board seems awfully glitchy as a whole. I've been having non-stop accessing errors since I joined here, not just my messages, but also many other areas of the board too. That doesn't seem to be really condusive to longevity here.

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It's not just IE9 - Google Chrome does it also.

This message board seems awfully glitchy as a whole. I've been having non-stop accessing errors since I joined here, not just my messages, but also many other areas of the board too. That doesn't seem to be really condusive to longevity here.

You are correct. This board has been very buggy as of late. Oftentimes I get a similar message as everyone today is getting w/PM's, but often it happens just when opening any page...or sometimes when submitting to a thread. This place is buggier than a vintage VW meet :D

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FF photos often cannot be right-click saved like they can be in IE.

I've never had that happen. Right click on any photo displayed in FF and you get the dropdown menu that includes the "Save Image As..." option. At least that's how FF works for me.

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And before the "you are a complete moron for using IE instead of Firefox" crowd comes to my "defense" :D, I prefer IE9 to Firefox because I can't stand the Firefox bookmarks menu. IE does it better. Period.

I prefer the way Firefox does bookmarks WAY better that IE's way of "DO IT OUR WAY!" method. I really don't believe Microsoft has ever used their own software. ehhe

But that's why PC's sell more units than Mac's WE have a CHOICE as to what software to use!! Just imagine everyone having only one or two choices per software category ... I can't.

None of this is meant as "my way is better" ... it's all about personal choices.

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Can't access my messenger either. I'm sure it's because I don't have a Mac or Firefox. :D I also got a computer at risk warning. Think I'll avoid this place for a little while.

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I've never had that happen. Right click on any photo displayed in FF and you get the dropdown menu that includes the "Save Image As..." option. At least that's how FF works for me.

Won't work in Ebay Motors, for instance, and on some other sites. I could jump through flaming hoops and minimize the page and drag/drop the image into a folder, but that's a royal PIT you know what. Everyone raved about FF, and I did too, when IE was itself a royal pain. IE9 worked great aside from the issue w/this site, and then when Flash upgraded. I despise FF's "takes too many clicks" bookmark menu. Unless someone has some sort of add-on to allow FF to have bookmarks display permanently in the left hand margin (or right hand, I don't care, I just would like it there w/o having to constantly drop the menu down), which I find imminently easier to navigate in IE vs. FF's setup.

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Won't work in Ebay Motors, for instance, and on some other sites.

Hmmm... I see what you mean. I just tried ebay motors and you're right, the "Save Image as..." option doesn't come up. Strange. Must have something to do with an image also being a link or having some other sort of coding attached to it, so that the image is not only an "image" but something more. Oh well... apparently a quirk of FF.

I also tried it with Safari. Same problem.


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