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Stupid Things You've Done While Modeling

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Stupid and public. The club used to do the hobby show in Toronto when it still existed. We would have a display and then sit at either end building. Glued my fingers together with ca while people watched. O.K. no problem, I have debonder. Used debonder but not all fingers came apart so without looking up I grabbed what I thought was more debonder but instead it was more ca. So I ended up with whole left had glued together and had to use a lot of debonder to get the whole mess apart. All this while people watched...This is what not to do when building a model..... :unsure:

I've done that, but fortunately it wasn't in public.


Now for something a little less dumb............................ yet equally entertaining.

Long long ago, in a place called my parents basement, I took the liberty of shooting an "empty" spray can of purple metalflake enamel with my BB rifle.

Some would find it amazing that I can remember the color nearly 50 years after the fact. I on the other hand will NEVER forget the spout of purple metalflake enamel erupting from the can. Nor will I forget the way the jet of paint propelled that can throughout the basement, covering everything in it's path with purple metalflake enamel.

Everything, the floor, the walls, the pet turtle, every m+#$!^ %^&*ing thing.



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I've done that, but fortunately it wasn't in public.


Now for something a little less dumb............................ yet equally entertaining.

Long long ago, in a place called my parents basement, I took the liberty of shooting an "empty" spray can of purple metalflake enamel with my BB rifle.

Some would find it amazing that I can remember the color nearly 50 years after the fact. I on the other hand will NEVER forget the spout of purple metalflake enamel erupting from the can. Nor will I forget the way the jet of paint propelled that can throughout the basement, covering everything in it's path with purple metalflake enamel.

Everything, the floor, the walls, the pet turtle, every m+#$!^ %^&*ing thing.



And this concludes this episode of "World's Dumbest Model Builders". :lol:

No offence with the "dumbest" part.

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I've done that, but fortunately it wasn't in public.


Now for something a little less dumb............................ yet equally entertaining.

Long long ago, in a place called my parents basement, I took the liberty of shooting an "empty" spray can of purple metalflake enamel with my BB rifle.

Some would find it amazing that I can remember the color nearly 50 years after the fact. I on the other hand will NEVER forget the spout of purple metalflake enamel erupting from the can. Nor will I forget the way the jet of paint propelled that can throughout the basement, covering everything in it's path with purple metalflake enamel.

Everything, the floor, the walls, the pet turtle, every m+#$!^ %^&*ing thing.



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Too funny. How'd the finish coat on the turtle come out? :P

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Too many to count. However most recently.........

CA glue on toothpick. Dab toothpick on part. Set toothpick down. Glue part to another part.

15 minutes later, sitting on couch with wife when whe looks over grins and pulls off the toothpick that is glued to my forearm.

Don't sweat it though, as long as your "stupid thing" doesn't land you in the ER you are doing fine. Not all of us can say that though. <_<

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Holding cap of Superglue in mouth while gluing parts. Went to put nozzle of bottle back into cap & missed. Result - bottle of CA glue attached to lip.

Stripping chrome. I have to Caustic Soda solution made up so I make nice strong batch and while it is still gassing out I throw the parts in. Who knew the exothermic reaction taking place would be bhot enough to twist & warp the parts?* Got the chrome & the lacquer off real quick though.

* I did actually. I just forgot and was in a hurry.

And as for the Exacto rolling off of the bench - best tip I ever read (forget where) was to put a cable tie tight around the end of the handle and snip the lose bit off. It will stop any rolling and won't get in the way.

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i do so manny stupid things i don't think there is enough room on this forum to list them all. but ere is just one.

i reached for a brush and as i brung my arm back i elbowed the open jelly jar of laquer thinner all over the work tabl the model and me. and let me tell you when that stuff hits your stuff and you guys know what i mean. ooooooowwwwwwww.


Edited by jerseyjunker1
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Yes it is, and I have the scar on my left thigh to prove it! :blink:

That's where I have it, too. All the way in, to the holder.

Still in the dark ages of modelling, I used Humbrol metallic paint for engine blocks. I painted them, by holding them at the gearbox end, and brush paint them.

Sometimes a bit of the paint would go on the fingers I held them with, and I then washed that off with a bit of thinners.

One day, I was still a fairly young lad, after doing a bit of Humbrol metallic engine painting, I changed and went out clubbing.

That night, people kept staring at me in a weird way and I already had checked my zipper, whether my shirt is buttoned up the right way, the lot.

I then went to the restrooms and with one glance in the mirror, I knew what was going on.

When I still had Humbrol blue metallic paint on my fingers, I must have rubbed my eyes and now had nice, sparkling blue metallic eyeshadows.

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Stupid thing: I was applying decals to a model many moons ago, and using a short 'highball' style of glass from the kitchen cabinet for the water. While decaling I was carrying on a casual conversation with a friend, and I had a small glass of iced tea nearby....in mid-conversation, I grabbed the wrong glass and took a healthy sip of decal water.

Really stupid thing/freak accident: One evening about 25 years ago, I was fiddling at the bench when something frustrated me....I went to toss my X-Acto knife down onto the table and walk away, and it somehow pierced a spray can....everything received a healthy 'peppering' of Testors flat white, including 2 of my finished builds. I dismantled both models in order to re-do them, and they ultimately became parts donors. I no longer keep finished models or spray paints near my work area.

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That's where I have it, too. All the way in, to the holder.

Still in the dark ages of modelling, I used Humbrol metallic paint for engine blocks. I painted them, by holding them at the gearbox end, and brush paint them.

Sometimes a bit of the paint would go on the fingers I held them with, and I then washed that off with a bit of thinners.

One day, I was still a fairly young lad, after doing a bit of Humbrol metallic engine painting, I changed and went out clubbing.

That night, people kept staring at me in a weird way and I already had checked my zipper, whether my shirt is buttoned up the right way, the lot.

I then went to the restrooms and with one glance in the mirror, I knew what was going on.

When I still had Humbrol blue metallic paint on my fingers, I must have rubbed my eyes and now had nice, sparkling blue metallic eyeshadows.

Oh you beast!

It'll be the East end for you luv.


Edited by Agent G
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Having an open jar of lacquer thinner on the workbench and telling myself over and over "its OK, I wont knock it over" Lacquer thinner melts plastic almost as good as Tenax.

Got a hoot out of the "dont squeeze your legs together to keep the exacto from falling on the floor". Seems I am not unique :lol:

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Years ago while still a teenager I used vice grips to remove the lid from a bottle of Testor's green enamal. Needless to say I the vice grips clamped down and shattered the top of the bottle and the paint ended up on the recently installed beige carpet in my bedroom.

Dad tore me a new one.


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When I was younger, long hair was the fasion. I was using a Dremmel keeping a close eye on the piece I was working on. My hair got caught in the Dremmel & I ended up smacking myself in the head with the hand I was holding it in. Luckily I was able to turn it off & unravel my hair from it.


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I could write a long winded book on STUPID things i've done,, not only plastic, but i build 1/16 out of wood,,

and let me tell ya,, if you want to slow up on you work,,, Just run your Thumb through the table saw one time,,,

It will give you a vacation from your work,,,LOL .. Thats my one,,no more..

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When I build with Brass I use a soldering gun as apposed to a soldering wand (the long stright heat stick with a handle). Well I broke my gun so I purchased a new one on eBay and while waiting for delivery I decieded to buy a soldering iron from the LHS. Somewhere in the middle of working on my project I forgot I was working with a iron and I reached over to grab it (keep in mind irons stay hot). I ended up with 1st degree burns on both my index and pointer fingers cause I grabed it like it was a cigar between those fingers. Oh man that hurt sooo bad!! :blink: Ok so I run to the fridge and ice the fingers up. I sit back down at my work bench and no more than 3 mins later I repeat the dumb move again! :wacko: Same fingers burned again. Needless to say that soldering iron went in the trash. :angry:

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Guest JamesDE

Some dumb things I have done....

One time I was laying a gold base coat on a model and the ###### nozzle stuck and wouldn't stop spraying.... Thinking I could stop it from spraying by putting the cap back on.... Thank god I was outdoors....

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I was redoing a previous build and needed to remove the carbs from the intake I had used before. No matter how hard I tried I could not break the carb off so I decided to cut it off with my knife. Holding the manifold in my left hand I pressed harder and harder until, POP! The carb went flying across the room but I didn't care because I had almost cut my thumb in two. The knife went in about the middle of the tip of my thumb and sliced horizontally through to just behind the end of the nail. I couldn't have cut it cleaner with a scalpel. And blood, oh my God the blood, it bled for hours. I probably should have gotten stitches but didn't, I thought it was never going to heal.

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I was redoing a previous build and needed to remove the carbs from the intake I had used before. No matter how hard I tried I could not break the carb off so I decided to cut it off with my knife. Holding the manifold in my left hand I pressed harder and harder until, POP! The carb went flying across the room but I didn't care because I had almost cut my thumb in two. The knife went in about the middle of the tip of my thumb and sliced horizontally through to just behind the end of the nail. I couldn't have cut it cleaner with a scalpel. And blood, oh my God the blood, it bled for hours. I probably should have gotten stitches but didn't, I thought it was never going to heal.

How's the feeling in that thumb now Brian? It's just that I did something similar to a finger at work (slicing silicone caulking off of a Dozer with a box cutter), didn't get it stitched and ever since the very end has been numb...

Nerve damage I guess, but would getting it professionally seen to have prevented it?

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I was redoing a previous build and needed to remove the carbs from the intake I had used before. No matter how hard I tried I could not break the carb off so I decided to cut it off with my knife. Holding the manifold in my left hand I pressed harder and harder until, POP! The carb went flying across the room but I didn't care because I had almost cut my thumb in two. The knife went in about the middle of the tip of my thumb and sliced horizontally through to just behind the end of the nail. I couldn't have cut it cleaner with a scalpel. And blood, oh my God the blood, it bled for hours. I probably should have gotten stitches but didn't, I thought it was never going to heal.

I did something like that when I was a teenager w/ an exacto knife..was working on a Revell '59 Skyliner. Had to go to the hospital and get stitches...still have a scar on my thumb 25 years later...

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