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Buying more than is financially healthy

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Most of my collection (1,000+ kits) was aquired when I was heavy into dealing at swap meets. I bought out other collections and sold off what I didn't want to keep. back then I would buy anywhere from 50-200 models in a weekend, but i was making 60K+ a year back then. Recently I've been thinning out my stash, and have been buying kits I've wanted when they are a good deal, or if I'm particularly flush with funds. But my hobby has never taken food out of my family's mouth or made the rent late, and never will. That said I still have less invested in my models tools etc. than my niebor has invested in his bass boat. truck, trailer and fishing gear. Jus. sayin'. :wacko:

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The days when the little man had money to spend are finally over. A system called 'capitalism', which is solemnly engineered to shift money from the lower incomes to the higher ones has reached a point, where the largest proportion of the population is deprived of a decent standard of living, while the tiny rest doesn't know where to put all the doh, except into money laundry bank accounts on the Cayman Islands and yet another Lamborghini in a garage of one of the ten million-Dollar-villas sprinkled all over the world.

Hence I'm glad I accumulated my collection when this was still possible. Unfortunately I cannot sell anything off either, since the people who may be interested, had their money taken off them by the government to bail out banks.

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The days when the little man had money to spend are finally over. A system called 'capitalism', which is solemnly engineered to shift money from the lower incomes to the higher ones has reached a point, where the largest proportion of the population is deprived of a decent standard of living, while the tiny rest doesn't know where to put all the doh, except into money laundry bank accounts on the Cayman Islands and yet another Lamborghini in a garage of one of the ten million-Dollar-villas sprinkled all over the world.

Hence I'm glad I accumulated my collection when this was still possible. Unfortunately I cannot sell anything off either, since the people who may be interested, had their money taken off them by the government to bail out banks.

You sound a little bitter there Christian, not sure I agree with you. If you ever make it across the pond, drop by my mansion and we can go for a spin in the new Ferrari ;) .

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I wouldn't say I spend too much but i do spend alot of money on anything that has wheels. I have a pretty large collection of models, die cast, hot wheels, and 60's Schwinn bicycles. Not too mention my low 8 second camaro or my small block S10 cruiser. I'm fortunate to have a good job and no kids(yet).

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I wouldn't say I spend too much but i do spend alot of money on anything that has wheels. I have a pretty large collection of models, die cast, hot wheels, and 60's Schwinn bicycles. Not too mention my low 8 second camaro or my small block S10 cruiser. I'm fortunate to have a good job and no kids(yet).

Have you posted your bikes in the bicycle thread yet?

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Right now, a jar of paint is a bit of a stretch for me.

When I have a little extra money, I buy things that interest me and supplies. When I was working regularly and had a reasonable amount of money, I'd buy what was of interest and I could afford.

With some pending resumes, I'm hoping things will start to pick back up again and I can resume something bearing semblance to a normal mode of living.

Charlie Larkin

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I gotta say, lately I've become more of a collector than a builder (no real time for building with the hours I work). But I STILL only have around 20 unbuilt kits in my collection. I'll buy a kit on Ebay if the price is right, or at the LHS if it catches my eye (and I know I can afford it). I do however make sure the bills are paid first. It helps that I have a job where I come home with extra money every night.

I'm also saving to buy some extras for my 1:1.

Edited by grimreaper
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Back when I was 30 I got my first "real" job that allowed me a bit of money. I spent a lot of money on mail order models that I wanted. I hauled a large kit collection from apartment to apartment and rented rooms. I loved having those models. I could stare at them for hours. But all I had was a bunch of models and a used Volvo to my name. One day I decided to "grow up" and sell the little stuff to buy big stuff. Half the collection went for 5 grand which helped with the down payment on a house. Suddenly, I also got a bigger tax refend. Hmmm....

After my divorce, I went buying agian, this time on ebay. I had a box waiting for about two to three times a week, but I had no savings.

Now, I hardly buy anything now because my wish list is very small. I have just about everything I want and not enough of a lifetime to build them. I do have savings, but now at 49 I am concerned about my retirement. So now I have to take time learn how the stock market works so my 401K is not longer tithed to billionaires.


Junkman- Amen.

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The days when the little man had money to spend are finally over. A system called 'capitalism', which is solemnly engineered to shift money from the lower incomes to the higher ones has reached a point, where the largest proportion of the population is deprived of a decent standard of living, while the tiny rest doesn't know where to put all the doh, except into money laundry bank accounts on the Cayman Islands and yet another Lamborghini in a garage of one of the ten million-Dollar-villas sprinkled all over the world.

Hence I'm glad I accumulated my collection when this was still possible. Unfortunately I cannot sell anything off either, since the people who may be interested, had their money taken off them by the government to bail out banks.


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I like having my store.I don't really know how much is there.I only buy when I can say....I love that kit.if I say it would be nice.....I don't buy it.I also buy parts kits and kits that will be used a parts.which is most of the time now.I don't feel bad about what I have as far as my store goes....its fun and it keeps me alive.Thanks,Chris

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I like to spend the money I earn.That way the government doesn't get it.Can't take it with ya I know,but they ain't getting it either.More so now a days, but I don't trust banks at all($5 fee to use my $ come on).If you want spare money get rid of the credit and debit cards.I use soda can deposits for model money also.Pay your bills,yes,but be thrifty for your cause.I must add that my house makes less than $35,000 a yr.And we don't go without the basics It's amazing the amount of stuff we have on that income,yet I still complain now and again.Lucky or just a cheap skate?It also helps to have an under the table side gig or 2.I sell mower parts, I find in the fall and spring pick ups,a tire here a carb there.I got it for free, so I can charge what I want for it.My band money goes towards the model hobbie too.Scrap yards are a good source of income if your selling or buying.I just got a cool old rat rod-ish bicycle(American Flyer) for scrap rate$.20 a lb.,I'll post some pics of that in the bike post later.Keep an eye open for things others may need that way you have it if the conversation comes up.I just sold some 2x4's I got from work they thru out.All in all ,one mans junk helps another mans hobbie...Build on.

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I've been buying more model car kits than I build since perhaps 1961---When I learned that I couldn't get that kit I wanted to build when I wanted to build it. It really took off in my resin casting years--I HAD to get multiples of any kit I might want to do a conversion of. Still do it, although not to the extent I did years ago--but my klt stash still grows.


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