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About how many unbuilt kits do you have in your stash...?

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OK... The last time I actually counted all the unbuilt kits I have stockpiled, the total was 152. I've since added four with my Christmas purchases, making it 156. I know that this is probably going to be a fairly "small" total in comparison with a LOT of people. (For instance... I once asked Lyle Willets at a MAMA's NNL in Maryland how many unbuilt kits he thought he had, and his answer was...... about 7,000......!!!!!!)

I only buy kits of cars from the 20's through the very early 60's because those are the cars that I like... they have style and tons of chrome... I'm not into Big Rigs or any type of race cars. That's probably why my stash is so small.

Right now I have about 65 built kits. When I started back into the hobby in 1992, I built at least one or two cars a month, but as my skills improved it took longer and longer to finish a model and my build totals slipped to maybe 4 per year. For the last couple of years I've only built about 2 per year and it's bothering me that I don't have the urge to build more. I guess as I get older my patience level has shrunk and when things don't go right during a build, I get annoyed and frustrated and I wind up just putting everything back in the box to hopefully come back to it at a later date.

Even with my relatively small unbuilt stash, I know that at the rate that I build, I won't live long enough to build everything... But I, like everyone else, just keep on buying all the new, cool kits that come out of the cars that I like.

So...... at the risk of giving away any of your "secrets"...... How many unbuilt kits do you have stockpiled...... and how many built kits do you have......??????

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Why are you apologizing ? Even if its been discussed its still OK to ask and I still find the answers interesting. I also like seeing the pics posted of hundreds of kits stacked up LOL

So its been done before and it'll be done again, and personally that's ok with me.

For me its 50 unbuilt. I keep it about 50 because its manageable for me. I have paint for just about all of them. I build one then I buy one... So I am always right around 50. I don't stay attached to the built ups either. Except for a handful I;d never sell. I do eventually sell kits so I can have PauyPal money to buy more stuff

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Well here's the thing,I have a whole lot of kits, like there is probably a comma involved.early on, once I had a job, I would buy models when ever and wherever I could. I pretty much bought every new release from 1990 on up.kinda slowed down when other responsibilities arrived. so right about now I think I have too many.I believe you have the right idea keeping it where you have it.I just like so many different genres it is hard to narrow down.as for how many built it is just such a ridiculous ratio .............I HAVE STARTED A LOT OF THEM I AM JUST WAITING FOR SOME PARTS.and the finishing fairy.

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Don't really know, I've had to get so creative with finding storage for all of them I've forgotten where i've put many of them. Every now and then I'll open a box from this closet or a bin from that corner of the attic and rediscover a dozen or so kits I'd completely forgotten I had. :blink:

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ATM I have about 800 kits. Only a fraction have been opened, afew have been started...very few have been completed. I'm almost done my first build for the new year, the new Revell Compuware Vette.

I do need to go through those opened kits though, I have a few tools and Slixx decal sets I cant find, and they only place they can be is in one of those opened kits! Not looking forward to that!

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Rich, it doesn't matter how many times it has been posted. Thank God not every question is answered with a demand to search for the previous time it was asked! How boring would that be?!

I have around 1400+ or -. Not really buying much now, especially reissues. Luvin' the Moebius stuff!

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Not much right now, maybe 15? but thats because i started my collection over. I had a hard time rebuilding the ones i had and just said screw it and started over. im only young so i can still do that hahaha. but im purchasing alot more online now and am slowly getting my collection up! i scored 3 yesterday , AMT 68 elcamino, 62 Chev Convertable, 67 GTO all 3 for 10 bucks!!! plus they had the seal on them still!

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Rich, it doesn't matter how many times it has been posted. Thank God not every question is answered with a demand to search for the previous time it was asked! How boring would that be?!

Exactly Jon. It defeats the whole purpose of an interactive forum. I used to belong to another forum that actually had a grammar and spelling rule (which I broke constantly) and a search first rule (which I also broke constantly). I decided to stop posting there LOL

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Erik, that's funny because that's how many I have, no more, no less. Every once in while I just need to cull from the stash to make more room. Not enough lifetimes to finish them all, sure, but they are fun to have around. It's good for the imagination.

If you keep doin 3 day builds you could get em all built. LOL

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If I didn't build just about everything I would have a fairly unremarkable stash of kits, but since I have so many interests I have rather large pile. Smaller than some, bigger than others (rough estimate 700-1000 kits but at least 1/2 are 1/72).

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