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Buying more than is financially healthy

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Okay guys time to fess up. Every time I see the posts of 12+ kits posted in the "what I got today thread" I'm thinkin', "Wow, glad someones got the cash to spend."

How many of you spend more on (any) hobby related materials than is financially healthy for you? I see you guys with the 500+ kit collections and I gotta wonder. We've talked about the whole "hoarding" thing before, but what I see here sometimes borders on a compulsive spending disorder.

Discuss please.

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HA! Just models?????? I also collect all types of diecast, many of which cost hundreds of dollars each! Not to mention Hotwheels, gas station promos and anything else that I find to be cool!

On top of this, I'm restoring my (real) 69 Camaro for the second time.

Yes................I have a problem!

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HA! Just models?????? I also collect all types of diecast, many of which cost hundreds of dollars each! Not to mention Hotwheels, gas station promos and anything else that I find to be cool!

On top of this, I'm restoring my (real) 69 Camaro for the second time.

Yes................I have a problem!

Yep, diecasts, 1:1, and the other hobbies... don't even want to think how much I've got tied up in my 'recreational' activities!

As far as spending big bucks, well, over time, yeah- I think everybody amasses a small fortune over time. It's not like I buy 100 kits at a time. Would I if I could? Probably not, but I can easily see myself buying a dozen or so at a time. B)

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I spend way more than I should. It used to be good enough for me to buy a kit - work on that kit for a month or two - and buy no aftermarket stuff. Now I gotta get aftermarket this and photoetch that. I'll spend 40 on the model and 100 on ###### to go with it. Then about the time I've 75% done, I start the process over on a new project. My bedroom looks like a tiny car workshop. There's bodies drying over here and chassis stuff over there and finished wells over yonder. But I'm not married so I totally get away with it. :D

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if i tried to rationalize what i've spent on this hobby ALONE over the past 35 years or so.... i'd be committed to an institution for the mentally unstable. add to that what i've spent on ACTUAL automobiles.... they'd lose the key to the room.

i only buy multiple kits IF they're on serious discount or if i find some at a show. of late, the cost of a kit isn't nearly so aggravating as the cost of PAINT..... and the fact that it doesn't seem to go as far as it used to.

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I have to try to save as much as possible. I'm 13, and wash dishes at a restaurant. I get paid good, but I'm saving up for a lift kit for my truck, so you know, I don't want to spend a bunch of money on models. I get 95% of my actual models for Christmas and my birthday, but it's the paint that kills me :mellow:

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I don't spend more than I can afford. I haven't paid full price for a kit in several years thanks to coupons, deals at shows and just being a cheap sob. I also look for cheap paint at discount store's and auctions. With two young children, I have to be frugal with my hobby.

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I've bought a good number of kits this year and I'll be trying to cut back on my spending on kits for awhile as I have WAY too many kits that I'll never finish in my lifetime. I know that some guys have a thousand or more kits, some three thousand, but I myself am not going that route. I have passed on a couple of high dollar kits only because they're not worth that much to me. and if I did buy them, they would be on the pile with the rest of the kits that I have waiting to be built. What I need most is motivatiion to build everyday and to finish kits. I have the time, but I don't use it wisely enough to be where I want to be in this hobby.

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If I did buy them, they would be on the pile with the rest of the kits that I have waiting to be built. What I need most is motivatiion to build everyday and to finish kits. I have the time, but I don't use it wisely enough to be where I want to be in this hobby.

Amen brother.

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My collection of kits is far greater in number than I imagined it would ever be, 25 years ago, when I started in this hobby. That said, many kits were deals found at garage sales, swap meets, etc., purchased for pennies on the dollar. As for aftermarket items, I can confess to a more than sizable investment there. However, through this forum and the 'tips' section of hobby sites and magazines, I've discovered many household items and building methods that have eliminated the need for purchasing many more. My prepared justification, (should anyone ask), is that I don't drink or smoke, so this one vice shouldn't offend anyone. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

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Nope, people can call my stash ocd, hoarding or whatever, but no one is going without in my house due to my model budget.

I probably spend less on my styrene habits than many do on cigarettes or beer, and I know there are people who make less money than me, with more tied up in a boat, dirt bikes etc that rarely get used than I have tied up in my stash.

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"Styrene Junkie."

Now there's a magazine devoted to it! B)

Actually, that's really where the term comes from. You know you shouldn't spend that kind of money, but then you do. I feel rather guilty about 10% of the time whenever I buy a new kit, knowing chances are I won't ever build it.

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I wheel and deal antiques and antique motorcycles and parts as a second income, more like a hobby as well. I don't do it as agressively as I used to. I usually use money from this for my plastic addiction (about 300 Kits). I also collect knives and guns. I have this thing that I do. If I sell a gun, that money goes into the gun kitty to purchase another one, same with models and knives, although I don't sell many models. Sometimes I combine my savings for one purchase. I try not to tap into the house money.


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I've bought way more than I'd ever be able to build..as most have. My logic was, I'm not spending money at the bar anymore so why not, at least I'll have something to show for it. I also figured because of my disability, I wont be able to work forever...might as well buy them while I can afford them.Thing is, now I have too much to show for it. To the point where I spent a few weeks going through them, separating what i want from what i can part with. That came up to 700+ kits and still leaves me with close to 2k. that's still crazy! don't want to even estimate the cash I've spent on tools, paints, model and car magazine/books, aftermarket stuff ect..

There wa a point where I was walking into the hobby shop multiple times per week to buy kits. Got to the point where the owner started giving me a discount on anything I bought! lol Now, I just buy new releases

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I have always been a Collecter, I have a hard time parting with anything I have Built and/or Modified! At the time that I became disabled, and lost my ability to do any type of work that depended on mobility, and strength, I owned 26 1:1 Hot Rods and Muscle Cars. One of those cars Was an AV8 that I started Building when I was 12 years old. The Cars were: That first 29 Ford Roadster on the original frame boxed and strengthened, dropped front axel 40 Ford Brakes, 40 Ford Wheels, 46 Merc Flattie with Offy 8.5 Heads Two 97s on an Adapter, Isky 400 Camm, and the 46 Merc Trans had 39 Zypher Gears, it was painted with Black Primer from spray cans. I loved that old Rod, and kept it even though I built much better ones later. I finally parted with my 1:1 Rides because I couldn't take care of them, and we needed the money at the time! I'm also a Slot Car Racer and I still Have some of my Pro GRP7 Cars from the early seventies, I have over 800 Slot Cars, and a Large fully Terrained Track there are photographs of my track in the Model Racing section of this Forum. I only have about 200 Scale Model car kits.

My hobbies take up two rooms and part of another room, but I only spend about $25 to $30 a week on them. I also still buy a lot of books, I love to learn, and if the day comes when I can't learn something, I will nolonger be me! When I was Healthy I would spend a couple hundred dollars every week on hobbies, plus the money I spent On My Wife and I going out, and taking our Children places they wanted to go.

If I didn't have my Hobbies I wouldn't be able to make it from day to day with the amount of pain I have to live with, so neither my Wife or I think I spend to much on my hobbies!



Edited by Tom Setzer
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I try to only spend from my mad money account that I have set up. My mad money comes from anything I sell, loose change saved up over time and what little extra I make from my expense travel account from my job as a travelling salesman.

I don't NEED any more kits, in fact I should probably sell some that were definitely an impulse buy, and put that money aside for some of the recent announcements from the iHobby show.

Like others have stated, what I really need is to buy some motivation and get building more of my stash!

Is having too many kits a disease? Depends on how you look at it.

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At one time, I had over 1000 57 Chevys in plastic, die-cast, kits ect. I sold most of them, keeping the kits, to help fund my 1;1 57 Chevy rebuild.

As the kits got me into the real one, I always planned to build them all (still do) and said I wouldnt buy anything else but new issue 57 Chevy kits, to limit my spend.

Problem is, Revell's Limited Edition Range ! Oh, and those 57 sedan kits !!!

I'm still buying but also selling some of the older stuff.

Just dont tell my wife :(

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