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What do you do if you won what I won?

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I went to the IPMS 08 Open here in Sweden, and took home 2 Gold Medals and 1 Bronze medal. If that wasn't enough. I also was very surprise after winning two special prizes. 1. a Peterbelt Truck and the mother of all prizes...A 1/6 Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.B armor tank. Talk about flabbergasted. My first thought when I walked up to recive it, I the hell am I going to get it home? :) I took the wife and kid with me and believe me there was no room in the car, if you include my seven models. Well, that is another story all together. But seriously, I've never built a WWII tank, let alone in scale 1/6...Ha Ha Ha... To make things even stressful, the whole audience wants to see it done by the next IPMS, which will be next year....oopps. I don't think so. ;)

Just thought I'd share.


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Well, first, considering the quality of your builds I find it hard to believe you earned only two golds and one bronze.

Second, I believe if anyone can do justice to that behemoth of a kit, you can.

Third, when you finish it, send it to me!

Good Job!


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I've seen those advertised (yeah, I look at all kinds of stuff because I build all kinds of stuff...or, at least I START all kinds of stuff). They are HUGE. I would expect a fun build, but you have to have a place to put it. It's not standard shelf item. I have 1/15 scale tanks, and they are about 16-18" I think. Figure about 2-1/2 times that(?). Not quite as crazy as this one: http://www.ebay.com/...=item27be62e332

My first thought, especially if you're not into building military...or very LARGE military models...would be to sell it. You could use the $$$ to but more of what yoiu like to build. Like that classic truck you have there. I have one of those I started in 1971 when I was stationed in the Azores, and I STILL have not finished it. sigh. :P

BTW: That's a White Freightliner, not a Peterbilt...not that it matters 'cause it's a really nice model.

Oh..that tank would fit easily in the back of my Suburban. :) Hmmmm...how much would it cost to get that beast to Las Vegas? Probably as much as a flight here from Sweden. :o

Edited by deja-view
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I like the idea of trading it, except how would he ship it. He could just about drive it there. :)

Yeah, there's ones like this with all the RC equipment, too. It looks like there's a big "club" of enthusiasts for military in hige scale...with an aftermarket of hundreds of extra parts, figures, guns, etc. If one had the space and time it probably would be a lot of fun, but I have a feeling it gets a little like playing Dungeons and Dragons with 1/6 scale pieces...total over-involvement after awhile. I'll bet they'd love to take over the skate parks and redo them for tank battles. :)

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Thanks guys. I'll post some pics when I get the chance of the parts so you get to see how big they are. If you ever played with GI joe's action figures then you pretty much get an idea of how big this tank is. I think the figures are the same scale, if I'm not mistaken.

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Thanks guys. I'll post some pics when I get the chance of the parts so you get to see how big they are. If you ever played with GI joe's action figures then you pretty much get an idea of how big this tank is. I think the figures are the same scale, if I'm not mistaken.

If you're talking about the old school ones (more like barbie dolls than the ones that came out in the 1980's), then I believe you are correct. Those were about 12" tall, and if you figure the height of the average man to be six feet tall, that would be a perfect scale.

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If you're talking about the old school ones (more like barbie dolls than the ones that came out in the 1980's), then I believe you are correct. Those were about 12" tall, and if you figure the height of the average man to be six feet tall, that would be a perfect scale.

I thought so. In fact, that's what they used as figures on the box.

i wouldve sold it lol thats 7 or 8 spaces worth of kits

Yep!!. Lots of great kits I could get for the cost of this beast. Still considering.

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Congrats, awesome , second, i would probly have a heart attack and never get to build it..LOL

I am too afraid I would mess it up.

You must have had a very nice model for the prize's you won!

Well, for me it was not much of a big deal but I guess the judges liked the builds more than I did. Most of you guys have already seen them. Here they are:













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